Moormann, George.
Parabel van de Kringloop. Dubbelnummer 16/17.
Haarlem; 1992; De Zingende Zaag; elf kunstbijdragen in een sigarenkistje, reagerend op het thema "kringloop"; met werkjes van o.a. Thomas Widdershoven, Jacqueline Elich, Christine Rothuizen, Kate Wilkinson en Kees Oosterbaan; het nummer zelf, zich eveneens bevindend in het kistje, telt 100 p.
Keurig en compleet exemplaar.
[35522]Mulder, L. (ed.).
De Boeren-Goudmijn. Tijdschrift voor den Nederlandschen Landbouw in zijn geheelen omvang. Inzonderheid ten dienste van het platteland.
Deventer; 1856; J. De Lange; Tweede Jaargang (2nd ed.); ills. in b&w.; hardcover; 14,5x23,5 cm.; 384, 209-232, 208, 12 pp.
Edge of endpapers damaged. First 16 pages missing. Cover grubby, repaired and in poor shape. Inside good.
[18785]Mulder, L. (ed.).
De Boeren-Goudmijn. Tijdschrift voor den Nederlandschen Landbouw in zijn geheelen omvang, inzonderheid ten dienste van het platteland.
Deventer; 1859; J. De Lange; Vijfde Jaargang (5th ed.); ills. in b&w.; 5 folding plates of farmhouses; hardcover; 13,5x23,5 cm.; XII, 368, 156 pp.
Edge of endpaper damaged. Cover repaired, grubby and in poor shape. Inside good.
[18784]Muls, Joz. (red.).
Kunst. Maandblad voor oude en jonge Beeldende-, Bouw- en Sierkunsten, Muziek, enz. Vierde jaargang nr. 9.
Gent/ Zeist; 1933; uitgeverij Vyncke/ uitgeverij de Torentrans; softcover, geniet; ill. in zwart wit; verschillende bijdragen door meerdere auteurs; bijvoegsel een originele houtsnede van Frits van den Berghe, "de Zonneschilder"; pp. 273-324.
[31761]N.n.. The Gentlewoman with Vivienne Westwood, Verde Visconti, Annabelle Selldorf, Camilla NIckerson, Cate Le Bon and Bertha González Nieves. Fabulous women's magazine, issue no. 9, Spring and Summer 2014. S.l. ; 2014; softcover; 4to; ills., photography in colour and b&w; advertising throughout; 294 pp. Fine copy. [34279]
N.n.. Weekblad voor kinderen. I. Deel. Amsterdam; 1798; Johannes van der Hey. Complete ingebonden jaargang met 53 afleveringen. Iedere aflevering heeft een bepaald thema zoals vulkanen ("vuurbergen") , "Rivieren" en "De Bloemhof" en begint steeds met een gravure. Gekartonneerd; met recent handgemarmerd papier; 424 p. Onafgesneden exemplaar; rug is wat naar binnen gedrukt; vocht- en gebruiksvlekken. [32491]
N.n.. Weekblad voor kinderen. II. Deel. Amsterdam; 1799; Johannes van der Hey. Complete ingebonden jaargang met 52 afleveringen. Iedere aflevering heeft een bepaald thema zoals "De Aarde", "De Roofdieren", "De Slangen", "De Huisdieren" en "De Aardrijkskunde" en begint steeds met een gravure. Achterin een uitslaande oudhandgekleurde wereldkaart. Gekartonneerd; met recent handgemarmerd papier; 416 p. Onafgesneden exemplaar. Vochtvlek op titelblad. Zeldzaam! [32492]
Die Woche. Dezember 1937, Heft 52. Januar 1938, Heft 1. Oktober 1940, Heft 43. Oktober 1940, Heft 44. November 1940, Heft 46. 5 vols.
Berlin; 1937, 1938, 1940; Verlag August Scherl; softcover; ills. in b&w; 40, 40, 60, 40 & 44 pp.
Covers with slight signs of use. One backcover with remnants of tape.
Lille/ Villeneuve; 1985; L'Association Frontieres/ De Media-v.z.w. Driewerf Hoera; softcover, stapled; ills.; text in French, German, English, Russian and Spanish; 67 pp.
The Association Frontieres wants to abolish the cultural and geographical barriers through a Manifestation of the Young Theatrical, Musical and Graphic Creativity. Fine copy.
Gazette van Ghendt. LXI. (61). Maendag den 2. augustus 1734. Met privilege van Syne Keyzerlyke Majesteyt.
4 Pagina's. Vermoedelijk op 1 januari 1667 stichtte de Gentse drukker-uitgever Maximiliaen Graet (circa 1625-1676) een neutraal nieuws- en annoncenblad met de titel Ghendtsche Post-Tydingen. Op 4 januari 1723 gaven de nieuwe eigenaars de krant haar uiteindelijke naam, Gazette van Ghendt (lichte spellingwijziging in Gazette van Gendt, 1749 en Gazette van Gend, 1765).
Met stempel van vorige eigenaar en wat vlekkig.
The Studio. An Illustrated Magazine of Fine and Applied Art. Volume 109 comprising the six monthly numbers from January to June 1935/ Volume 110 comprising the six monthly numbers from July to December 1935. 2 vols.
London; 1935; the Studio Ltd.; bound in halfcloth with marbled boards; ills. in b&w; 352 & 368 pp.
Near fine set of 2 complete volumes. Owner's entry on title page.
[34381]No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. LXXXV- from January to June 1898. London; 1898; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: Portuguese cruiser "Adamastor" (Messrs. Orlando Brothers, Leghorn, builders and engineers), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the ship; folding map, showing the railways of Japan up to November, 1897; engines of Her Majesty's first-class battleship "Albion" (Messrs. Maudslay, Sons, and Field, Lambeth, engineers), with, i.a., a folding plate with plans and fig.; the Liverpool motor car trials, with ills. and fig.; four cylinder compound passenger engine, London and North-Western Railway (Mr. F.W. Webb, Crewe, engineer), with a folding, woodengraved, plate with a view of the engine, plans and fig.; types of United States warships, with a double page plate with ills.; the Russian oil industry, with ills.; torpedo boats in the United States navy, with a folding plate with plans and fig.; the manufacture of needles- Messrs. H. Milward and Sons'Works, Washford Mills, Redditch, with ills.; s.s. "Bruce" (Messrs. A. and J. Inglis, Point House, Glasgow, engineers), with plans and fig.; Lagos Railway, with ills.; the Haskin Wood Vulcanising Works, Millwall, with ills.; wire wound ordnance- Messrs. Thomas Firth and Sons' Works, Sheffield, with ills.; index; XVI, 616 pp. Former library copy. [26192]
No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. XCII- from July to December 1901. London; 1901; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: express passenger locomotive, North-Eastern Railway (Mr. Wilson Worsdell, engineer), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the locomotive; Stanley Works, Newark-on-Trent (A. Ransome and Co., engineers), with ills.; motor vehicles for military purposes, with ills.; His Majesty's first-class cruiser "Monmouth" (the London and Glasgow Engineering and Shipbuilding Company, Govan), with a view of the ship; Lanarkshire Steel Company's Works- conveyors and gas producers, with ills.; cross-channel passenger steamships, with ills.; 30-feet high-speed steam cutter (Simpson, Strickland and Co., Dartmouth, engineers), with ills.; manufacture of sugar in India- charcoal plant, with folding supplement with plans and fig.; Barrow Hematite Steel Works, with ills.; Paris- Berlin motor car race, with ills.; s.s. "Korea" and "Siberia", Pacific Mail Steamship Company, San Francisco, with ills.; index; XVI, 666 pp. Former library copy. [26206]
No author. Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. CXXVIII- from July to December 1929. London; 1929; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, tables, etc.; in this volume articles, reviews on, i.a.: the Conowingo development on the Susquehanna River, with ills.; suction dredger for the Argentine government, with ills.; the Hams Hall generating station of the Birmingham corporation (Mr. R.A. Chattock, city electrical engineer), with ills. and plans; cargo-salvage operations, s.s. "Western Knight", with ills.; port improvements at Bremerhaven, with ills. and fig.; streamline funnel s.s. "Bremen", with ill.; exhibits at the international aero exhibition, Olympia, with double page enclosure with ills.; exhibits at the Royal agricultural show, Harrogate, with ills.; H.M. submarine depot ship "Medway", with a view of the ship; extensive index; complete with one page and two page enclosures; XXX, 856 pp. Former library copy. Leaves dampstained at lower parts, some of the double page enclosures stuck together. Cover slightly worn. [26130]
No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. LXVII- from January to June, 1889. London; 1889; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: passenger locomotive, London and South-Western Railway (Mr. W. Adams, engineer), with double page woodengraved view of the locomotive; twin-screw yacht "Ormea" (the Ardrossan shipbuilding company, builders), with folding plate with plans and fig.; Mogul engine, class S.L., Central Pacific Railway (Mr. Francis F. Brown, engineer), with folding plate with plans and fig.; Her Majesty's first-class battle-ship "Benbow", 10,600 tons (constructed by the Thames ironworks and Shipbuilding Company, Millwall), with folding, woodengraved, plate with a view of the ship; construction of the Eiffel Tower (M. Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, Paris, engineer), with woodengraved illustrations; Mogul engine, class S.L., Central Pacific Railway, with folding plate with fig. and plans; the Chapin iron ore mine, Michigan, with ills.; triple expansion engines, steamship "Benmore" (the North-Eastern Company, Sunderland and Wallsend-on-Tyne), with double page, woodengraved, ills.; the Antofagasta railway, Bolivia- viaduct over the river Loa (Mr. Edward Woods, engineer, the Horseley Company, Tipton, builders), with a folding plate with a view of the viaduct; Her Majesty's first-class battle ship "Edinburgh", with a folding, woodengraved, plate with a view of the ship; Her Majesty's first-class battle ship "Victoria" (constructed by Armstrong, Mitchell and Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne), with a double page, woodengraved, view of the ship; index; VIII, 560 pp. Former library copy. Spine ends slightly damaged, a few leaves loose(ning). [26145]
No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. CXVI- from July to December 1913. London; 1913; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: the Royal Holland Lloyd liner "Gelria" (Alexander Stephen and Sons, Linthouse, builders), with a view of the ship (1 p. + 1 ill.); twin-screw harbour tug and passenger tender (Ferguson Brothers, Port Glasgow, builders), with ills. and plans; "the Great Northern railway", supplement of XVI pp., with ills. and double page enclosure; the steam yacht "Sapphire" (John Brown and Co., Clydebank, builders), with double page supplement with plans and fig.; twelve-inch naval gun mounting (W.G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, engineers), with double page plate; Bulak Bridge over the Nile at Cairo, with double page supplement with ills.; general arrangement and details of a seaplane (A.V. Roe and Co., Manchester, builders), with double page supplement with plans and fig.; reconstruction of Snow Hill Station, G.W. Railway, Birmingham (Mr. W.Y. Armstrong, engineer) with double page supplement with plans and fig.; commercial motor vehicle exhibition at Olympia, with ills.; Queen's Engineering Works, Bedford (W.H. Allen, Son and Co., engineers), with double page supplement with ills.; index; XV, 694 pp. Former library copy. [26248]
No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. CV- from January to June 1908. London; 1908; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: some British and foreign locomotives of 1907, with ills.; Spittlegate Ironworks (Richard Hornsby and Sons, engineers, Grantham), with ills.; the Divi pumping project- Madras presidency, with double page supplement with ills.; Hungarian State Engineering Works at Budapest, with ills.; six-coupled tank locomotive, North-Eastern Railway (Mr. Wilson Worsdell, Gateshead-on-Tyne, engineer), with a view of the locomotive; the Stockport Gas Engine Works, with ills.; new Alpine railways in Austria, with double page supplement with ills.; Blackwell Island Bridge, New York, with ills.; steel works and types of guns manufacturing in Sweden, with ills.; index; XII, 680 pp. Former library copy. [26233]