

Results 73 - 96 of 759
Baudouin, Boilly, Boucher a.o. (ed.).
Baudouin, Boilly, Boucher a.o. (ed.).
Baudouin, Boilly, Boucher a.o. (ed.).
Baudouin, Boilly, Boucher a.o. (ed.).

Baudouin, Boilly, Boucher a.o. (ed.).

Le Musee Galant du Dix-Huitième Siècle. Album. No. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10. Facsimilés d'estampes originales en noir et en couleur.

Paris; n.d.; G.Charpentier & Fasquelle; 7 loose volls. in cardboard cover; each volume 12 fullpage ills. in b&w and in colour; oblong; 27x34 cm.; 12 pp. each volume.

Cardboard cover restored with cloth tape. Volume 4 has repaired pp.


€ 60,00
Baudouin, F..

Baudouin, F..

Rubens en zijn eeuw.

Antwerpen; 1972; Mercatorfonds; ill. in b&w and, hand tipped, in colour; half artificial parchment, front- and back cover cloth, gilt stamped, with dust jacket, in slipcase; 289 pp.


€ 14,00
Bax, Marty.

Bax, Marty.

Ben Joppe. Schilder van het onmogelijke.

S.l.; 2011; Stichting Ben Joppe; softcover; 19x24 cm.; ill. in kleur; 104 p.

Keurig exemplaar.


€ 23,00
Beccaria, Marcelle, Lorenzo Benedetti, et al.
Beccaria, Marcelle, Lorenzo Benedetti, et al.
Beccaria, Marcelle, Lorenzo Benedetti, et al.

Beccaria, Marcelle, Lorenzo Benedetti, et al.

Francesco Arena.

Roma; 2013; Cura. Books; hardcover; 4to; ills.; text in English; 175 pp.

Very fine copy.


€ 50,00
Beck, Michael, Goedhart, Ruud, Heijboer, Aad, et al (red.).

Beck, Michael, Goedhart, Ruud, Heijboer, Aad, et al (red.).

De Nieuwe Weelde 3.

Rotterdam; 1987; Stichting de Nieuwe Weelde; softcover, geniet; 29,5x42 cm.; ill. in zwart wit; met een ingekleefd kunstwerkje van Paul Vink, genummerd en gesigneerd; met bijdragen van o.a. Wim Crouwel, Boudewijn van Houten en Tom Lanoye; 50 p.

Wat lichte kreukjes.


€ 20,00
Beckley, Connie.

Beckley, Connie.

Connie Beckley "The dream and the lineman". Performance-installatie. "Far from the Pond- Spring (1982-84)". Performance i.s.m. Bill Beckley.

Middelburg; 1984; de Vleeshal; zachte kaft; geniet; ill. in zwart wit; fotografie door Wim Riemens; n.p. (20 p.).

Band hier en daar met wat lichte roestvlekjes.


€ 14,00
Beek, Wim van der.

Beek, Wim van der.

Ans Markus.

Amsterdam; 1995; Zuid-Nederlandse Uitgeversmaatschappij; harde kaft met stofomslag; ill. in kleur; met los toegevoegd enkele bijlagen, waaronder een handgeschreven brief op briefpapier van Ans Markus en Wybe Tuinman, gesigneerd "Ans & Wybe"; 95 p.

Keurig exemplaar.


€ 24,00

Beeldende Kunst; het leren zien en begrijpen van kunstwerken, deel I en II.

Z.pl.; 1935-1936; ringband; een verzameling van 104 (deel I) en 110 (deel II) afbeeldingen in zwart wit en 7 (deel I) en 4 (deel II) in kleur); werken van beeldende kunst uit verschillende cultuurperioden; in tien groepen ingedeeld, bijeengebracht, geordend en toegelicht in opdracht van het bestuur der vereniging tot bevordering van het aesthetisch element in het voortgezet onderwijs; verscheen niet in de handel; elke groep afzonderlijk gepagineerd.


€ 23,00
Behre, Louis (Introduction).

Behre, Louis (Introduction). Crossing Border Festival 1996. Den Haag; 1996; uitgeverij Adelante; spiral binding; photograph of Charles Gayle mounted on frontcover; list of performers with black and white photography; not paged. Very fine copy. [32979]

€ 20,00
Bekkers, Ludo.

Bekkers, Ludo.

Gal Venezia '80.

Bruxelles; 1980; cardboard, stapled; full page ills. in b&w; issued on occasion of the Belgian participation for the Venice Biennial of 1980; no pagination (16 pp.).

Near fine copy.


€ 15,00
Bel, Gerrit Jan (sam.).

Bel, Gerrit Jan (sam.).

Kees Valkenstein en de Vleutense polder.

Vleuten; De Meern/ Haarzuilens; 1986; Historische Vereniging Vleuten; softcover; ill. in zwart wit; 48 p.

Rand voorplat met vochtvlek.


€ 15,00
Bendegem, Jean Paul van.

Bendegem, Jean-Paul van.


Middelburg; 1989; Stichting Nieuwe Muziek; softcover, geniet; ill. in kleur en zwart wit; met werk van Piet Dieleman, Pieter Slagboom, Willem Buijs, William Verstraeten, Henric Borsten, Jacoba van Heemskerck, Ferdinand Hart Nibbrig, Jan Heyse, Jan Toorop en Mies Elout-Drabbe; publicatie n.a.v. de tentoonstelling in de Kloveniersdoelen te Middelburg, van 12 maart tot en met 12 juni 1989; oplage 600 exemplaren; ongepagineerd.

Goed exemplaar.


€ 12,00
Benedetti, Lorenzo & Adam Szymczyk (ed.).
Benedetti, Lorenzo & Adam Szymczyk (ed.).

Benedetti, Lorenzo & Adam Szymczyk (ed.).

Mandla Reuter. No Such St.

Basel/ Middelburg; 2011; Kunsthalle Basel/ SBKM/ De Vleeshal; hardcover; ills. in colour; 198 pp.

Very fine copy.


€ 24,00
Benedetti, Lorenzo & Annie Rattie..

Benedetti, Lorenzo & Annie Rattie..

The Mushroom Project.

Middelburg/ Amsterdam; 2014; de Vleeshal/ Roma Publications; softcover; ills. in colour and b&w; published on occasion of the exhibition "The Shroom Project", hled in De Vleeshal, Middelburg, 2013; 94 pp.

Fine copy.


€ 80,00
Benedetti, Lorenzo.

Benedetti, Lorenzo.

Autum of Modernism.

Amsterdam/ Middelburg; 2012; Roma Publications/ de Vleeshal; softcover; 4to; presents work by i.a. Gwenneth Boelens, Piet Dieleman, Katja Mater, Marc Nagtzaam, Petra Stavast, Remco Torenbosch, et al.; ills. in b&w; text in English & Dutch; not paged.

Near fine copy.


€ 25,00
Benedetti, Lorenzo.

Benedetti, Lorenzo.

Dario D'Aronco (eidolon). 3 illustrations for voice.

Rome; 2013; Cura. books; softcover, stapled; 15x20 cm.; ills.; published on occasion of the exhibition at SBKM De Vleeshal, Middelburg; not paged.

Fine copy.


€ 15,00
Benedetti, Lorenzo.
Benedetti, Lorenzo.

Benedetti, Lorenzo.

Kees Goudzwaard. Between Red and a Transparent Plane.

Amsterdam/ Middelburg; 2014; ROMA Publications/ SBKM/ De Vleeshal; softcover; ills.; leporello; Published on the occasion of an exhibition of work by Dutch artist Kees Goudzwaard at De Vleeshal, Middelburg, this presentation of fourteen artworks - enigmatic patches and fields of colour set against neutral monochrome backgrounds - unfolds to reveal installation views of the exhibition. Evocative of both macrocosms and microcosms, Goudzwaards distinctive style seems to draw upon the tangible, such as mineralogy and microbiology, to vastly incomprehensible mechanisms, like tectonic shifts and the spaces between the stars; 32 pp.

Fine copy.


€ 55,00

Benedictus Pater Europae.

Antwerpen; 1980; Mercatorfonds; ed. by P. Batselier; ill. in b&w and in colour; halfcloth, gilt stamped, with dust jacket; 479 pp.

Dutch ed.


€ 14,00
Benelli, Sem (ed.).

Benelli, Sem (ed.). L'arte nella fotografia; prima esposizione internazionale di fotografia ottica e cinematografia- primavera 1923- Torino. Milano, Roma; 1923; Casa editrice d'arte Bestetti & Tumminelli; hardcover, paper over boards; tipped in plates, in b&w; no. 322 of 1,300 numbered copies; printed on handmade paper; ca. 25x34 cm.; 50 pp. + section with plates (recto only). Lacks one plate! Paper over boards with occasional small tears and one or two chips. Binding with small, faint stains, backcover with one larger stain (2x2 cm.). Corners of cover worn. [24497]

€ 110,00
Benesch, Otto.
Benesch, Otto.

Benesch, Otto.

Beschreibender Katalog der Handzeichnungen in der graphischen Sammlung Albertina, herausgegeben von Alfred Stix. Band II, die Zeichnungen der Niederländischen Schulen des XV. und XVI. Jahrhunderts.

Wien; 1928; Verlag von Anton Schroll & Co.; halfleather with marbled boards; 4o; adapted by Otto Benesch; 116 plates with 478 illustrations in b&w; index; XVI, 46 pp. followed by plates.


€ 140,00
Bentley, Richard.

Bentley, Richard.

L'érotisme dans l'art occidental.

Paris; 1985; Éditions du Chêne; hardcover with dust jacket; 4o; ills. in colour and b&w; index; 176 pp.


€ 13,00
Berg, Harm van den, Killian, Arnout & Meeuwsen, Frenk (sam.).

Berg, Harm van den, Killian, Arnout & Meeuwsen, Frenk (sam.).

Door schildersogen/ From a painter's perspective. Toonaangevende hedendaagse schilderkunst in Nederland.

Amsterdam; 2011; Art et Amicitiae; softcover; 28x24 cm.; ills. in colour; text in English & Dutch; 80 pp.

Near fine copy.


€ 16,00

Berg, Stephan (ed.).

Luc Tuymans. The Arena.

Ostfildern-Ruit; 2003; Hatje Cantz Verlag; hardcover; 8vo; ills. in colour; text in English and German; 117 pp.

Catalog to accompany the exhibition "Luc Tuymans, The Arena", with the Kunstverein Hannover, Pinakothek der Moderne (Munich) and Kunstverein St. Gallen Kunstmuseum, in 2003. This publication offers a representative selection of his paintings, film stills, Polaroids, and works on paper, and presents the series Slide (2002) and Exhibit (2002). Fine copy.


€ 14,00
Berger, René (ed.).

Berger, René (ed.).

Peintres vaudois.

Lausanne; 1970; Banque Cantonale Vaudoise; cloth with transparent wrappers; ills. with the text in b&w; tipped in plates, in colour; 123 (8) pp.

Fine copy.


€ 13,00