Fougeroux von Bandaroy.
Schauplatz der Künste und Handwerke oder vollständige Beschreibung derselben verfertiget oder gebilliget von denen Herren der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Paris. Vierter Band:Die Böttgerkunst.
Leipzig, Königsberg und Mietau; 1765; Johann Jacob Kanter. Softcover with marbled boards; with 6 folded engravings; (10), 84, (5) pp.
Fine copy
[31473]Frezier, Sr..
Traité des feux d'artifice, ou l'on voit I. La manière de préparer les matières qui entrnt dans la composition des feux d'artifice. II. La méthode de faire & de composer toutes fortes de feux d'artifice.
III. Où l'on donne une idée de la conduite des feux de joye.
La Haye; 1741; J. Neaulme. Engraved frontispiece, dated 1707; small 8vo; full calf with gilt spine; 8 full page plates and 3 smaller illustrations.
Binding partly worn. Spine split; and repaired on top and bottom; one small wormhole in first 150 pp.
[33753](Groot, de).
Het bouwen van de Kart.
Alkmaar; z.j. (ca. 1967); Kart Commissie/ Jeugd Automobiel Club; gekartonneerd, geniet; tekst met instructies (gestencild) en ontwerptekeningen; 3 uitvouwbare platen.
Band beduimeld, enkele krassen met pen en slijtagesporen. Eén der platen iets gescheurd.
[24625]Haberer, Albert & Karl Eichhorn.
Aussentüren in Holz und Metall. Ein Fachbuch für Handwerker und Architekten zur Gestaltung aller Arten von Außentüren. 273 Lichtbilder und 248 gezeichnete Türbeispiele, zumeist im Maßstab 1:10 mit Werkschnitten in natürlicher Größe.
Stuttgart; 1953; Konradin-Verlag/ Robert Kohlhammer; clothbound; 27x38 cm.; ills., plates, in b&w; 3rd edition; 328 pp.
Fine copy.
[36937]Henket, N.H., Schols, Ch. M. en Telders, J.M..
Waterbouwkunde, derde deel (4e gedeelte), afd. XIV- Berekening der bruggen. Inclusief platenatlas.
's-Gravenhage; 1896; de Gebroeders van Cleef; halflinnen met gemarmerde platten;enkele tabellen en staatjes; platenatlas met 20 losse platen; gelithografeerde platen; IX, 393 p.
Oud-bibliotheekexemplaar Technische School, met enkele stempeltjes op schut- en titelblad. Rug van de platenatlas vernieuwd. Titelblad platenatlas los en enkele platen met kleine beschadiging.
[34397]Henket, N.H., Schols, Ch. M. en Telders, J.M..
Waterbouwkunde, eerste deel, afd. VII- Bevloeiingen. Inclusief platenatlas.
's-Gravenhage; 1891; de Gebroeders van Cleef; halflinnen met gemarmerde platten; bewerkt door J.E. de Meijer; enkele tabellen; platenatlas (halflinnen map, met koordjes) met 36 platen, compleet; afmeting platenatlas 34x50 cm.; gelithografeerde platen, o.a. handelend over landbouwkaarten, gereedschappen, stuwmeren, wijze van bevloeiing, regenval, waterafloop, etc. ; XV, 463 p.
Met alfabetisch register. Oud-bibliotheekexemplaar, met enkele stempeltjes op schut- en titelblad. Etiketje op rug, lichte slijtage langs hoeken en randen. Platenatlas met stempel aan binnenkant omslag en etiketje op voorplat.
[23328]Hogerwaard, M.B.G..
Memorie over de verdediging van de Zeeuwsche oevers.
Middelburg; 1893; U.F. Auer en Zoon; halflinnen; 13 uitslaande, gegraveerde platen; o.a. van de Hoofdplaat-polder, Vliete Polder, Anna Friso Polder, duinen, dijken, toestand van Zeeland in 1200, profielen van onderzees verdedigde oevers, strandhoofden, etc.; 73 p. + platen.
Platen met af en toe een klein scheurtje, en soms gerepareerd met een stukje tape. Band enigszins beduimeld en wat vlekjes. Voorplat en titelblad met enkele stempeltjes. Rug aan boven- en onderzijde een ietsje beschadigd.
[23479]Jones, E.B..
Instrument technology, vol. I-III. !: Measurement of pressure, level, flow and temperature. II: On-line analysis instruments. III: Telemetering and automatic control.
London, Boston, etc.; resp. 1976, 1976, 1977; Newnes-Butterworths; resp. 3rd, 2nd, 1st ed.; fig., tables; cloth, with dust jackets; resp. [VI] and 402, [VI} and 282, [VIII] and 198 pp.
[13413]Loewenthal, Richard.
Handbuch der Färberei der Spinnfasern. I. Band.
Berlin; 1900; Verlag von W. & S. Loewenthal; halfleather with marbled boards; 8vo; 2nd revised edition; German-language edition; 84 engraved ills.; X, 670 pp.
Cover a trifle worn, mainly along extremities and frontcover with chafed portion. Title page with small repair at hinge.
[31332]Marsman, H., Schendel, Arthur van, Bitter, W.S, Veldhuysen, F., Bomans, Godfried, Bourbon, L. de en Vries Leonard de.
Tempel en Kruis en andere gedichten/ Avonturiers/ Het Wentelend Wiel van Indië/ O....Ja! Puzzleboekje/ Hoa Kiao/ Onstuimige Verhalen/ Inggih Ndoro / Triomfen der Techniek.
Amsterdam; 1939-1948; uitgeverij Keizerskroon; 8 deeltjes uit de Zwaluw-editie, in een gekartonneerde cassette; zachte kaft; sommige exemplaren met ill. in zwart wit; 10,5x16 cm.; elk deeltje ca. 75 p.
Delen zijn genummerd 1 t/m 10, de nummers 5 en 9 ontbreken. Enkele van de exemplaren licht verkleurd en één deel met hier en daar wat markeringen in pen en of potlood. Cassette met lichte slijtagesporen.
[23349]Maw, W.H. & Dredge, J. (ed.). Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. LXXV- from January to June 1903. London; 1903; Office for Publication and Advertisements; cloth; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a. : windmills at the Royal Agricultural Society's ground, Ealing, with ills.; the Hotchkiss rifle-calibre automatic machine gun, with ills.; the works of the British Electric Car Co., Trafford Park, Manchester, with ills.; the Paris automobile exhibition, with figures; five-ton steam wagon for West Africa (constructed by Messrs. Simpson and Bibby, engineers, Manchester), with plans and ills.; chassis of the Beaufort motor car (constructed by the Beaufort Motor Company, engineers, London), with ills.; fast passenger locomotive for the New York Central and Hudson River railroad (constructed by the American Locomotive Company, Schenectady), with ills and fig.; the Dover harbour works, the admirality Pier extension (Messrs. Coode, Son and Matthews, London), with ills.; the Crystal Palace motor-car show, with plans and ills.; Yarrow boilers for the Chilian battleship "Constitucion" (constructed by Messrs. Yarrow & Co., engineers, London), with ills.; the Whitechapel and Bow railway, bridge over Campbell-Road, with ills.; extensive index; XXXVIII, 880 pp. Former library copy. 30 Double paged enclosures not included. [25965]
Maw, W.H. & Dredge, J. (ed.). Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. LXXVI-from July to December, 1903. London; 1903; Office for Publication and Advertisements; cloth; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a. : stamping machine for coke manufacture at Borsigwerk (constructed by the Maschinenfabrik Brinck and Hübner, Mannheim, with plans and fig.; ten-wheel express locomotive for the Glasgow and South-Western railway (constructed from the designs of Mr. James Manson, locomotive superintendent,. by the North British Locomotive Co., engineers, Glasgow), with a view of the locomotive; American bridges on the Uganda railway, with ills.; steam lifeboat "Princess of Wales" for Mauritius (constructed by Messrs. John I. Thornycroft and Co., Chiswick), with plans and fig.; arrangement of machinery for T.S.S. "Turbinia", with plans and fig.; the North German Lloyd T.-S.S. "Kaiser Wilhelm II" (constructed by the Stettiner Maschinenbau Actien-Gesellschaft "Vulcan", Bredow, Stettin), with view, tables, fig.; the London, Brighton and Sout-Coast railway, with fig.; double-cylinder steam fire-engine for Newcastle-on-Tyne (constructed by Messrs. Merryweather and Sons, engineers, London), with a view of the steam engine; wire ropeway at Messrs. Willans and Robinson's new boiler works, Queensferry, Flint (constructed by Messrs. Bullivant and Co., London), with ills.; Borsig's Works in Germany, with ills.; Basset atmospheric engine at Denby Colliery, near Derby, with ills.; works of the Universal Tube Company, Chesterfield, with ills.; electric light plan for Dutch torpedo-boats (constructed by the electrotechnische industrie (formerly Willem Smit and Co, Likkerveer), with plans and fig.; extensive index; XL, 886 pp. Former library copy. 26 Double paged enclosures not included. Final pages with slight waterstaining in margins. [25966]