Haberer, Albert & Karl Eichhorn.
Aussentüren in Holz und Metall. Ein Fachbuch für Handwerker und Architekten zur Gestaltung aller Arten von Außentüren. 273 Lichtbilder und 248 gezeichnete Türbeispiele, zumeist im Maßstab 1:10 mit Werkschnitten in natürlicher Größe.
Stuttgart; 1953; Konradin-Verlag/ Robert Kohlhammer; clothbound; 27x38 cm.; ills., plates, in b&w; 3rd edition; 328 pp.
Fine copy.
[36937]Guilmard, D..
Paris; no year (ca. 1895); D. Guilmard; hardbound cloth; ca. 26x18 cm.; 123 plates with 197 lithographed figures with types of furniture designed by D. Guilmard; no pagination.
Waterstained copy. Lacks titlepage. First and final page with small repair. Cover partly renewed, endpapers renewed as well.
Geuzendam's Catalogus van de Postwaardestukken van Nederland en Overzeese Rijksdelen. 3e Editie.
Den Haag; 1974; Geuzendam's Postzegelhandel; softcover; ill. in zwart wit; inclusief het losse supplement 1976-1977 op Geuzendam's catalogus van de postwaardestukken van Nederland en Overz. Rijksdelen (3e editie); 120 p.
Hier en daar wat losse notities en markeringen met potlood.
[37860]Fishenden, R.B. (ed.).
The Penrose Annual. A Review of the Graphic Arts. Volume XXXIX, 1937.
London; 1937; Lund Humphries & Co. Ltd.; hardbound cloth; ills.; XII, 180 pp., followed by illustrations, representative examples for the year 1936.
Owner's entry on rear mount. Overall a fine copy.
Dutch design 2000/ 2001; a boxed set of six thematic volumes.
Amsterdam; 2000; BIS Publishers; halfcloth, foils; ills. in colour; six volumes, volume 1 "Industrial design", vol. 2 "Graphic design", vol. 3 "New media", vol. 4 "Environmental design", vol. 5 "Packaging design", vol. 6 "Illustration"; XVII, 86 (6), XV, 468 (8), XVII, 128 (6), XV, 76 (8), XVII, 54 (8) and XV, 116 (8) pp.
Covers occasionally a trifle rubbed, otherwise fine.
[23098]Duijzer, Henk, Fontaine Verwey, Isa de la, Jaspers, Gerard, e.a. (red.).
Reis in drukken; uit de verzamelingen van leden van het Nederlands Genootschap van Bibliofielen.
Amsterdam; 2003; de Buitenkant; goudbedrukt linnen; ingenaaid; "Reis in drukken" verscheen bij de tentoonstelling ter gelegenheid van het twaalfenhalfjarig bestaan van het Nederlands Genootschap van Bibliofielen, in de Universiteitsbibliotheek Amsterdam, van 7 april tot en met 16 mei 2003; gedrukt op 90 grams Munken Lynx, in een oplage van 500 exemplaren; ill. in kleur en zwart wit; 285 p.
Met index.
[25587](Dufy, Raoul).
Giftwraps by artists. Designs by Raoul Dufy. 16 full-color, tear-out sheets, 18¾ x 27 in., for all occasions.
New York; 1986; Harry N. Abrams; a Joost Elffers book in association with Meulenhoff/ Landshoff; softcover; 26 x 34,5 cm.; illustrated sheets in colour; introduction by Arlene Raven; not paged.
Complete with all the sheets.
[34492]Droste, Magdalena & Uwe Westphal.
Bauhaus 1919-1933. Bauhaus-archief/ Het Bauhaus. 2 titels.
Keulen/ Alphen aan den Rijn; 1990/ 1991; Taschen Verlag/ Atrium; softcover en harde kaft met stofomslag; ill. in kleur en zwart wit; register; los toegevoegd, enkele krantenartikels; 256 &175 p.
Stofomslag "Het Bauhaus" met kleine reparatie.
[38494]Dijk, Hans van, Bert Stolk, et al.
The detail the sorcerer's apprentice overlooked.
Utrecht; no year; Technical School for Printing and Allied Trades at Utrecht; softcover with wrapper; 15,5x15,5 cm.; ills. in colour and b&w; text in English, French, German; 47 pp. with text, ills. throughout.
Wrapper slightly discoloured.
[37711]Benevolo, Leonardo.
Corso di disegno. 5 vols. "La descrizione dell'ambiente", "L'arte e la città antica", "L'arte e la città mediovale", "L'arte e la città moderna dal XV al XVIII secolo" & "L'arte e la città contemporanea".
Roma/ Bari; 1976; Editori Laterza; softcover; ills.; XXXI, 245, 256, 197, 206 & 248 pp.
Fine set.
[31840]Arwas, Victor.
Art Deco.
New York; 1992; Harry N. Abrams; blind tooled, hardbound cloth; with dust jacket; 4o; 436 ills., including 339 plates in full colour; index; 316 pp.
With a special section of biographies of more than 140 artists. Owner's entry on french title page, otherwise a very fine copy.
[33285]Alfieri, Bruno (ed.).
Zodiac 3. International Magazine of Contemporary Architecture/ Rivista internazionale d'architettura contemporanea.
Milano; no year; Edizioni di Comunità; softcover; ills.; contributions by i.a. Giulia Veronesi, Noboru Kawazoe & Heinrich Erdsiek; dedicated to i.a. Alvaro Aalto, Franco Albini e la cultura architettonica in Italia & modern Japanese architecture confronts functionalism; text in English, Italian, French & German; advertising; 223 pp.
Cover a trifle worn.
[34170]Alfieri, Bruno (ed.).
Zodiac 2. International Magazine of Contemporary Architecture/ Rivista internazionale d'architettura contemporanea.
Milano; no year; Edizioni di Comunità; softcover; ills.; contributions by i.a. Giulia Veronesi, Le Corbusier & Wilhelm Berger; dedicated to i.a. Human setting in an industrial civilization, l'architecture Henry van de Velde & Immeuble pour bureaux près de Milan; text in English, Italian, French & German; advertising; 237 pp.
Cover a trifle worn.
[34171]Alfieri, Bruno (ed.).
Zodiac 1. International Magazine of Contemporary Architecture/ Rivista internazionale d'architettura contemporanea.
Milano; no year; Edizioni di Comunità; softcover; ills.; contributions by i.a. Walter Gropius, Peter Blake, W. Sandberg & Lucien Hervé; dedicated to i.a. The vanishing American house, Les grands magasins de Rotterdam & Centre commercial pour piétons à Rotterdam; text in English, Italian, French & German; advertising; 275 pp.
Cover a trifle worn, plasticized portions of backcover chipped.
Magyar-Szovjet Politikai Plakátok 1917-1977.
Budapest; 1977; Kossuth Könyvkiadó; 40 plates loose as issued in portfolio; folio size; with stapled booklet with accompanying text; text in Hungarian.
Portfolio just a trifle worn with some folds and creases, otherwise a very fine copy.