

Resultaten 1 - 24 van 51

-. Symbols of the 30th anniversary Polish posters 1944-1974/ Symbole XXX-Lecia Plakat Polski 1944-1974. S.l.; 1974; Artystyczino-Graficznego/ RSW "Prasa-Ksiqzka-Ruch"; complete with 30 posters, loose as issued, occasionally lithographed; in cover; 29x40 cm. Cover with a few stains and slightly wrinkled. Posters in very fine condition. [33160]

€ 195,00


Art Directors Annual '70.

Place unknown; 1970; C.A.J. van Dishoeck; cardboard; ills.; sealed copy; with red, white and blue ribbons and its original seal; pagination unknown.

Top of spine and corners of boards with slight waterstain.


€ 49,00


En souvenir de Paris. L'industrie pharmaceutique française vous prie de bien vouloir accepter ces quelques dessins inédits.

No place; no year (ca. 1950); Jean Baudet Éditeur; loose sheets, as issued; in cover; partly lithographed designs; luxurious edition.

Pharmaceutical advertising. Fine copy, very small tear at top of cover.


€ 50,00


Magyar-Szovjet Politikai Plakátok 1917-1977.

Budapest; 1977; Kossuth Könyvkiadó; 40 plates loose as issued in portfolio; folio size; with stapled booklet with accompanying text; text in Hungarian.

Portfolio just a trifle worn with some folds and creases, otherwise a very fine copy.


€ 150,00
Alfieri, Bruno (ed.).

Alfieri, Bruno (ed.).

Zodiac 1. International Magazine of Contemporary Architecture/ Rivista internazionale d'architettura contemporanea.

Milano; no year; Edizioni di Comunità; softcover; ills.; contributions by i.a. Walter Gropius, Peter Blake, W. Sandberg & Lucien Hervé; dedicated to i.a. The vanishing American house, Les grands magasins de Rotterdam & Centre commercial pour piétons à Rotterdam; text in English, Italian, French & German; advertising; 275 pp.

Cover a trifle worn, plasticized portions of backcover chipped.


€ 96,00
Alfieri, Bruno (ed.).
Alfieri, Bruno (ed.).
Alfieri, Bruno (ed.).
Alfieri, Bruno (ed.).
Alfieri, Bruno (ed.).
Alfieri, Bruno (ed.).
Alfieri, Bruno (ed.).

Alfieri, Bruno (ed.).

Zodiac 2. International Magazine of Contemporary Architecture/ Rivista internazionale d'architettura contemporanea.

Milano; no year; Edizioni di Comunità; softcover; ills.; contributions by i.a. Giulia Veronesi, Le Corbusier & Wilhelm Berger; dedicated to i.a. Human setting in an industrial civilization, l'architecture Henry van de Velde & Immeuble pour bureaux près de Milan; text in English, Italian, French & German; advertising; 237 pp.

Cover a trifle worn.


€ 59,00
Alfieri, Bruno (ed.).

Alfieri, Bruno (ed.).

Zodiac 3. International Magazine of Contemporary Architecture/ Rivista internazionale d'architettura contemporanea.

Milano; no year; Edizioni di Comunità; softcover; ills.; contributions by i.a. Giulia Veronesi, Noboru Kawazoe & Heinrich Erdsiek; dedicated to i.a. Alvaro Aalto, Franco Albini e la cultura architettonica in Italia & modern Japanese architecture confronts functionalism; text in English, Italian, French & German; advertising; 223 pp.

Cover a trifle worn.


€ 59,00
Arwas, Victor.

Arwas, Victor.

Art Deco.

New York; 1992; Harry N. Abrams; blind tooled, hardbound cloth; with dust jacket; 4o; 436 ills., including 339 plates in full colour; index; 316 pp.

With a special section of biographies of more than 140 artists. Owner's entry on french title page, otherwise a very fine copy.


€ 19,00
B.T. Batsford Ltd..

B.T. Batsford Ltd.. One hundred old, rare or unique illustrated books. Collections of original drawings, designs, engravings, etc. London; s.a.; B.T. Batsford Ltd.; softcover; ills. in b&w; 71 pp. Cover with slight signs of use. Spine end with remnants of removed sellotape. [33845]

€ 30,00
Bayer, Herbert & Walter & Ise Gropius.

Bayer, Herbert & Walter & Ise Gropius.

Bauhaus 1919-1928.

New York; 1990; The Museum of Modern Art; paperback; reprint of the edition of 1938; 550 illustrations in b&w; index; 224 pp.

Fine copy.


€ 19,00
Benevolo, Leonardo.

Benevolo, Leonardo.

Corso di disegno. 5 vols. "La descrizione dell'ambiente", "L'arte e la città antica", "L'arte e la città mediovale", "L'arte e la città moderna dal XV al XVIII secolo" & "L'arte e la città contemporanea".

Roma/ Bari; 1976; Editori Laterza; softcover; ills.; XXXI, 245, 256, 197, 206 & 248 pp.

Fine set.


€ 60,00
Bibeb & Sandberg, W..

Bibeb & Sandberg, W..

Sandberg, experimenta typographica 1943-68.

Nijmegen; 1969; Drukkerij G.J. Thieme; softcover; ills. in colour & b&w; text in English & Dutch; 26 (3) pp.

With newspaper clipping. Cover foxed and discoloured along extremities. Owner's entry on first endpaper.


€ 29,00
Brusendorff, Ib.

Brusendorff, Ib.

Typehuset af idag.

Kobenhavn; 1963; Host & Sons Forlag; softcover; 20x18 cm.; ills. in b&w; preface in English and Danish, text and captions in Danish only; 144 pp.

Near fine copy.


€ 15,00
Cobb, Henry N., Hines, Thomas S., Vilades, Pilar, a.o..

Cobb, Henry N., Hines, Thomas S., Vilades, Pilar, a.o..

Frank Gehry und seine Architektur.

Basel; 1989; Wiese Verlag; hardcover with dust jacket; ills. in colour and b&w; 223 pp.

Very fine copy.


€ 19,00
Dijk, Hans van, Bert Stolk, et al.

Dijk, Hans van, Bert Stolk, et al.

The detail the sorcerer's apprentice overlooked.

Utrecht; no year; Technical School for Printing and Allied Trades at Utrecht; softcover with wrapper; 15,5x15,5 cm.; ills. in colour and b&w; text in English, French, German; 47 pp. with text, ills. throughout.

Wrapper slightly discoloured.


€ 15,00
Dominioni, Luigi Caccia, Pier GIacomo Castiglioni, et al.

Dominioni, Luigi Caccia, Pier GIacomo Castiglioni, et al.

Alessi. Annuario della Produzione/ Production Yearbook 1995.

Crusinallo; 1995; F.A.O.; softcover; ills. in colour and b&w; text in Italian, English, French, German and Spanish; 116 pp.

Fine copy.


€ 30,00
Droste, Magdalena & Uwe Westphal.

Droste, Magdalena & Uwe Westphal.

Bauhaus 1919-1933. Bauhaus-archief/ Het Bauhaus. 2 titels.

Keulen/ Alphen aan den Rijn; 1990/ 1991; Taschen Verlag/ Atrium; softcover en harde kaft met stofomslag; ill. in kleur en zwart wit; register; los toegevoegd, enkele krantenartikels; 256 &175 p.

Stofomslag "Het Bauhaus" met kleine reparatie.


€ 15,00
(Dufy, Raoul).
(Dufy, Raoul).

(Dufy, Raoul).

Giftwraps by artists. Designs by Raoul Dufy. 16 full-color, tear-out sheets, 18¾ x 27 in., for all occasions.

New York; 1986; Harry N. Abrams; a Joost Elffers book in association with Meulenhoff/ Landshoff; softcover; 26 x 34,5 cm.; illustrated sheets in colour; introduction by Arlene Raven; not paged.

Complete with all the sheets.


€ 34,00
Duijzer, Henk, Fontaine Verwey, Isa de la, Jaspers, Gerard, e.a. (red.).

Duijzer, Henk, Fontaine Verwey, Isa de la, Jaspers, Gerard, e.a. (red.).

Reis in drukken; uit de verzamelingen van leden van het Nederlands Genootschap van Bibliofielen.

Amsterdam; 2003; de Buitenkant; goudbedrukt linnen; ingenaaid; "Reis in drukken" verscheen bij de tentoonstelling ter gelegenheid van het twaalfenhalfjarig bestaan van het Nederlands Genootschap van Bibliofielen, in de Universiteitsbibliotheek Amsterdam, van 7 april tot en met 16 mei 2003; gedrukt op 90 grams Munken Lynx, in een oplage van 500 exemplaren; ill. in kleur en zwart wit; 285 p.

Met index.


€ 14,00

Dutch design 2000/ 2001; a boxed set of six thematic volumes.

Amsterdam; 2000; BIS Publishers; halfcloth, foils; ills. in colour; six volumes, volume 1 "Industrial design", vol. 2 "Graphic design", vol. 3 "New media", vol. 4 "Environmental design", vol. 5 "Packaging design", vol. 6 "Illustration"; XVII, 86 (6), XV, 468 (8), XVII, 128 (6), XV, 76 (8), XVII, 54 (8) and XV, 116 (8) pp.

Covers occasionally a trifle rubbed, otherwise fine.


€ 25,00
Fishenden, R.B. (ed.).
Fishenden, R.B. (ed.).
Fishenden, R.B. (ed.).
Fishenden, R.B. (ed.).

Fishenden, R.B. (ed.).

The Penrose Annual. A Review of the Graphic Arts. Volume XXXIX, 1937.

London; 1937; Lund Humphries & Co. Ltd.; hardbound cloth; ills.; XII, 180 pp., followed by illustrations, representative examples for the year 1936.

Owner's entry on rear mount. Overall a fine copy.


€ 32,00
Geirlandt, K.J. a.o. (ed.).

Geirlandt, K.J. a.o. (ed.).

L'Art en Belgique depuis 45.

Antwerpen; 1983; Fonds Mercator; very richly illustrated in colour and b&w; hardcover with dustjacket; in slipcase; 26x34 cm; 448 pp.

Very fine copy.


€ 23,00


Geuzendam's Catalogus van de Postwaardestukken van Nederland en Overzeese Rijksdelen. 3e Editie.

Den Haag; 1974; Geuzendam's Postzegelhandel; softcover; ill. in zwart wit; inclusief het losse supplement 1976-1977 op Geuzendam's catalogus van de postwaardestukken van Nederland en Overz. Rijksdelen (3e editie); 120 p.

Hier en daar wat losse notities en markeringen met potlood.


€ 15,00
Gropius, Walter.

Gropius, Walter.

Bauhausbauten Dessau. Neue Bauhausbücher.

Berlin; 1997; Gebr. Mann Verlag; hardcover with dust jacket; 2nd edition; ills. in b&w; 221 pp.

Very fine copy.


€ 70,00