No author.
Einige Mitteilungen über die Vorzüge des Demerara Greenheartholzes für Schleusentore, Fundirungen und andere Holzkonstruktionen des Wasserbaus.
Middelburg; 1910; Houthandel voorheen G. Alberts Lzn. & Co.; softcover, sewn binding; ills. in b&w, i.a. "Schleusentor aus Demerara Greenheartholz in Veere & Wemeldinge"; (folding) tables, diagrams; 33 (8) pp.
Cover partly discoloured, bookplate on title page.
[25808]No author.
Bopp & Reuther Mannheim; Maschinen- und Armaturen-Fabrik, Eisen- und Metall-Gieserei, Abtheilung II: Armaturen und Apparate für Gaswerke.
Mannheim; 1900; trade catalogue; softcover with renewed, cloth, spine; 51 plates with various engraved figures; tables, price lists; n.pp.
Spine renewed, two perforation holes for ringbinding purposes. Cover and margins of leaves occasionally thumbed. Cover otherwise slightly worn along extremities with small repairs with transparant tape. Stamp at frontcover.
[24601]No author.
Blauwboek uitgegeven ter gelegenheid van het eerste lustrum der vliegtuigbouwkundige studievereniging "Leonardo de Vinci".
Delft; 1950; softcover; ill., fig. in zwart wit; 149 p. + enkele pagina's met advertenties.
Rug verkleurd, band met enige slijtage aan hoeken en randen. Enkele bladzijden met ezelsoortjes.
[24251]No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. XCII- from July to December 1901. London; 1901; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: express passenger locomotive, North-Eastern Railway (Mr. Wilson Worsdell, engineer), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the locomotive; Stanley Works, Newark-on-Trent (A. Ransome and Co., engineers), with ills.; motor vehicles for military purposes, with ills.; His Majesty's first-class cruiser "Monmouth" (the London and Glasgow Engineering and Shipbuilding Company, Govan), with a view of the ship; Lanarkshire Steel Company's Works- conveyors and gas producers, with ills.; cross-channel passenger steamships, with ills.; 30-feet high-speed steam cutter (Simpson, Strickland and Co., Dartmouth, engineers), with ills.; manufacture of sugar in India- charcoal plant, with folding supplement with plans and fig.; Barrow Hematite Steel Works, with ills.; Paris- Berlin motor car race, with ills.; s.s. "Korea" and "Siberia", Pacific Mail Steamship Company, San Francisco, with ills.; index; XVI, 666 pp. Former library copy. [26206]
No author. Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. CXXVIII- from July to December 1929. London; 1929; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, tables, etc.; in this volume articles, reviews on, i.a.: the Conowingo development on the Susquehanna River, with ills.; suction dredger for the Argentine government, with ills.; the Hams Hall generating station of the Birmingham corporation (Mr. R.A. Chattock, city electrical engineer), with ills. and plans; cargo-salvage operations, s.s. "Western Knight", with ills.; port improvements at Bremerhaven, with ills. and fig.; streamline funnel s.s. "Bremen", with ill.; exhibits at the international aero exhibition, Olympia, with double page enclosure with ills.; exhibits at the Royal agricultural show, Harrogate, with ills.; H.M. submarine depot ship "Medway", with a view of the ship; extensive index; complete with one page and two page enclosures; XXX, 856 pp. Former library copy. Leaves dampstained at lower parts, some of the double page enclosures stuck together. Cover slightly worn. [26130]
No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. CXVI- from July to December 1913. London; 1913; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: the Royal Holland Lloyd liner "Gelria" (Alexander Stephen and Sons, Linthouse, builders), with a view of the ship (1 p. + 1 ill.); twin-screw harbour tug and passenger tender (Ferguson Brothers, Port Glasgow, builders), with ills. and plans; "the Great Northern railway", supplement of XVI pp., with ills. and double page enclosure; the steam yacht "Sapphire" (John Brown and Co., Clydebank, builders), with double page supplement with plans and fig.; twelve-inch naval gun mounting (W.G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, engineers), with double page plate; Bulak Bridge over the Nile at Cairo, with double page supplement with ills.; general arrangement and details of a seaplane (A.V. Roe and Co., Manchester, builders), with double page supplement with plans and fig.; reconstruction of Snow Hill Station, G.W. Railway, Birmingham (Mr. W.Y. Armstrong, engineer) with double page supplement with plans and fig.; commercial motor vehicle exhibition at Olympia, with ills.; Queen's Engineering Works, Bedford (W.H. Allen, Son and Co., engineers), with double page supplement with ills.; index; XV, 694 pp. Former library copy. [26248]
No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. CV- from January to June 1908. London; 1908; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: some British and foreign locomotives of 1907, with ills.; Spittlegate Ironworks (Richard Hornsby and Sons, engineers, Grantham), with ills.; the Divi pumping project- Madras presidency, with double page supplement with ills.; Hungarian State Engineering Works at Budapest, with ills.; six-coupled tank locomotive, North-Eastern Railway (Mr. Wilson Worsdell, Gateshead-on-Tyne, engineer), with a view of the locomotive; the Stockport Gas Engine Works, with ills.; new Alpine railways in Austria, with double page supplement with ills.; Blackwell Island Bridge, New York, with ills.; steel works and types of guns manufacturing in Sweden, with ills.; index; XII, 680 pp. Former library copy. [26233]
No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. LXV- from January to June 1888. London; 1888; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: Bogie passenger engine, Caledonian Railway (Mr. D. Drummond, St. Rollox, engineer), with a woodengraved view; the Stanley exhibition of cycles, with fig.; trunk engines, H.M.S. Warrior, 1861 (Messrs. J. Penn and Sons, Greenwich, engineers), with plans; express locomotive, Great Northern Railway (Mr. Patrick Stirling, engineer), with a double page, woodengraved, view of the locomotive; the Birmingham cable tramway (Mr. Joseph Kincaid and Mr. E. Pritchard, Westminster, engineers), with plans and fig.; s.s. Alligator and Capercailzie (Messrs. Barclay, Curle and Co., Whiteinch, builders), with plans and fig.; New Promenade Pier, St. Leonard's-on-Sea (Mr. R. St. George Moore, Westminster, engineer), with plans and fig.; moving the Brighton Beach Hotel, New York, with woodengraved ills.; the steam yacht, Grace Darling (Messrs. Fleming & Ferguson Paisley, shipbuilders, engineers), with a woodengraved view of the vessel; the Nordenfelt submarine torpedo boat, with plans and fig.; the Zalinsky pneumatic dynamite gun, with fig.; the Forth Bridge- Fife Pier and Cantilevers (Sir John Fowler and Mr. B. Baker, engineers), with a double page, woodengraved, view of the construction of the bridge; tank locomotive, Hungarian State Railways, with a double page enclosure with plans and fig.; index; VIII, 538 pp. Former library copy. Title page waterstained. Some leaves with waterstaining at upper margin. The numerous woodengraved illustrations in fine and clear order. [26142]
No author. Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. CXXX- from July to December, 1930. London; 1930; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a.: exhibits at the Royal agricultural show at Manchester, with ills.; the equiptment of the Triest-Opicina funicular railway (Messrs. Theodore Bell and Company, engineers, Kriens-Lucerne), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; the Kill van Kull Bridge, New York (Mr. O.H. Ammann, chief engineer of bridges, port of New York authority), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; the Oakland-Alameda estuary tube, San Francisco Bay, with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; 2-6-2-type tank locomotive, London and North Eastern railway (Mr. H.N. Gresley, chief mechanical engineer), with fig.; pneumatic ash-removal wagon (constructed by Messrs. The Allen air appliance company, engineers, New York), with ills.; high-pressure compound locomotive for the Delaware and Hudson railroad, with ills.; erection of the main span hangers of Sydney Harbour Bridge (Dr. J.J.C. Bradfield, chief engineer, New South Wales government), with ills.; the Kiesselbach feed-water storage system, with ills.; subway construction methods, New York, with ills.; Bauer-Wach installation, s.s. "St. Clair", with ills., fig., and plans; the Scott-Paine racing motor boat (constructed by Messrs. the British Power Boat Company, engineers, Southampton), with ills.; extensive index; complete with one page and two page enclosures; XXVII, 822 pp. Former library copy. Leaves dampstained at lower parts, some of the double page enclosures stuck together. Cover a trifle worn. [26134]
No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. CXXVIII- from July to December 1919. London; 1919; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, woodengravings, tables; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: the works of Thomas Broadbent and Sons, Huddersfield, with ills and double page supplement; the construction of Champlain dry dock, Quebec, with ills.; the Cricklewood Works of the Nieuport Aircraft Company, with ills.; the diesel-motor ship "Trefoil"and her propelling engines, with plans and figures; the Westland Limousine four-seater aeroplane (The Westland Aircraft Works, branch of Petters, Yeovil, builders), with ills. and plans; the Brown-Firth laboratories, Sheffield, with ills.; the Armstrong Locomotive Works, with ills.; Scotswood Locomotive Shops (W.G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne, engineers), with double page supplement with ills.; Olympia motor show- 40-50-H.P. Napier car, with ills.; the Beardmore-Farquhar light machine gun, with fig. and plans; renovation of spent cartridge cases at the Derby Works of the Midland Railway, with double page supplement with ills.; self-propelling Caterpillar excavating and back-filling machine (the Pawling and Harnischfeger Company, Milwaukee, engineers), with ills.; war works carried out in the Crewe shops of the L. & N.W. Railway, with ills.; Derrick car on Illinois Central Railway, with ills.; the Enfield-Allday light car, with ills.; index; XV, 648 pp. Former library copy. Spine damaged, bookblock loosening. [26329]
No author. Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. 148. July to December, 1939. London; 1939; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a.: the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, with double page enclosure with ills., plans and fig.; the reconstruction of Aldgate East Station, London, passenger transport board, with double page enclosure with plans, ills. and fig.; the Luton works of Messrs. Commer cars, Ltd., with ills.; the Albert Canal, Belgium, connecting the rivers Scheldt and Meuse, with double page enclosure with ills.; the New Wandsworth Bridge, London (Mr. T. Peirson Frank, chief engineer, London County Council), with double page enclosure with ills.; war-service vehicle manufacture, with ills.; machine shops at Wilton-Fijenoord ship repairing yard, Rotterdam, with ills.; the Tottenham works of Messrs. Keith Blackman, Ltd., with ills.; H.M. cruiser "Belfast" (constructed by Messrs. Harland and Wolff, Ltd., Belfast), with a view of the ship; air-raid shelters, New Southgate works, with ill.; extensive index; complete with one page and two page enclosures; XXIII, 734 pp. Former library copy. Leaves dampstained at lower parts, some of the double page enclosures stuck together. Paper over boards lacking. [26138]
No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. LXXXV- from January to June 1898. London; 1898; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: Portuguese cruiser "Adamastor" (Messrs. Orlando Brothers, Leghorn, builders and engineers), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the ship; folding map, showing the railways of Japan up to November, 1897; engines of Her Majesty's first-class battleship "Albion" (Messrs. Maudslay, Sons, and Field, Lambeth, engineers), with, i.a., a folding plate with plans and fig.; the Liverpool motor car trials, with ills. and fig.; four cylinder compound passenger engine, London and North-Western Railway (Mr. F.W. Webb, Crewe, engineer), with a folding, woodengraved, plate with a view of the engine, plans and fig.; types of United States warships, with a double page plate with ills.; the Russian oil industry, with ills.; torpedo boats in the United States navy, with a folding plate with plans and fig.; the manufacture of needles- Messrs. H. Milward and Sons'Works, Washford Mills, Redditch, with ills.; s.s. "Bruce" (Messrs. A. and J. Inglis, Point House, Glasgow, engineers), with plans and fig.; Lagos Railway, with ills.; the Haskin Wood Vulcanising Works, Millwall, with ills.; wire wound ordnance- Messrs. Thomas Firth and Sons' Works, Sheffield, with ills.; index; XVI, 616 pp. Former library copy. [26192]
No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. CVI- from July to December 1908. London; 1908; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: reconstruction of the Anderton boat lift (J.A. Saner, Weaver Navigation, Northwich, engineer), with, i.a., a double page supplement with plans and fig.; the Great Western Railway Works at Swindon, with ills.; the London and North-Western Railway and Crewe Works, with ills.; new water supply for Monterey, Mexico-South reservoir, with double page supplement with ills.; new waterworks at Selby, with ills.; construction work at the Panama Canal, with ills.; the Newark Engineering Works, Bath, with ills.; the Atlas Locomotive Works (Messrs. Peckett and Sons, Bristol, engineers), with ills.; Harland and Wolff's Works at Southampton, with ills.; South Indian Railway- Egmore Station, Madras, with ills.; index; XVI, 684 pp. Former library copy. Spine ends slightly damaged. [26232]
No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. XCVI- from July to December 1903. London; 1903; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: United States vessels, naval and mercantile, with ills.; Roker Pier (Mr. H.H. Wake, engineer), with a view of the pier; the American submarine boat protector, with ills.; the passenger steamship "Yongala" (W.G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Company, Newcastle-on-Tyne, builders), with ills.; tandem compound express locomotive, Russian Empire Railways, with a folding, woodengraved, view of the locomotive; floating workshop, Durban harbour, with a double page supplement with ills.; Robert Stephenson and Co.'s Works at Darlington, with ills.; construction of the Connel ferry bridge, with ills.; the motor car works of Humber, Limited, at Beeston, with ills.; electrical works at Belfort, with ills.; index; XVI, 632 pp. Former library copy. [26218]
No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. LXVII- from January to June, 1889. London; 1889; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: passenger locomotive, London and South-Western Railway (Mr. W. Adams, engineer), with double page woodengraved view of the locomotive; twin-screw yacht "Ormea" (the Ardrossan shipbuilding company, builders), with folding plate with plans and fig.; Mogul engine, class S.L., Central Pacific Railway (Mr. Francis F. Brown, engineer), with folding plate with plans and fig.; Her Majesty's first-class battle-ship "Benbow", 10,600 tons (constructed by the Thames ironworks and Shipbuilding Company, Millwall), with folding, woodengraved, plate with a view of the ship; construction of the Eiffel Tower (M. Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, Paris, engineer), with woodengraved illustrations; Mogul engine, class S.L., Central Pacific Railway, with folding plate with fig. and plans; the Chapin iron ore mine, Michigan, with ills.; triple expansion engines, steamship "Benmore" (the North-Eastern Company, Sunderland and Wallsend-on-Tyne), with double page, woodengraved, ills.; the Antofagasta railway, Bolivia- viaduct over the river Loa (Mr. Edward Woods, engineer, the Horseley Company, Tipton, builders), with a folding plate with a view of the viaduct; Her Majesty's first-class battle ship "Edinburgh", with a folding, woodengraved, plate with a view of the ship; Her Majesty's first-class battle ship "Victoria" (constructed by Armstrong, Mitchell and Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne), with a double page, woodengraved, view of the ship; index; VIII, 560 pp. Former library copy. Spine ends slightly damaged, a few leaves loose(ning). [26145]
No author. Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. CXXXII- from July to December, 1931. London; 1931; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a.: the mass production of lathes at the works of Messrs. Franz Braun A.-G., Zerbst, Anhalt, with double page enclosure with ills.; wind tunnels of the Royal Aircraft Establishment, with plans and fig.; elevated express highway in the city of New York, with ills.; exhibits at the commercial motor exhibition, with ills.; Vickers supermarine Rolls-Royce racing seaplane, with ill.; 35-knot torpedo boat destroyers for the Canadian government (constructed by Messrs. John I. Thornycroft and Company, engineers and shipbuilders, Southampton), with plans and fig.; the sand-spun pipe works of Messrs. the Staveley coal and iron company, near Chesterfield, with double page enclosure with ills.; the works of Messrs. Cambridge Instrument Company, Cambridge, with double page enclosure with ills.; extensive index; complete with one page and two page enclosures; XXIII, 804 pp. Former library copy. [26136]
No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. CXXX- from July to December 1920. London; 1920; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: the Great Lake hydro-electric power station, Tasmania, with double page supplement with plans and fig.; the "Silver Streak" all-metal freight aeroplane, with ills.; aircrafts at the International Aero Exhibition, Olympia, with double page supplement with ills.; Swiss Federal Railways- single phase electric goods locomotive, with plans and fig.; engineering works on the Baghdad Railway, with double page supplement with ills.; the commercial motor vehicle exhibition at Olympia, with ills.; the ex-German battleship "Baden", with double page supplement with ills.; La Normandie Steel Works, with ills.; the works of Messrs. Schneider and Co., at Creusot, with folding supplement with ills.; the works of William Beardmore and Co., at Dalmuir, with double page supplement with ills.; Swindon Works in war time, with ills.; index; XV, 676 pp. Former library copy. Approx. 30 pages with fold at lower corner, some supplements loosely inserted. [26331]
No author. Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. 163. From January to June 1947. London; 1947; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a.: blockhouse for V-2 rocket tests, with fig.; bridge repair work in Holland, with ills.; ships of the invasion fleet, with plans, fig. and ills.; British grid system in war time, with fig, tables, map and graphics; aircraft fuels and lubricants research (Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., Thornton-le-Moors, Cheshire), with ills.; army flood work in the South level fens, with ills.; the Schori powder pistol, with ills.; Lincoln bomber fitted with "Theseus" gas turbines, with ills.; the last of Brunel's wooden viaducts, with ills.; bomb-disposal equipment, with ills.; 560 pp. No index. Former library copy. [26139]
No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. CXLI- from January to June 1926 London; 1926; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: the "Pterodactyl" tailless aeroplane, with ills.; the lubricating oil depot at Wandsworth of the vacuum oil company, with ills.; steelworks of the Sandvikens Jernverks Aktiebolaget, Sweden, with ills.; the Leipzig Fair, with ills.; the works of the Cork Manufacturing Company at South Chingford, with ills.; the motor liner "Asturias", with ills.; Norfolk and Western Railway- 4,000 H.P. two-unit electric locomotive (the American Locomotive Company, Shenectady and the Westinghouse Electric an Manufacturing Company, Pittsburg, engineers), with double page supplement with plans and fig.; aeronautics in 1925, with ills.; index; XVI, 680 pp. Former library copy. [26373]
No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. XCVII- from January to June 1904. London; 1904; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: four wheels coupled express passenger engine Great Northern Railway (Mr. H.A. Ivatt, Doncaster, engineer), with a double page, woodengraved, view of the engine; four-coupled express locomotive Great Central Railway (Mr. J.G. Robinson, Manchester, engineer), with a double page, woodengraved, view of the locomotive; Elizabeth Bridge Budapest, with ills. and a double page plate; Darracq motor car (G. and J. Weir, Cathcart, engineers), with ill.; the Albula Railway, with ills.; motor racing boats, with ills.; Duff gas producers at William Beardmore and Co.'s Dalmuir Works, with ills.; the Irish Channel steamer "Antrim" (John Brown and Co., Clydebank, builders), with a view of the ship; first-class armoured cruiser "Argyle" on the stocks, with a view of the cruiser; the Troitsky Bridge at St. Petersburg, with plans and fig.; locomotive engine details Great Western Railway (Mr. G.J. Churchward, Swindon, engineer), with double page supplement with plans and fig.; the new works of Graham, Morton and Co., Limited, Leeds, with ills; the Crystal Palace motor car show, with ills.; Austrian battleship "Erzherzog Karl", with double page supplement with a view of the ship; some vehicles at the Paris motor car show, with ills.; index; XVI, 650, XVI pp. Former library copy. [26220]
No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. LXXIII- from January to June 1892. London; 1892; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: standard goods engine, Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway (Mr. John A.F. Aspinall), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the engine; express locomotive Eastern Railway of France (designed by M. Flaman, Ateliers d'Epernay), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the locomotive; Her Majesty's first-class battle ship "Royal Sovereign" (constructed at Portsmouth dockyard), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the ship; standard passenger locomotive, New York Central and Hudson River Railroad (Mr. W. Buchanan, superintendent, engineer), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the locomotive; Her Majesty's first-class cruiser "Gibraltar" (constructed by Messrs. Napier and Sons, Govan), with ill.; hopper dredger for New South Wales Harbours and Rivers department, with folding plate with plans and fig.; engines and boilers, s.s. City of Dundee (Messrs. Howden and Co., Glasgow, engineers), with folding plate with plans and fig.; index; XII, 556 pp. Former library copy. [26182]
No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. LXXXIX- from January to June 1900. London; 1900; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: compound express locomotive, Belfast and Northern Counties of Ireland Railway (Mr. B. Malcolm, Belfast, engineer), with a folding supplement with plans and fig.; the New Electric Manufacturing Company's Works, Preston, with a double page supplement with ills.; H.M.S. Belleisle after the attack, with ills. and fig.; the Paris exhibition, express engine Great Eastern Railway, with a folding, woodengraved, view of the engine; Gothic Works, Norwich, with ills.; rolling bascule drawbridge at Boston, with plans, fig., and ills.; Great Northern Railway- swing bridge over the Aire, with folding supplement with plans and fig.; the Colenso Bridge after its destruction, with double page supplement with ills.; 12.5 pounder field gun- City of London field battery, with a view of the field gun; Her Majesty's destroyer "Viper" (the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Company, Newcastle-on-Tyne, engineers), with ills.; Dutch ironclad "Koningin Regentes", with a view of the vessel; Ensley Basic Steel Works, Alabama, with ills.; United States battleships nos. 5&6, "Kearsarge and Kentucky" (the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company, builders and engineers), with a folding supplement with plans and fig.; index; XVIII, 686 pp. Former library copy. [26197]
No author. Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. CXIX- from January to June 1925. London; 1925; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a.: high pressure compound locomotive for the Delaware and Hudson Company (constructed by the American Locomotive Company, Schenectady), with ills.; the regulation of the Murray River, Torrumbarry lock, with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; the motor-ship "Raby Castle", with a view of the ship and plans; the Gandy Bridge across Tampa Bay, Florida, with double page enclosure with ills.; motor car chassis with 14-H.P. overhead valve engine (constructed by Gwynnes engineering company, London), with plans and fig.; Cross oil-cracking plant of the Medway oil and storage company, with ills.; the 10- H.P. Triumph motor car, with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; the works of Sir William Arrol and Co. (Swansea), with ills.; the centenary of public steam railways, with double page enclosures with plans and ills.; extensive index; complete with one page and two page enclosures; XXX, 820 pp. Former library copy. Cover slightly worn, some of the double page enclosures stuck together. [26122]
No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. CXLIII- from January to June 1927. London; 1927; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: the Royal mail twin-screw motor liner "Alcantara" (Harland and Wolff, builders and engineers), with ills.; the Cardington airship shed and mooring tower, with ills.; Girardot Railway, Colombia-Kitson-Meyer locomotive, with double page supplement with plans and figures; 20,000 kilowatt turbo alternator at the Schiehaven power station, Rotterdam (C.A. Parsons and Co., engineers), with double page supplement with plans and fig.; railway and urban improvements at Piccadilly Circus (Mr. H.H. Dalrymple-Hay, engineer), with plans; new switchgear works of the Oerlikon Company, with ills.; the manufacture of welded boiler drums at the works of Thyssen and Co., with ills.; the Reid-MacLeod steam turbine locomotive (the North British Locomotive Company), with ills.; steamships and steam marine engineering in 1926, with ills.; index; XVI, 700 pp. Former library copy. [26376]