

Resultaten 25 - 48 van 172
Shopenhauer, Arthur.
Shopenhauer, Arthur.

Shopenhauer, Arthur. Über den Willen in der Natur. Eine Erörterung der Bestätigungen, welche die Philosophie des Verfassers, seit ihrem Auftreten, durch die empirischen Wissenschaften erhalten hat. Leipzig; 1878; F.A. Brockhaus; hardbound cloth; spine with gilt lettering; small 8vo; 4th edition; adapted by Julius Frauenstädt; XXXI, 147 pp. Fine copy. [33686]

€ 40,00
Sandifort, Eduard.
Sandifort, Eduard.

Sandifort, Eduard. Natuur en genees-kundige bibliotheek. Bevattende den zaakelyken inhoud van alle nieuwe werken, welke in de geneeskunde en natuurlyke historie, buiten ons vaderland uitkomen. Tweede deel. 's-Gravenhage; 1766; Pieter van Cleef; halfleather with marbled boards; raised bands; during 10 years, 4 parts; these 4 parts in one binding; 928 pp. Rare! With register. Register part not complete, P-Z lacking. Cover worn along extremities, boards rubbed. Lettering at spine faded. [23457]

€ 295,00
Salmon, George.

Salmon, George.

A treatise on the analytic geometry of three dimensions.

Dublin; 1862; Hodges, Smith, & Co. First edition. Gilt printed cloth; XVI, 465 pp.


€ 125,00
Rutten, L. & Es, L. van.

Rutten, L. & Es, L. van.

Geology; 1. Development of geological knowledge in the Dutch East Indies/ 2. Geological investigations, carried out in the Dutch East Indies during the 20th century on behalf of the department of mines by the engineers of the staff.

Amsterdam; 1923; Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen; the history and present state of scientific research in the Dutch East Indies; softcover; 28 pp.


€ 20,00
Rost, Johannes Leonhardus.
Rost, Johannes Leonhardus.
Rost, Johannes Leonhardus.

Rost, Johannes Leonhardus.

Beginselen der waare sterrekunde: Door welke men niet alleen op eene zeer gemakkelyke wyze komen kan tot de kennis dier noodige wtenschap; Maar tegelyk ook tot een regtmatig begrip van den waaren grondslag der Geographie, en Zeevaart.

Haarlem; 1748; Jan Bosch. Full calf binding; spine with gilt red label and five raised bands.Compartments with gilt floral ornaments. Title page printed in red and black; 26 folded plates with 115 illustrations; marbled endpapers(24), 484, (46) pp.

Very rare and well preserved first and only Dutch edition, translated from German: "Atlas Portatilis Coelestis, oder compendiöse Vorstellung des gantzen Welt-Gebäudes in den Anfangs-Gründen der wahren Astronomie".


€ 1200,00

Röling, B.V.A.. De criminologische beteekenis van Shakespeare's Macbeth. Utrecht/ Nijmegen; z.j. (ca. 1939); Dekker & van de Vegt; softcover; XV, 143 p. Deel VII criminologische studiën. Met een inleiding van Anton van Duinkerken.Randen omslag, sneden en rug verkleurd. [19300]

€ 14,00
Ridder e.a., N.A. de.

Ridder e.a., N.A. de.

Agrohydrologische profielen van Zeeland. Een geologische en hydro-lithologische verkenning van de ondergrond van een estuarien gebied tot een diepte van maximaal 40 meter. Deel 2: bijlagen.

Staatsdrukkerij; 1957; 104 uitvouwbare kaarten in halfopen karton met linnen omslag.

Mist plaat no. 70. en deel 1.


€ 50,00
Reeuwijk, L.P. van.

Reeuwijk, L.P. van. The thermal dehydration of natural zeolites. Wageningen; 1974; H. Veenman & Zonen; softcover; thesis; figures, tables, graphics; text in English, summary in Dutch; 88 pp. Cover slightly discoloured along extremities. [32977]

€ 25,00
Preisinger, Helmut.

Preisinger, Helmut.

Strukturanalyse und Zeigerwert der Auen- und Ufervegetation Hamburger Hafen- und Hafenrandgebiet. Dissertationes Botanicae, Band 174.

Berlin/ Stuttgart; 1991; J. Cramer; softcover; 67 ills. and 32 tables; text in German, summary in English; 296 pp.


€ 19,00
Pregl, Fritz.

Pregl, Fritz.

Die Quantitative Organische Mikroanalyse.

Berlin; 1917; Julius Springer; first ed.; 38 ills. in b&w.; stamped cloth; 16x24 cm.; 189 pp.

Enclosure: Errata. Cloth foxed at the edges. Very fine copy!


€ 90,00
Pomel, A..
Pomel, A..

Pomel, A.. Paléontologie monographies/ les bosélaphes ray; carte géologique de l'Algérie. Alger; 1894; Imprimerie P. Fontana & Co.; softcover; 11 plates with lithographed figures; 60 pp.(textleaves) + plates. Spine renewed. Cover thumbed, small repairs with transparant tape, owner's entry stamped on frontcover. Plates occasionally foxed. [24633]

€ 70,00
Pomel, A..
Pomel, A..
Pomel, A..

Pomel, A.. Paléontologie monographies/ les hippopotames; carte géologique de l'Algérie. Alger; 1896; Imprimerie P. Fontana & Co.; softcover; 21 plates with lithographed figures; 65 pp.(textleaves) + plates. Spine renewed. Cover a trifle thumbed, small repairs with transparant tape, owner's entry stamped on frontcover. [24629]

€ 80,00

Pomel, A.. Paléontologie monographies/ les ovidés; carte géologique de l'Algérie. Alger; 1898; Imprimerie P. Fontana & Co.; softcover; 14 plates with lithographed figures; 32 pp.(textleaves) + plates. Spine renewed. Cover a trifle thumbed, owner's entry stamped on frontcover. [24635]

€ 80,00
Pomel, A..
Pomel, A..

Pomel, A.. Paléontologie monographies/ les suilliens, porciens; carte géologique de l'Algérie. Alger; 1897; Imprimerie P. Fontana & Co.; softcover; 10 plates with lithographed figures; 39 pp.(textleaves) + plates. Spine renewed. Cover a trifle thumbed, owner's entry stamped on frontcover. Plates occasionally slightly foxed, in margins. [24638]

€ 70,00
Pomel, A..
Pomel, A..

Pomel, A.. Paléontologie monographies/ boeufs-taureaux; carte géologique de l'Algérie. Alger; 1894; Imprimerie P. Fontana & Co.; softcover; 19 plates with lithographed figures; 106 pp.(textleaves) + plates. Spine renewed. Cover a slightly thumbed and discoloured, frayed/ tears/ small chips along extremities, owner's entry stamped on frontcover. [24632]

€ 95,00
Pomel, A..
Pomel, A..

Pomel, A.. Paléontologie monographies/ rhinocéros quaternaires; carte géologique de l'Algérie. Alger; 1895; Imprimerie P. Fontana & Co.; softcover; 12 plates with lithographed figures; 49 pp.(textleaves) + plates. Spine renewed. Cover slightly thumbed, occasionally worn along extremities, owner's entry stamped on frontcover. [24631]

€ 70,00
Pomel, A..
Pomel, A..

Pomel, A.. Paléontologie monographies/ caméliens et cervidés; carte géologique de l'Algérie. Alger; 1893; Imprimerie P. Fontana & Co.; softcover; 8 plates with lithographed figures; 52 pp.(textleaves) + plates. Spine renewed. Cover a trifle thumbed, slightly worn along extremities, owner's entry stamped on frontcover. Plates occasionally foxed in margins. [24634]

€ 70,00
Pomel, A..
Pomel, A..

Pomel, A.. Paléontologie monographies/ singe et homme; carte géologique de l'Algérie. Alger; 1897; Imprimerie P. Fontana & Co.; softcover; 8 plates with lithographed figures; 34 pp.(textleaves) + plates. Spine renewed. Cover discoloured, some creasing, repairs with transparant tape, owner's entry stamped on frontcover. Plates occasionally foxed, margins mainly. [24636]

€ 50,00
Pomel, A..
Pomel, A..

Pomel, A.. Paléontologie monographies/ les antilopes pallas; carte géologique de l'Algérie. Alger; 1894; Imprimerie P. Fontana & Co.; softcover; 15 plates with lithographed figures; 56 pp.(textleaves) + plates. Spine renewed. Cover a slightly thumbed, small repairs with transparant tape, owner's entry stamped on frontcover. [24630]

€ 70,00
Plooij, F.X..

Plooij, F.X.. The behavioural development of free-living chimpanzee babies and infants. N.pl.; 1980; de Witte Studentenpers; softcover; thesis; with drawings by David Bygott; text in English, list of propositions in Dutch; 252 pp. Fine copy. [30449]

€ 34,00
Piets, W. A..

Piets, W. A..

Leerboek der beschrijvende meetkunde. Atlas. Deel I. Ten dienste van studeerenden aan de Technische Hoogeschool te Delft.

's-Gravenhage; n.d.; J. Bootsma; tweede druk; 118 figuren in z/w.; linnen; 20x27 cm.; 43 p.

Slijtage aan rug en hoekjes linnen. Naam in inkt op schutblad. Onderaan p. bruine vlek. Enkele p. licht roestvlekkig.


€ 18,00
Pescheck, M. Christian.
Pescheck, M. Christian.
Pescheck, M. Christian.
Pescheck, M. Christian.
Pescheck, M. Christian.

Pescheck, M. Christian.

Allgemeine Teutsche Rechen-Stunden, darinnen die Fünf Species der Rechen-Kunst mit unbenahmten und benahmten ganzen, als auch gebrochenen Zahlen, nebst der Regula De-Tri directa und indirecta, ohne und mit Brüchen, samt der Progression-Rechnung . vorgetragen sind.(I) And: Italiänische Rechen-Stunden, darinnen die fünf Species der Rechen-Kunst ., nebst der Regula De-Tri ....etc.(II) And: Allen dreyen Haupt-Ständen nöthige Rechen-Stunden, Darinnen sowohl die gedoppelte Regel Detri . als auch Zinß- oder Interesse-, Rabatt-, Zeit- oder Termin-, Licitation- oder Subhastation-, Thara-, Fusti-,....erkläret sind; etc.(III)

3 Titles in one binding: Ad I:Zittau und Leipzig; 1780; Adam Jacob Spieckermann. Frontispiece; title in red and black; (16), 176 pp. Ad (II): Leipzig und Zittau, 1762; Johann Jacob Schöps. Frontispiece: title in red and black; (16), 464 pp. Ad (III): Zittau und Leipzig; 1765; Adam Jacob Spiekermann. Frontispiece; ttitle in red and black; (8), 568 pp. Binding: half calf with raised bands; marbled boards; joints broken at one side. Some wormholes at the beginning and the end.

Complete edition.


€ 300,00
Pannekoek, A.J..

Pannekoek, A.J..

Handleiding bij het propaedeutische palaeontologische praktikum in het geologisch instituut te Utrecht.

Utrecht; 1936; copieerinrichting "Elinkwijk"; 2e druk; zachte kaft; typoscript, alleen recto; ill. in zwart wit; 40 p., met de nodige blanco bladzijden voor het maken van aantekeningen.

Aantekeningen op blanco pagina's, in potlood. Voorplat vlekkerig, achterplat ontbreekt. Rug vernieuwd, met linnen.


€ 40,00
Oppermann, O..
Oppermann, O..

Oppermann, O.. O. Oppermann, Untersuchungen zur nordniederländischen Geschichte des 10. bis 13. Jahrhunderts. Erster Teil: Die Egmonder Fälschungen. Zweiter Teil: Die Grafschaft Holland und das Reich bis 1256. Dritter Teil: Faksimiles zum ersten und zweiten Teil. Bijdragen van het Instituut voor Middeleeuwsche Geschiedenis der Rijks-Universiteit te Utrecht. 3 vols. Utrecht; 1920-1921; A. Oosthoek; softcover; VIII, 257/ VIII, 183 & 15 plates accompanying vol. I & II; plates loose as issued, in cover. Spine vol. II damaged. Cover and title page vol. III, with the plates, renewed. Plates a trifle worn. [34138]

€ 120,00