Hittorf, W..
Über die Wanderungen der Ionen Während der Elektrolyse. Erster Teil. Zweite Hälfte. Ostwald's Klassiker der Exakten Wissenschaften. Nr. 21. Nr. 23.
Leipzig; 1903 / 1904; Wilhelm Engelmann; nr. 21: 1 folded plate with 9 ills. in b&w.; nr. 23: 1 plate with 4 ills. in b&w.; 115 / 141 pp.
Both vols. name on titlepage.Covers are showing traces of wear at spine.
[18185]Horn, D. & Gast, S. de.
Leerboek der Natuurkunde ten dienste van het lager, middelbaar en gymnasiaal onderwijs. Eerste en tweede deel in 1 band.
's-Gravenhage; 1892; Joh. IJkema; halflinnen met gemarmerde platten; klein 8vo; 2e druk; met 202 en 210 figuren bij de tekst; 271 en 146 p.
Rug iets beschadigd en laat enigszins los van de band. Exemplaar iets schuingelezen.
[31369]Houwelingen, J.C. van, Stijnen, Th. & Strik, R. van.
Inleiding tot de medische statistiek.
Maarssen; 2000; Elsevier Gezondheidszorg; softcover; 2e druk; tabellen, figuren, voorbeelden; IX, 325 p.
Met register. Enkele passages gearceerd, met gele stift. Hier en daar aantekeningen in de kantlijn, met pen. Naam vorige eigenaar op het schutblad.
[25191]Huizinga, J..
Verzameling van 18 artikelen door J. Huizinga.
Amsterdam, Den Haag; 1948-1962; North-Holland Publishing Company, e.a.; 18 verschillende artikelen en overdrukken, meest uit de jaren 1948-1949; o.a. "The digital formula in relation to age, sex and constitutional type", "Epidemiologie van het mammacarcinoom", "Inactivation of the X-chromosome", "The Vianen skull: Téviec man in Holland?", "Structural alterations indicated in the development of the human cranium", e.a.; meeste artikelen in het Engels; paginering varieert.
[26548]Janse Bz., L..
Tafelen, bevattende 946 afstanden van 44 der voornaamste sterren, verbeterd voor aberratie, eigen beweging en refractie, ten gebruike bij het onderzoek naar de fouten van spiegel-instrumenten/ Korte beschouwing der spiegel-instrumenten en der methoden om hunne fouten te vinden. Twee titels in één band.
Amsterdam; 1867; Wed. G. Hulst van Keulen; halflinnen met gemarmerde platten; 8vo; tafels; (7) 195 en 56 p.
Band en schutbladen vernieuwd.
[26868]Jones, E.B..
Instrument technology, vol. I-III. !: Measurement of pressure, level, flow and temperature. II: On-line analysis instruments. III: Telemetering and automatic control.
London, Boston, etc.; resp. 1976, 1976, 1977; Newnes-Butterworths; resp. 3rd, 2nd, 1st ed.; fig., tables; cloth, with dust jackets; resp. [VI] and 402, [VI} and 282, [VIII] and 198 pp.
[13413]Kaiser, P.J..
Eenige onderzoekingen betreffende tijdmeters, naar aanleiding van den aankoop in 1887, ten behoeve der Nederlandsche marine.
Leiden; 1887; E.J. Brill; gekartonneerd; tabellen en statistieken in zwart wit; 37 p. + afb.
Band en rug vernieuwd. Enkele pagina's met kleine (vocht)vlek en hier en daar iets gerafeld.
[23032]Kanter, J. de Handboekje voor de Ingezetenen der Provincie Zeeland, inhoudende: vergelijking der aldaar in gebruik geweest zijnde maten en gewigten met die van het metrieke of nieuwe Nederlandsche stelsel.
Middelburg; 1852; Van Benthem & Jutting; gekartonneerd; 10x17 cm.; 4e dr.; 112 p.
Rug vernieuwd.
[3443]Koolhaas, D.R..
Convoluut met talloze artikelen, bijdragen en teksten door D.R. Koolhaas.
Uitgaven tussen ca. 1928 en 1940; waaronder het proefschrift door D.R. Koolhaas: "Bijdrage tot de kennis van de bicyclische sesquiterpenen, eudesmol, machilol en selineen, gedeeltelijke synthese van b-Thujon; het geheel in 1 halflinnen band met gemarmerde platten; 8vo; enkele uitgaafjes in het Duits of Engels; toegevoegd een losse overdruk uit 1948 "Vraagstukken rondom de Indische industrie" en losse gestencilde bijvoegsels.
Rug van de band licht beschadigd.
[30815]Kooten, F.H. van.
Eenige empirische methoden tot het berekenen van den maximum afvoer eener rivier uit de grootte van den regenval.
Amsterdam; 1927; H.J. Paris; softcover; met 9 bijlagen en 6 uitslaande platen met 79 figuren; VIII, 125 p.
Ex libris op blanco schutblad. Rug en deel van het achterplat verkleurd.
[32518]Mann, L'Abbé.
Encyclopédie des enfans, ou abrégé de toutes les sciences, refondu, beaucoup augmenté et corrigé dans toutes ses parties, afin de le rendre propre à l'usage des Écoles des Pays Catholiques.
Bruxelles; 1807; B. Le Francq; leather with gilt lettered spine; 13th, revised, edition; woodengravings; 11x17 cm.; VIII, 160 pp.
Engraving and some words page 151 damaged, errasing with ball-point. Outer margins occasionally vaguely waterstained. Cover with slight wear, mainly along extremities. Name, in ink, on first endpaper.
[23425]Maw, W.H. & Dredge, J. (ed.). Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. LXXV- from January to June 1903. London; 1903; Office for Publication and Advertisements; cloth; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a. : windmills at the Royal Agricultural Society's ground, Ealing, with ills.; the Hotchkiss rifle-calibre automatic machine gun, with ills.; the works of the British Electric Car Co., Trafford Park, Manchester, with ills.; the Paris automobile exhibition, with figures; five-ton steam wagon for West Africa (constructed by Messrs. Simpson and Bibby, engineers, Manchester), with plans and ills.; chassis of the Beaufort motor car (constructed by the Beaufort Motor Company, engineers, London), with ills.; fast passenger locomotive for the New York Central and Hudson River railroad (constructed by the American Locomotive Company, Schenectady), with ills and fig.; the Dover harbour works, the admirality Pier extension (Messrs. Coode, Son and Matthews, London), with ills.; the Crystal Palace motor-car show, with plans and ills.; Yarrow boilers for the Chilian battleship "Constitucion" (constructed by Messrs. Yarrow & Co., engineers, London), with ills.; the Whitechapel and Bow railway, bridge over Campbell-Road, with ills.; extensive index; XXXVIII, 880 pp. Former library copy. 30 Double paged enclosures not included. [25965]
Maw, W.H. & Dredge, J. (ed.). Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. LXXVI-from July to December, 1903. London; 1903; Office for Publication and Advertisements; cloth; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a. : stamping machine for coke manufacture at Borsigwerk (constructed by the Maschinenfabrik Brinck and Hübner, Mannheim, with plans and fig.; ten-wheel express locomotive for the Glasgow and South-Western railway (constructed from the designs of Mr. James Manson, locomotive superintendent,. by the North British Locomotive Co., engineers, Glasgow), with a view of the locomotive; American bridges on the Uganda railway, with ills.; steam lifeboat "Princess of Wales" for Mauritius (constructed by Messrs. John I. Thornycroft and Co., Chiswick), with plans and fig.; arrangement of machinery for T.S.S. "Turbinia", with plans and fig.; the North German Lloyd T.-S.S. "Kaiser Wilhelm II" (constructed by the Stettiner Maschinenbau Actien-Gesellschaft "Vulcan", Bredow, Stettin), with view, tables, fig.; the London, Brighton and Sout-Coast railway, with fig.; double-cylinder steam fire-engine for Newcastle-on-Tyne (constructed by Messrs. Merryweather and Sons, engineers, London), with a view of the steam engine; wire ropeway at Messrs. Willans and Robinson's new boiler works, Queensferry, Flint (constructed by Messrs. Bullivant and Co., London), with ills.; Borsig's Works in Germany, with ills.; Basset atmospheric engine at Denby Colliery, near Derby, with ills.; works of the Universal Tube Company, Chesterfield, with ills.; electric light plan for Dutch torpedo-boats (constructed by the electrotechnische industrie (formerly Willem Smit and Co, Likkerveer), with plans and fig.; extensive index; XL, 886 pp. Former library copy. 26 Double paged enclosures not included. Final pages with slight waterstaining in margins. [25966]
Maw, W.H. & Dredge, J. (ed.).
Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. LXXII- from July to December 1901.
London; 1901; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a. : 80-ton floating crane for the Santos harbour works (constructed by the Royal Dutch Forge Company, Leyden, Holland), with double paged enclosure; the New York subway, with double paged enclosure, plans and figures; the temporary inclines on the Kikuyu escarpment, Uganda railway, with double paged enclosure and ills.; the gun-mounting department of the naval construction works of Messrs. Vickers, Sons, and Maxim, Barrow-in-Furness, with double paged enclosure and ills.; the turbine-propelled passenger steamer "King Edward" (constructed by Messrs. William Denny and Brothers, Dumbarton), with ill.; suction hopper dredger, Seine navigation (constructed by the Société Anonyme des Anciens Etablissements Satre, Lyons and Arles), with ills.; Salford electricity works, with double paged enclosure and figures; compound goods locomotive for the Prussian State Railways, with double paged enclosure and plans; the Whitehead torpedo works at Fiume, with double paged enclosure; launch of the H.M. armoured cruiser "King Alfred", with double paged enclosure; extensive index; complete with 22 double page enclosures; XXXIX, 886 pp.
Former library copy. Binding slightly loosening.
[25937]Maw, W.H. & Dredge, J. (ed.).
Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. LXXVII- from January to June, 1904.
London; 1904; Office for Publication and Advertisements; cloth; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a. : the electric cable works of Messrs. W.T. Glover and Co., Trafford Park, Manchester (with double paged enclosure with ills.); offshore floating dock for the Reiherstieg Shiffswerfte und Maschinenfabrik, Hamburg (with double paged enclosure with plans and fig.); the cryogenic laboratory at Leiden, with ills.; eight-coupled locomotive for the Queensland Railways (with double paged enclosure with plans and fig.); locomotives at the St. Louis exhibition (constructed at the Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia), with double paged enclosure with ills.; the Antwerp water works, with ills.; details of mounting of the 40-in. telescope at the Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay, Wisconsin (constructed by Messrs. Warner and Swasey, Cleveland), with double paged enclosure with fig.; the Napier motor-car, with double paged enclosure with plans and fig.; H.M.S. "Bellerophon", floating workshop at Devonport, with ills. and plans; twin-screw cable-laying steamer "Stephan" (constructed by the Stettiner Maschinenbau Actien Gesellschaft "Vulcan", Bredow), with double paged enclosure with plans and fig.; extensive index; 28 double paged enclosures included; XXXVIII, 910 pp.
Former library copy. Paper over board backcover occasionally rubbed.
[25968]Maw, W.H. & Dredge, J. (ed.).
Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. LXXVIII-from July to December, 1904.
London; 1904; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a. : the Midland railway company's harbour at Heysham, Lancashire, details of monoliths for roundheads and their wing walls (with double paged enclosure, with ill. and fig.); express passenger locomotive for the London and South-Western railway (constructed at the company's works, Nine Elms), with double paged enclosure with plans and fig.; self-propelled chemical fire-engine (constructed by the Wolseley tool and motor-car company, Adderley Park, Birmingham), with view and fig.; corridor carriage for the Cambrian railways (constructed at the company's works, Oswestry, from the designs of Mr. Herbert E. Jones), with double paged enclosure with fig.; microscopic observations on naval accidents, with double paged enclosure with ills.; the German battleship "Deutschland" (constructed at the Germania works, Kiel, of Herr Fr. Krupp), with a view of the ship; locomotives at the St. Louis exhibition (constructed at the Rogers locomotive works, Paterson), with double paged enclosure with ills.; the Italian battleship "Regina Margherita" (constructed by Messrs. Gio. Ansaldo, Armstrong, and Co., engineers and shipbuilders, Sampierdarena), with double paged enclosure with ills.; superstructures on the Tokio metropolitan railway (constructed to the designs of Mr. F. Baltzer, Royal Railway Department, Stettin), with double paged enclosure with fig.; the hydraulic dredger "J. Israel Tarte" (constructed at the Polson Iron Works, Toronto), with ills.; Japanese armoured cruiser "Kasuga", with ills.; aerial wire ropeway for the Carlingford Granite Company, Ireland (Messrs. R. White and Sons, engineers, Widnes), with ills.; Messrs. Beardmore's new shipbuilding and engineering works at Dalmuir on the Clyde, 150-ton crane at the tidal dock (with double paged enclosure with fig.); the twin-screw steamer "Africa" for the Austrian Lloyd's steam navigation company's east African service (with double paged enclosure with ills.); six-coupled compound passenger locomotive for the Portuguese state railway (constructed by Mr. A. Borsig, Tegel), with double paged enclosure with plans); the Folkestone New Pier and Harbour Works (Messrs. Coode, Son and Matthews, London), with ills.; extensive index; 29 double paged enclosures included; XLII, 912 pp.
Former library copy, with ticket and a few stamps (title page and pastedown).