

Resultaten 217 - 220 van 220


Les Marques Internationales. Publication officielle du Bureau International de l'Union pour la Propriété Industrielle (Service de l'Enregistrement International des Marques de Fabrique ou de Commerce). Trente-septième année 1929. Marques Nos. 61266 à 67182.

Berne; 1929; Bureau International de la Propriété Industrielle; halfleather; 4o; ills.; XLIV, 832 pp.

Rare! Cover damaged. Contents with stamps and occasional notes throughout. Pages occasionally wrinkled, some repaired or with tear. Overall a used copy.


€ 90,00


En souvenir de Paris. L'industrie pharmaceutique française vous prie de bien vouloir accepter ces quelques dessins inédits.

No place; no year (ca. 1950); Jean Baudet Éditeur; loose sheets, as issued; in cover; partly lithographed designs; luxurious edition.

Pharmaceutical advertising. Fine copy, very small tear at top of cover.


€ 50,00


Art Directors Annual '70.

Place unknown; 1970; C.A.J. van Dishoeck; cardboard; ills.; sealed copy; with red, white and blue ribbons and its original seal; pagination unknown.

Top of spine and corners of boards with slight waterstain.


€ 49,00


8 Commercial brochures Berkefeld-Filter GMBH, Celle.

Celle; n.d. (ca. 1950); Berkefeld; softcover; ills., tables, fig.; technical data; pagination varies.

Stamp former owner on each brochure.


€ 30,00