

Results 97 - 120 of 125
No author.
No author.
No author.

No author.

The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. XCIII- from January to June 1902.

London; 1902; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: six-coupled express locomotive, Eastern Railway of France (M.L. Salomons, engineer, Eastern Works at Epernay, builders), with a double page supplement with a woodengraved view of the locomotive; twin-screw triple-expansion engines, s.s. Arundel (William Denny and Brothers, Dumbarton, engineers), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the engines; metre-gauge Fairlie engines, Burma Railway Company (the Vulcan Foundry Company, Newton-le-Willows, engineers), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the engines; peat fuel works, Stangfiorden, Norway, with ills.; eight-coupled coal engine, North Eastern Railway, with a folding, woodengraved, view of the engine; Electrolytic Alkali Works at Middlewich, with ills.; His Majesty's first class battleship "Queen" (constructed at Devonport dockyard), with a folding plate with a view of the ship; French self-propelled lorries, with ills.; compound narrow-gauge locomotive, Indian-Netherlands Railway, Java (Mr. B.A. Gratama, Java, engineer), with a view of the locomotive; index; XVI, 640 pp.

Former library copy.


€ 120,00

No author.

The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. XCIX- from January to June 1905.

London; 1905; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: the Baltic fleet, some typical vessels, with ills.; the building of the Japanese battleship "Kashima" (Sir W.G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne, builders), with, i.a., a double page supplement with ills.; Larkhall and Stonehouse viaducts, Caledonian Railway, with folding supplement with plans and fig.; compound express locomotive, Great Northern Railway (Mr. H.A. Ivatt, Doncaster, engineer), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the locomotive; Cargo Fleet Ironworks Furnaces and Coke Ovens, with double page supplement with ills.; four cylinder compound express locomotive Bavarian State Railways (Herr J.A. Maffei, Munich, engineer), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the locomotive; Hotchkiss six-pounder semi-automatic gun (Hotchkiss Ordnance Company, London, engineers), with ills.; Italian battleship "Regina Margherita", with a folding, woodengraved, view of the ship; index; XVI, 662 pp.

Former library copy.


€ 120,00
Nollet, (Jean Antoine).
Nollet, (Jean Antoine).

Nollet, (Jean-Antoine).

Brieven over de elektrisiteit. Deel 1 (van 2). Uit het Fransch vertaald,en met eenige aantekeningen en byvoegsels, meest uit andere werken, van den zelfden schryver, vermeerderd, door den vertaaler van Nollet's Natuurkundige lessen.

Utrecht / Amsterdam; 1773; S. de Waal en G. Warnars. Contemporain halfleer. Klein 8vo. Met 3 uitslaande platen. XL, 355 p.

Ca. 5 cm van de kneep aan één zijde los. Zeer zeldzame Nederlandse vertaling!


€ 115,00
Oudejans, J.C..

Oudejans, J.C..

Zeolite catalysts in some organic reactions.

N.pl.; 1984; softcover; figures, tables, graphics; thesis; text in English, summary in Dutch; 138 pp.

Fine copy.


€ 20,00
Palm, L.C. (ed.).

Palm, L.C. (ed.).

Alle de brieven van Antoni van Leeuwenhoek. Uitgegeven, geïllustreerd en van aantekeningen voorzien door een Commissie van Nederlandse Geleerden. Deel XII/ The Collected Letters of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, edited, illustrated and annotated by a Committee of Dutch scientists. Part XII.

Lisse; 1989; Swets & Zeitlinger B.V.; hardcover with dust jacket; text in Dutch and English; index of names and subjects; plates in b&w; 441 pp. followed by 8 plates.

Volume XII: 1696-1699. Back dust jacket with a slight rubbed scratch. First blank endpaper with owner's entry.


€ 74,00
Pregl, Fritz.

Pregl, Fritz.

Die Quantitative Organische Mikroanalyse.

Berlin; 1917; Julius Springer; first ed.; 38 ills. in b&w.; stamped cloth; 16x24 cm.; 189 pp.

Enclosure: Errata. Cloth foxed at the edges. Very fine copy!


€ 90,00
Puil, Nelleke van der.

Puil, Nelleke van der.

Development and catalytic testing of zeolitic coatings.

No place; 1997; softcover; ills., fig., graphics, tables; thesis; text in English, with a summary in Dutch; 221 pp.

Fine copy.


€ 40,00


Vakblad voor de bouw-ambachten. 3e Jaargang, nrs. 1 (7 januari 1907) t/m 50 (16 december 1907).

Doetinchem; 1907; C. Misset; halflinnen met gemarmerde platten; ill.; tientallen uitslaande tekeningen, met o.a. bouwkundige constructies; binnenwerk met talrijke advertenties gerelateerd aan het vakgebied der bouw-ambachten; 918 p.

Zeldzaam! Enkele van de uitslaande tekeningen met scheur. Rug vernieuwd.


€ 190,00
Reeuwijk, L.P. van.

Reeuwijk, L.P. van. The thermal dehydration of natural zeolites. Wageningen; 1974; H. Veenman & Zonen; softcover; thesis; figures, tables, graphics; text in English, summary in Dutch; 88 pp. Cover slightly discoloured along extremities. [32977]

€ 25,00
Remijnse, J.D..

Remijnse, J.D..

Proton magnetic resonance studies of specifically deuterated cyclohexane compounds.

Delft; 1971; W.D. Meinema; softcover; figures, tables; thesis; text in English; summary in Dutch; 62 pp.

Near fine copy.


€ 20,00
Robinson, William R., Odom, Jerome D., Holtzclaw jr., Henry F..

Robinson, William R., Odom, Jerome D., Holtzclaw jr., Henry F..

General chemistry with qualitative analysis.

Boston/ New York; 2010; Houghton Mifflin Company; hardcover; 10th edition; ills., tables, diagrams; index; XXIV, 1,058 pp., followed by appendixes.

Very fine copy.


€ 20,00
Roscoe, H.E..
Roscoe, H.E..

Roscoe, H.E..

Die Spectralanalyse in einer Reihe von sechs Vorlesungen mit wissenschaftlichen Nachträgen von H.E. Roscoe. Autorisirte Deutsche Ausgabe bearbeitet von C. Schorlemmer.

Braunschweig; 1873; Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn; zweite vermehrte Auflage; mit 80 in den Text eingedruckten Holzstichen, Chromolithographien, Spectraltafeln &c.; original halfcloth with marbled boards; 8vo; XVI, 300 pp.

Cover slightly worn along extremities. Spine ends a trifle damaged. Interior somewhat dampstained.


€ 29,00
Rost, Johannes Leonhardus.
Rost, Johannes Leonhardus.
Rost, Johannes Leonhardus.

Rost, Johannes Leonhardus.

Beginselen der waare sterrekunde: Door welke men niet alleen op eene zeer gemakkelyke wyze komen kan tot de kennis dier noodige wtenschap; Maar tegelyk ook tot een regtmatig begrip van den waaren grondslag der Geographie, en Zeevaart.

Haarlem; 1748; Jan Bosch. Full calf binding; spine with gilt red label and five raised bands.Compartments with gilt floral ornaments. Title page printed in red and black; 26 folded plates with 115 illustrations; marbled endpapers(24), 484, (46) pp.

Very rare and well preserved first and only Dutch edition, translated from German: "Atlas Portatilis Coelestis, oder compendiöse Vorstellung des gantzen Welt-Gebäudes in den Anfangs-Gründen der wahren Astronomie".


€ 1500,00
Sartory, Ch.

Sartory, Ch. In the service of the electron; a record of achievement in the field of electronics.

Eindhoven; ca. 1950; Philips; cloth, gilt stamped, with dust jacket; ills. in colour and b&w; includes the booklet "Philips Technisch Tijdschrift, year 16 no. 3, March 1954", pp. 61-96; 176 pp.

Dust jacket damaged and loosely inserted.


€ 22,00
Schoedler, Fr..
Schoedler, Fr..

Schoedler, Fr..

Das Buch der Natur; die Lehren der Botanik, Zoologie und Physiologie, Paläontologie, Astronomie, Mineralogie, Geologie, Physik und Chemie umfassend und allen Freunden der Naturwissenschaft insbesondere den höheren Lehranstalten gewidmet. In drei Teilen. I, II:1, 2, III: 1, 2:1, 2

Braunschwieg; 1897-1915; Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn; 23rd., compl. rev. ed. by B. Schwalbe and O.W. Thomé; (folding) ill., plans, tables, a few in colour; colth; resp. XII and416, XVI and 694, XVIII, VIII and 766, XIV and 319, XIV and 2114 pp. (last 2 vols. consecutive numbering).

From vol. II:1 by H. Böttger and B. Schwalbe. Rust stained. Covers with traces of wear. Cover of vol II:2 damaged. Gothic letters.


€ 55,00
Shopenhauer, Arthur.
Shopenhauer, Arthur.

Shopenhauer, Arthur. Über den Willen in der Natur. Eine Erörterung der Bestätigungen, welche die Philosophie des Verfassers, seit ihrem Auftreten, durch die empirischen Wissenschaften erhalten hat. Leipzig; 1878; F.A. Brockhaus; hardbound cloth; spine with gilt lettering; small 8vo; 4th edition; adapted by Julius Frauenstädt; XXXI, 147 pp. Fine copy. [33686]

€ 40,00
Snellen, H., Talma, S., Gillavry, Th. H. Mac, e.a. (red.).

Snellen, H., Talma, S., Gillavry, Th. H. Mac, e.a. (red.).

Feestbundel van natuur- en geneeskundige onderzoekingen, ter gelegenheid van den 70-sten verjaardag van Franciscus Cornelis Donders.

Amsterdam; 1888; F. van Rossen; linnen; goud- en blindbedrukt; ingenaaid; 8vo; bijdragen door verschillende auteurs; 17 uitvouwbare platen met gelithografeerde figuren; tab. en fig. tussen de tekst; VIII, 546 p. gevolgd door de 17 uitvouwbare platen.

Lichte vochtschade in de bovenmarges van de platen en op de achterzijde van de band. Naam vorige eigenaar op titelblad.


€ 60,00
Sommer, J.G..
Sommer, J.G..
Sommer, J.G..

Sommer, J.G.. Merkwaardige bijzonderheden, inhoudende de nieuwste ontdekkingen in de natuurkunde, natuurlijke historie, land- en volkenkunde, op alle gedeelten van den aardbol. Derde deel. Amsterdam; 1826; Ten Brink & de Vries; zachte kaft; 8vo; met 3 platen, naar gravures, "Gezigt van Chiwa", "Graf van een Eskimo" en "Het vervoeren van de buste van Memnon" (op de titelpagina); inhoud o.a. Chiwa en haar bewoners, de IJslanders en de landen aan den Mississippi; 316 p. Rug vernieuwd, platten hier en daar geschaafd, voorplat met groter stuk ontbrekend papier dat over het plat hoort te zitten. Band licht beduimeld, klein hapje uit de rechter benedenhoek van de voorzijde. Schut- en titelblad laten aan de onderzijde iets los. Binnenwerk met af en toe wat vochtschade, met name langs hoeken en randen. Loopt o.a. door in de hoek van de plaat van Chiwa. Laatste bladzijde, met mededeling voor de binder, met weggescheurd- of geknipt stuk, zonder verlies van tekst. [28384]

€ 40,00
Spaeth, Eduard.
Spaeth, Eduard.
Spaeth, Eduard.

Spaeth, Eduard.

Die chemische und mikroskopische Untersuchung des Harnes. Ein Handbuch zum Gebrauche für Ärzte, Apotheker, Chemiker und Studierende. Mit 116 in den Text gedruckten Abbildungen und einer Spektraltafel.

Leipzig; 1912; Verlag von Johann Ambrosius Barth; halfleather with marbled boards, raised bands; 4th, revised, edition; 8vo; ills.; register; XXII, 845 pp.

Except for occasional foxing on the edges a very fine copy.


€ 20,00
Tit, Tom.
Tit, Tom.
Tit, Tom.

Tit, Tom.

Scientific amusements.

London, Edinburgh; no year (ca. 1925); Thomas Nelson and Sons; hardbound cloth; figures; 178 experiments and recreations; translated from the French and adapted by Cargill G. Knott; 413 pp.

2 small stains on frontcover, otherwise a near fine copy.


€ 19,00
Var. authors.

Var. authors.

Comprimo Mosaic; a state-of-the-art review, fifty years of engineering experience.

Amsterdam; 1974; Comprimo B.V.; gilt printed cloth; ills., fig., tab., diagr.; text in English; 268 pp.

Spine and portion of cover discoloured.


€ 34,00
Vreede, C..
Vreede, C..

Vreede, C..

Appareil pour les signaux de nuit et de brume du livre international des signaux et télégraphe optique.

Leiden; 1883; E.J. Brill; softcover; 8vo; folding, lithographed plate with figures; folding plate with a copy of a letter; 16 pp.

Unopened copy.


€ 25,00
Vreede, C..
Vreede, C..

Vreede, C..

Night- and fog signalling apparatus for the international signal-book and optical telegraph.

Leiden; 1883; E.J. Brill; softcover; 8vo; folding, lithographed plate with figures; folding plate with a copy of a letter; 16 pp.

Unopened copy.


€ 25,00
Vreede, C..
Vreede, C..

Vreede, C..

Signalsystem für Nacht- und Nebelsignale aus dem internationalen Signalbuche, auch als optischer Telegraph zu gebrauchen.

Leiden; 1883; E.J. Brill; softcover; 8vo; folding, lithographed plate with figures; folding plate with a copy of a letter; 16 pp.

Unopened copy.


€ 25,00