No author.
The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. CXLVII- from January to June 1929.
London; 1929; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: Ljungström locomotive for the Argentine State Railways (The Nydqvist and Holm A.B., Sweden, engineers), with double page supplement with plans and fig.; the Cascade Tunnel, Great Northern Railway, with ills. and fig.; the Hudson River Bridge, witth figures; the British industries fair (some of the exhibits at Birmingham), with ills.; the Coolidge irrigation dam in Arizona, with double page supplement, with ills.; steam generator for the Southwick power station, Brighton, with double page supplement with plans and fig.; index; XVI, 722 pp.
Former library copy. Some pages with rather large dogear. Index and first pages waterstained.
[26411]No author.
The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. LXXVIII- from July to December 1894.
London; 1894; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: twin-screw steamship "Duke of York"- engines and boilers (messrs. Denny Brothers, Dumbarton, builders and engineers), with folding plate with plans and fig.; solid rock dredger "Majestic", for Bermuda (Messrs. Lobnitz and Co., Renfrew, engineers), with folding plate with plans and fig.; express passenger locomotive, Dutch railways- Cologne-Amsterdam service, with a woodengraved view of the locomotive; the "Gigantic Wheel" at Earle's Court, with ills.; six-coupled Bogie goods engine, Highland Railways (constructed by Messrs. Sharp Stewart and Co., Glasgow, from the designs of Mr. D. Jones, Inverness), with a folding, woodengraved, plate; the "General Skinner", submarine mining steamer (Messrs. Cox and Co., Falmouth, builders and engineers), with folding plate with plans and fig.; the New Victoria Bridge over the Brisbane River (Mr. A.R. Brady, engineer), with folding plate with plans and fig.; the Chilian cruiser "Blanco Encalada" (Messrs. Sir W.G. Armstrong, Mitchell and Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne, builders), with a folding, woodengraved, plate with a view of the ship; views on the Congo railway, with ills.; index; XVI, 582 pp.
Former library copy.
[26185]No author.
The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. LXXXIV- from July to December 1897.
London; 1897; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: compound goods locomotive, Northern Pacific Railway (The Schenectady Locomotive Works, engineers), with a folding, woodengraved, plate with a view of the locomotive; the Jungfrau railway, with ills.; four-coupled bogie tank engine, London, Tilbury and Southend Railway (Mr. Th. Whitelegg, Plaistow, engineer), with a folding plate (ca. 80x55 cm.) with plans and fig.; Messrs. Davey, Paxman and Co.'s works, Colchester, with ills.; Davis's motor car steering gear, with fig.; ten-wheeled mineral engine, Great Western Railway (Mr. William Dean, Swindon, engineer), with a folding, woodengraved, plate with a view of the engine; tank locomotive, Indian State Railways (Messrs. Neilson & Co., locomotive works, Glasgow, engineers), with a folding, transparent paper, plate with plans and fig.; Canadian ferry steamer "Chebucto" (Messrs. John Shearer and Sons, Glasgow, builders), with plans and fig.; winding engines for the Ebbw Vale Steel, Iron and Coal Company, Limited, with a folding plate with plans and fig.; sixty years of Thames shipbuilding and marine engineering, with ills.; Hungarian paddle steamer I. Ferencz Jozef (Messrs. the Danubius Schoenichen and Hartmann Ship and Machine Construction Company, Budapest, builders and engineers), with a folding plate with plans and fig.; the Ameer of Afghanistan's gun factories (Sir T. Salter Pyne, engineer), with ills.; locomotives for the Waterford, Limerick and Western Railway (messrs. Kitson and Co., Leeds, engineers), with a double page plate with woodengraved ills.; ice-breaking steamer "Sleipner" (Burmeister and Wain, Copenhagen, engineers), with plans and fig.; index; XVI, 662 pp.
Former library copy. Boards occasionally scratched.
[26191]No author.
The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. XCIII- from January to June 1902.
London; 1902; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: six-coupled express locomotive, Eastern Railway of France (M.L. Salomons, engineer, Eastern Works at Epernay, builders), with a double page supplement with a woodengraved view of the locomotive; twin-screw triple-expansion engines, s.s. Arundel (William Denny and Brothers, Dumbarton, engineers), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the engines; metre-gauge Fairlie engines, Burma Railway Company (the Vulcan Foundry Company, Newton-le-Willows, engineers), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the engines; peat fuel works, Stangfiorden, Norway, with ills.; eight-coupled coal engine, North Eastern Railway, with a folding, woodengraved, view of the engine; Electrolytic Alkali Works at Middlewich, with ills.; His Majesty's first class battleship "Queen" (constructed at Devonport dockyard), with a folding plate with a view of the ship; French self-propelled lorries, with ills.; compound narrow-gauge locomotive, Indian-Netherlands Railway, Java (Mr. B.A. Gratama, Java, engineer), with a view of the locomotive; index; XVI, 640 pp.
Former library copy.
[26216]Oppermann, O.. O. Oppermann, Untersuchungen zur nordniederländischen Geschichte des 10. bis 13. Jahrhunderts. Erster Teil: Die Egmonder Fälschungen. Zweiter Teil: Die Grafschaft Holland und das Reich bis 1256. Dritter Teil: Faksimiles zum ersten und zweiten Teil. Bijdragen van het Instituut voor Middeleeuwsche Geschiedenis der Rijks-Universiteit te Utrecht. 3 vols. Utrecht; 1920-1921; A. Oosthoek; softcover; VIII, 257/ VIII, 183 & 15 plates accompanying vol. I & II; plates loose as issued, in cover. Spine vol. II damaged. Cover and title page vol. III, with the plates, renewed. Plates a trifle worn. [34138]
Pannekoek, A.J..
Handleiding bij het propaedeutische palaeontologische praktikum in het geologisch instituut te Utrecht.
Utrecht; 1936; copieerinrichting "Elinkwijk"; 2e druk; zachte kaft; typoscript, alleen recto; ill. in zwart wit; 40 p., met de nodige blanco bladzijden voor het maken van aantekeningen.
Aantekeningen op blanco pagina's, in potlood. Voorplat vlekkerig, achterplat ontbreekt. Rug vernieuwd, met linnen.
[23961]Pescheck, M. Christian.
Allgemeine Teutsche Rechen-Stunden, darinnen die Fünf Species der Rechen-Kunst mit unbenahmten und benahmten ganzen, als auch gebrochenen Zahlen, nebst der Regula De-Tri directa und indirecta, ohne und mit Brüchen, samt der Progression-Rechnung . vorgetragen sind.(I) And: Italiänische Rechen-Stunden, darinnen die fünf Species der Rechen-Kunst ., nebst der Regula De-Tri ....etc.(II) And: Allen dreyen Haupt-Ständen nöthige Rechen-Stunden, Darinnen sowohl die gedoppelte Regel Detri . als auch Zinß- oder Interesse-, Rabatt-, Zeit- oder Termin-, Licitation- oder Subhastation-, Thara-, Fusti-,....erkläret sind; etc.(III)
3 Titles in one binding: Ad I:Zittau und Leipzig; 1780; Adam Jacob Spieckermann. Frontispiece; title in red and black; (16), 176 pp. Ad (II): Leipzig und Zittau, 1762; Johann Jacob Schöps. Frontispiece: title in red and black; (16), 464 pp. Ad (III): Zittau und Leipzig; 1765; Adam Jacob Spiekermann. Frontispiece; ttitle in red and black; (8), 568 pp. Binding: half calf with raised bands; marbled boards; joints broken at one side. Some wormholes at the beginning and the end.
Complete edition.
[31245]Piets, W. A..
Leerboek der beschrijvende meetkunde. Atlas. Deel I. Ten dienste van studeerenden aan de Technische Hoogeschool te Delft.
's-Gravenhage; n.d.; J. Bootsma; tweede druk; 118 figuren in z/w.; linnen; 20x27 cm.; 43 p.
Slijtage aan rug en hoekjes linnen. Naam in inkt op schutblad. Onderaan p. bruine vlek. Enkele p. licht roestvlekkig.
[18615]Pomel, A.. Paléontologie monographies/ les ovidés; carte géologique de l'Algérie. Alger; 1898; Imprimerie P. Fontana & Co.; softcover; 14 plates with lithographed figures; 32 pp.(textleaves) + plates. Spine renewed. Cover a trifle thumbed, owner's entry stamped on frontcover. [24635]
Pomel, A.. Paléontologie monographies/ les suilliens, porciens; carte géologique de l'Algérie. Alger; 1897; Imprimerie P. Fontana & Co.; softcover; 10 plates with lithographed figures; 39 pp.(textleaves) + plates. Spine renewed. Cover a trifle thumbed, owner's entry stamped on frontcover. Plates occasionally slightly foxed, in margins. [24638]
Pomel, A.. Paléontologie monographies/ boeufs-taureaux; carte géologique de l'Algérie. Alger; 1894; Imprimerie P. Fontana & Co.; softcover; 19 plates with lithographed figures; 106 pp.(textleaves) + plates. Spine renewed. Cover a slightly thumbed and discoloured, frayed/ tears/ small chips along extremities, owner's entry stamped on frontcover. [24632]
Pomel, A.. Paléontologie monographies/ rhinocéros quaternaires; carte géologique de l'Algérie. Alger; 1895; Imprimerie P. Fontana & Co.; softcover; 12 plates with lithographed figures; 49 pp.(textleaves) + plates. Spine renewed. Cover slightly thumbed, occasionally worn along extremities, owner's entry stamped on frontcover. [24631]
Pomel, A.. Paléontologie monographies/ caméliens et cervidés; carte géologique de l'Algérie. Alger; 1893; Imprimerie P. Fontana & Co.; softcover; 8 plates with lithographed figures; 52 pp.(textleaves) + plates. Spine renewed. Cover a trifle thumbed, slightly worn along extremities, owner's entry stamped on frontcover. Plates occasionally foxed in margins. [24634]
Pomel, A.. Paléontologie monographies/ singe et homme; carte géologique de l'Algérie. Alger; 1897; Imprimerie P. Fontana & Co.; softcover; 8 plates with lithographed figures; 34 pp.(textleaves) + plates. Spine renewed. Cover discoloured, some creasing, repairs with transparant tape, owner's entry stamped on frontcover. Plates occasionally foxed, margins mainly. [24636]
Pomel, A.. Paléontologie monographies/ les antilopes pallas; carte géologique de l'Algérie. Alger; 1894; Imprimerie P. Fontana & Co.; softcover; 15 plates with lithographed figures; 56 pp.(textleaves) + plates. Spine renewed. Cover a slightly thumbed, small repairs with transparant tape, owner's entry stamped on frontcover. [24630]
Pomel, A.. Paléontologie monographies/ les bosélaphes ray; carte géologique de l'Algérie. Alger; 1894; Imprimerie P. Fontana & Co.; softcover; 11 plates with lithographed figures; 60 pp.(textleaves) + plates. Spine renewed. Cover thumbed, small repairs with transparant tape, owner's entry stamped on frontcover. Plates occasionally foxed. [24633]
Pomel, A.. Paléontologie monographies/ les hippopotames; carte géologique de l'Algérie. Alger; 1896; Imprimerie P. Fontana & Co.; softcover; 21 plates with lithographed figures; 65 pp.(textleaves) + plates. Spine renewed. Cover a trifle thumbed, small repairs with transparant tape, owner's entry stamped on frontcover. [24629]
Ridder e.a., N.A. de.
Agrohydrologische profielen van Zeeland. Een geologische en hydro-lithologische verkenning van de ondergrond van een estuarien gebied tot een diepte van maximaal 40 meter. Deel 2: bijlagen.
Staatsdrukkerij; 1957; 104 uitvouwbare kaarten in halfopen karton met linnen omslag.
Mist plaat no. 70. en deel 1.
[31833]Röling, B.V.A.. De criminologische beteekenis van Shakespeare's Macbeth. Utrecht/ Nijmegen; z.j. (ca. 1939); Dekker & van de Vegt; softcover; XV, 143 p. Deel VII criminologische studiën. Met een inleiding van Anton van Duinkerken.Randen omslag, sneden en rug verkleurd. [19300]
Rost, Johannes Leonhardus.
Beginselen der waare sterrekunde: Door welke men niet alleen op eene zeer gemakkelyke wyze komen kan tot de kennis dier noodige wtenschap; Maar tegelyk ook tot een regtmatig begrip van den waaren grondslag der Geographie, en Zeevaart.
Haarlem; 1748; Jan Bosch. Full calf binding; spine with gilt red label and five raised bands.Compartments with gilt floral ornaments. Title page printed in red and black; 26 folded plates with 115 illustrations; marbled endpapers(24), 484, (46) pp.
Very rare and well preserved first and only Dutch edition, translated from German: "Atlas Portatilis Coelestis, oder compendiöse Vorstellung des gantzen Welt-Gebäudes in den Anfangs-Gründen der wahren Astronomie".