
Oude en zeldzame boeken

Resultaten 721 - 744 van 1584
Meerten, A.B. van & C.P.E. Robidé van der Aa.
Meerten, A.B. van & C.P.E. Robidé van der Aa.

Meerten, A.B. van & C.P.E. Robidé van der Aa.

Nuttig geschenk voor de jeugd.

Amsterdam; 1833; G.J.A. Beijerinck; gekartonneerd met linnen rug; ca. 10x13 cm.; verlucht met 10 handgekleurde litho's; 103 p.

Rug vernieuwd. Band wat lichte slijtagespoortjes. Ex libris aan de binnenzijde van het voorplat.


€ 250,00
Meersch, Abraham Arent van der.
Meersch, Abraham Arent van der.
Meersch, Abraham Arent van der.
Meersch, Abraham Arent van der.

Meersch, Abraham Arent van der.

Geographisch hand-boekje voor de jeugd.

Zonder plaats; 1781; vernieuwdde, halflederen band; 10x15 cm.; met 17 van de 19 uitslaande kaarten; BNK no. 533; 178 p.

Band vernieuwd. Titel- en voortitelblad ontbreken. Er ontbreken 2 kaarten. Naam vorige eigenaar achterin het boek.


€ 90,00

Maw, W.H. & Raworth, B. Alfred (ed.). Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. LXXXVII- from January to June, 1909. London; 1909; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a. : the Siamese revenue cruiser "Suriya Monthon" (constructed by Messrs. J.I. Thornycroft and Co., Southampton), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; the launch of His Majesty's battleship "Vanguard" (constructed by Messrs. Vickers, Sons and Maxim, Barrow-in-Furness), with ills.; the Brazilian battleship "São Paulo" (constructed by Messrs. Vickers, Sons and Maxim, Barrow-in-Furness", with ills.; the New Orient Australian mail T.-S.S. "Orsova" (constructed by Messrs. John Brown and Co., Sheffield and Clydebank), with ills. and double page enclosure; twelve wheeled duplex-tank locomotive, Nitrate Railways Company, Chili (constructed by the Yorkshire Engine Company, Sheffield), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; the manufacture of armour at Beardmore's Parkhead Steel Works, Glasgow, with ills.; 70-horse-power "pipe" 8-cylinder motor for aeroplanes (the London motor garage company, London), with fig.; the Italian submersible boat "Otaria", with a view of the ship; the New Graving-Docks at Malta (Colonel Sir Edward Raban, director of works & Messrs. S. Pearson and Son, Westminster, contractors), with double page enclosure with ills.; the Argentine gunboat "Parano"(constructed by Sir W.G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Elswick) with a view of the ship; the Canadian ice-breaking and passenger steamer "Earl Grey" (constructed by Messrs. Vickers, Sons and Maxim, Barrow-in Furness) with a view of the vessel; extensive index; one page and two page enclosures included; XLII, 868 pp. Former library copy. [25996]

€ 140,00

Maw, W.H. & Dredge, J. (ed.).

Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. LXXV- from January to June 1903.

London; 1903; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfleather with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a. : third-class bogie carriage for the South-Eastern and Chatham Railway, with figures and plans; windmills at the Royal Agricultural Society's Ground, Ealing, with ills.; the Dover harbour works, the admirality pier extension (Messrs. Coode, son, and Matthews, London, engineers); fast passenger locomotive for the New York central and Hudson River Railroad (constructed by the American Locomotive Company, Schenectady), with a view of the locomotive; the Britannia Steel Works of Messrs. Dorman, Long and Co., Middlesbrough, with a double page enclosure with ills.; erecting shop, Messrs. Richardsons, Westgarth, and Co.'s Works, Middlesbrough, with ills.; screw steamer for the King's Lynn conservancy board (constructed by Messrs. Allsup and Co., Preston), with ills. and plans; blooming mill at the Röchling Iron and Steel Works, Volklingen-on-the Saar (constructed by the Märkische Maschinenbau Anstalt, Wetter-on-the-Ruhr), with double page enclosure with design plans; the Crystal Palace motor-car show, with ills.; the Hotchkiss .472-in and 37-millimetre automatic machine guns, with ills.; Queen's Engineering Works, Bedford (Messrs. W.H. Allen, Son and Co.), with double page enclosure with ills.; the Russian first-class protective-deck cruiser "Bogatyr", with i.a. a double page enclosure with design plans; factory of the Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar Company, with design plans; index; XXVIII, 880 pp.

Former library copy. Spine restored. Leaves a trifle dampstained.


€ 110,00
Maw, W.H. & Dredge, J. (ed.).
Maw, W.H. & Dredge, J. (ed.).
Maw, W.H. & Dredge, J. (ed.).
Maw, W.H. & Dredge, J. (ed.).

Maw, W.H. & Dredge, J. (ed.).

Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. LXXX- from July to December, 1905.

London; 1905; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a. : 10,000-H.-P. compound three-crank tandem rolling-mill engine at the Liège exhibition (constructed by the Société Anonyme, John Cockerill, engineers, Seraing), with double paged enclosure with plans and fig.; Williamsburg Bridge over the east River, New York (Mr. L.L. Buck), with double paged enclosure with plans and fig.; erosive effect of discharge from the Assouan dam, with ill.; the steam-turbine department at the Hartlepool engine works of Messrs. Richardsons, Westgarth and Co., with double paged enclosure with ills.; the launch of H.M. armoured cruiser "Natal" (constructed by Messrs. Vickers, Sons and Maxim, Barrow-in Furness), with a view of the vessel; Royal train for the Prince of Wales's tour in India (constructed at the Lilloah Works of the East Indian Railway Company), with double paged enclosure with plans and fig.; the New Engineering Works at Huddersfield of Messrs. J. Hopkinson and Co., with double paged enclosure with ills.; the salvage of the dredger "walter Bibby", with ills.; the bridge over the river Zambesi, Rhodesia (designed by Mr. George A. Hobson, London), with ills.; extensive index; double paged enclosures included; XL, 884 pp.

Former library copy, with ticket at frontcover and a few stamps on title page and pastedown.


€ 95,00

Maw, W.H. & Dredge, J. (ed.).

Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. LXXVIII-from July to December, 1904.

London; 1904; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a. : the Midland railway company's harbour at Heysham, Lancashire, details of monoliths for roundheads and their wing walls (with double paged enclosure, with ill. and fig.); express passenger locomotive for the London and South-Western railway (constructed at the company's works, Nine Elms), with double paged enclosure with plans and fig.; self-propelled chemical fire-engine (constructed by the Wolseley tool and motor-car company, Adderley Park, Birmingham), with view and fig.; corridor carriage for the Cambrian railways (constructed at the company's works, Oswestry, from the designs of Mr. Herbert E. Jones), with double paged enclosure with fig.; microscopic observations on naval accidents, with double paged enclosure with ills.; the German battleship "Deutschland" (constructed at the Germania works, Kiel, of Herr Fr. Krupp), with a view of the ship; locomotives at the St. Louis exhibition (constructed at the Rogers locomotive works, Paterson), with double paged enclosure with ills.; the Italian battleship "Regina Margherita" (constructed by Messrs. Gio. Ansaldo, Armstrong, and Co., engineers and shipbuilders, Sampierdarena), with double paged enclosure with ills.; superstructures on the Tokio metropolitan railway (constructed to the designs of Mr. F. Baltzer, Royal Railway Department, Stettin), with double paged enclosure with fig.; the hydraulic dredger "J. Israel Tarte" (constructed at the Polson Iron Works, Toronto), with ills.; Japanese armoured cruiser "Kasuga", with ills.; aerial wire ropeway for the Carlingford Granite Company, Ireland (Messrs. R. White and Sons, engineers, Widnes), with ills.; Messrs. Beardmore's new shipbuilding and engineering works at Dalmuir on the Clyde, 150-ton crane at the tidal dock (with double paged enclosure with fig.); the twin-screw steamer "Africa" for the Austrian Lloyd's steam navigation company's east African service (with double paged enclosure with ills.); six-coupled compound passenger locomotive for the Portuguese state railway (constructed by Mr. A. Borsig, Tegel), with double paged enclosure with plans); the Folkestone New Pier and Harbour Works (Messrs. Coode, Son and Matthews, London), with ills.; extensive index; 29 double paged enclosures included; XLII, 912 pp.

Former library copy, with ticket and a few stamps (title page and pastedown).


€ 95,00

Maw, W.H. & Dredge, J. (ed.).

Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. LXXVII- from January to June, 1904.

London; 1904; Office for Publication and Advertisements; cloth; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a. : the electric cable works of Messrs. W.T. Glover and Co., Trafford Park, Manchester (with double paged enclosure with ills.); offshore floating dock for the Reiherstieg Shiffswerfte und Maschinenfabrik, Hamburg (with double paged enclosure with plans and fig.); the cryogenic laboratory at Leiden, with ills.; eight-coupled locomotive for the Queensland Railways (with double paged enclosure with plans and fig.); locomotives at the St. Louis exhibition (constructed at the Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia), with double paged enclosure with ills.; the Antwerp water works, with ills.; details of mounting of the 40-in. telescope at the Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay, Wisconsin (constructed by Messrs. Warner and Swasey, Cleveland), with double paged enclosure with fig.; the Napier motor-car, with double paged enclosure with plans and fig.; H.M.S. "Bellerophon", floating workshop at Devonport, with ills. and plans; twin-screw cable-laying steamer "Stephan" (constructed by the Stettiner Maschinenbau Actien Gesellschaft "Vulcan", Bredow), with double paged enclosure with plans and fig.; extensive index; 28 double paged enclosures included; XXXVIII, 910 pp.

Former library copy. Paper over board backcover occasionally rubbed.


€ 95,00

Maw, W.H. & Dredge, J. (ed.).

Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. LXXII- from July to December 1901.

London; 1901; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a. : 80-ton floating crane for the Santos harbour works (constructed by the Royal Dutch Forge Company, Leyden, Holland), with double paged enclosure; the New York subway, with double paged enclosure, plans and figures; the temporary inclines on the Kikuyu escarpment, Uganda railway, with double paged enclosure and ills.; the gun-mounting department of the naval construction works of Messrs. Vickers, Sons, and Maxim, Barrow-in-Furness, with double paged enclosure and ills.; the turbine-propelled passenger steamer "King Edward" (constructed by Messrs. William Denny and Brothers, Dumbarton), with ill.; suction hopper dredger, Seine navigation (constructed by the Société Anonyme des Anciens Etablissements Satre, Lyons and Arles), with ills.; Salford electricity works, with double paged enclosure and figures; compound goods locomotive for the Prussian State Railways, with double paged enclosure and plans; the Whitehead torpedo works at Fiume, with double paged enclosure; launch of the H.M. armoured cruiser "King Alfred", with double paged enclosure; extensive index; complete with 22 double page enclosures; XXXIX, 886 pp.

Former library copy. Binding slightly loosening.


€ 95,00

Maw, W.H. & Dredge, J. (ed.). Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. LXXV- from January to June 1903. London; 1903; Office for Publication and Advertisements; cloth; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a. : windmills at the Royal Agricultural Society's ground, Ealing, with ills.; the Hotchkiss rifle-calibre automatic machine gun, with ills.; the works of the British Electric Car Co., Trafford Park, Manchester, with ills.; the Paris automobile exhibition, with figures; five-ton steam wagon for West Africa (constructed by Messrs. Simpson and Bibby, engineers, Manchester), with plans and ills.; chassis of the Beaufort motor car (constructed by the Beaufort Motor Company, engineers, London), with ills.; fast passenger locomotive for the New York Central and Hudson River railroad (constructed by the American Locomotive Company, Schenectady), with ills and fig.; the Dover harbour works, the admirality Pier extension (Messrs. Coode, Son and Matthews, London), with ills.; the Crystal Palace motor-car show, with plans and ills.; Yarrow boilers for the Chilian battleship "Constitucion" (constructed by Messrs. Yarrow & Co., engineers, London), with ills.; the Whitechapel and Bow railway, bridge over Campbell-Road, with ills.; extensive index; XXXVIII, 880 pp. Former library copy. 30 Double paged enclosures not included. [25965]

€ 95,00

Maw, W.H. & Dredge, J. (ed.). Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. LXXVI-from July to December, 1903. London; 1903; Office for Publication and Advertisements; cloth; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a. : stamping machine for coke manufacture at Borsigwerk (constructed by the Maschinenfabrik Brinck and Hübner, Mannheim, with plans and fig.; ten-wheel express locomotive for the Glasgow and South-Western railway (constructed from the designs of Mr. James Manson, locomotive superintendent,. by the North British Locomotive Co., engineers, Glasgow), with a view of the locomotive; American bridges on the Uganda railway, with ills.; steam lifeboat "Princess of Wales" for Mauritius (constructed by Messrs. John I. Thornycroft and Co., Chiswick), with plans and fig.; arrangement of machinery for T.S.S. "Turbinia", with plans and fig.; the North German Lloyd T.-S.S. "Kaiser Wilhelm II" (constructed by the Stettiner Maschinenbau Actien-Gesellschaft "Vulcan", Bredow, Stettin), with view, tables, fig.; the London, Brighton and Sout-Coast railway, with fig.; double-cylinder steam fire-engine for Newcastle-on-Tyne (constructed by Messrs. Merryweather and Sons, engineers, London), with a view of the steam engine; wire ropeway at Messrs. Willans and Robinson's new boiler works, Queensferry, Flint (constructed by Messrs. Bullivant and Co., London), with ills.; Borsig's Works in Germany, with ills.; Basset atmospheric engine at Denby Colliery, near Derby, with ills.; works of the Universal Tube Company, Chesterfield, with ills.; electric light plan for Dutch torpedo-boats (constructed by the electrotechnische industrie (formerly Willem Smit and Co, Likkerveer), with plans and fig.; extensive index; XL, 886 pp. Former library copy. 26 Double paged enclosures not included. Final pages with slight waterstaining in margins. [25966]

€ 95,00
Martrin Donos, Ch. de.
Martrin Donos, Ch. de.
Martrin Donos, Ch. de.
Martrin Donos, Ch. de.
Martrin Donos, Ch. de.

Martrin-Donos, Ch. de.

Les Belges dans l'Afrique Centrale; voyages, aventures et découvertes d'après les documents et journaux des explorateurs; Le Congo et ses affluents. Tome second.

Bruxelles; 1886; P. Maes, Éd.-Libraire; 5 chromolithogr., 2 folding maps, 1 map in front, ill.; halfleather, halfcloth; 511 pp.

Volume 2 only. Rust spots, waterstained. Cover stained and worn at corners. Spine damaged at joints.


€ 40,00
Martinet, J.F..

Martinet, J.F..

Huisboek voor vaderlandsche huisgezinnen.

Amsterdam; 1803; Johannes Allart; halfleer met gemarmerde platten; 8vo; 2e druk; 546 p.

Gemarmerd papier aan beide platten deels weg en hier en daar wat geschaafd. Hoekje blanco schutblad weggeknipt. Wat lichte vochtschade onderzijde bladzijden.


€ 89,00
Martinet, J.F..
Martinet, J.F..
Martinet, J.F..
Martinet, J.F..

Martinet, J.F.. Kleine catechismus der natuur voor kinderen. Groningen; 1818; J. Oomkens; harde kaft, gekartonneerd; met goudbedrukt stadswapen van Middelburg op het voor- en achterplat; 9,5x16 cm.; Bibl. Berg 199; nagezien en verbeterd door J.A. Uilkens; IV, 173 p. Het bandje met wat lichte slijtagesporen en iets gerimpeld. Het verguldsel van het stadswapen iets vervaagd. [37149]

€ 300,00
Martinet, J. F.
Martinet, J. F.

Martinet, J. F.

Het Vaderland, met geheel nieuw geteekende en gekleurde kaarten van iedere Provincie, de Generaliteitslanden en de geheele Republiek, en zeer gewigtige vaderlandsche afbeeldingen.

Amsterdam; 1791; Johannes Allart. Later half leather with raised bands and marbled boards; 9 coloured folded maps and 8 full page engravings.

French title page soiled and repaired; a few notes in pencil (blue colour); a few pages slightly rust stained; otherwise in good condition.


€ 490,00
Marrast, Augustin.

Marrast, Augustin.

La Vie Byzantine au VIe Siècle.

Paris; 1881; Ernest Thorin; halfcloth; 8vo; preface by Adrien Planté; XXXII, 454 pp.

Near fine copy.


€ 23,00
(Marquis de Saint Simon, M.H.).
(Marquis de Saint Simon, M.H.).
(Marquis de Saint Simon, M.H.).
(Marquis de Saint Simon, M.H.).

(Marquis de Saint Simon, M.H.).

Des Jacintes, de leur anatomie, reproduction et culture.

Amsterdam; 1768; (without editor; printed by Claas Eel). With engraved title vignet by J. van Hiltrop. Ten folded plates by Jacob van Schley; half calf with gilt spine and marbled boards; 4to.-; large paper copy with wide margins; 164, (4), (10 plates), 15 (Catalogue des jacintes) pp.1250

Some text leaves a bit spotted; other wise in very good condition! Rare edition


€ 800,00
Marmier, Xavier
Marmier, Xavier

Marmier, Xavier

Reis in Zwitserland. Pt. I, II. ( Translation of: Voyage en Suisse )

Utrecht; 1864; C. van der Post Jr.; naar het Fransch door S.J. van den Bergh; 26 steelengravings, handcoloured and in b&w, by the Rouargue brothers; half cloth; 528 pp, consecutive numbering.

Last three plates stained. Other engravings of very good quality. Spines renewed.


€ 115,00
Marie Madeleine.


Die Indische Felsentaube.

Berlin; 1902; Verlag Max Sklarek; hardbound cloth with embossed mounted shield on frontcover; small 8vo; 120 pp.

French title page loose in binding, otherwise a near fine copy.


€ 22,00
Mare, Stella.
Mare, Stella.

Mare, Stella.

Prettige uurtjes.

Zonder plaats; zonder jaar (ca. 1900); zachte kaft, geniet; ill. in zwart wit en litho's in kleur; ongepagineerd.

Rug aan boven- en onderzijde iets beschadigd. Naam op eerste bladzijde.


€ 35,00
Marchant de Beaumont.
Marchant de Beaumont.


Beautés de l'histoire de la Hollande et des Pays-Bas; ou, époques historiques les plus mémorables de ce royaume, depuis les Romains jusqu'a ce jour; avec un aperçu des moeurs, caractère, usages, industrie, commerce de ses habitans; leurs découvertes dans les sciences et les arts; anecdotes singulières de la vie des grands hommes qu'il a produits; remarques sur ses curiosités et ses productions, etc.

Paris; 1823; La Librairie d'Éducation, d'Alexis Eymery; halfleather with marbled boards; 3rd, revised edition; 6 copperengravings, "Entrée du roi de Hollande et des Pays-Bas dans sa capitale", "Il suffit aux Bataves de vouloir être libre pour le redevenir", "Charles-Quint abdique en faveur de son fils Phlippe et lui remet sa couronne", "Après quelques instants de prière, le bourreau fit tomber la tête de ce vieillard", "Les ambassadeurs de la Hollande au Parlement d'Angleterre sollicitant en faveur de Charles 1er", "Prenez courage mes enfans, j'ai achevé ma carrière avec gloire"; 346 pp.

Text book. Cover rather worn along extremities, boards with offsetting due to removed sellotape.


€ 70,00
Manville Fenn, Geo

Manville Fenn, Geo

Een rumoerige duiventil.

Amsterdam; z.j.; Cohen Zonen; linnen bandje; klein 8vo; bewerkt door Helena van Holland; 2e dr.; ill.; 280 p.

Naam op schutblad.


€ 14,00
Manus van der Jagt, J.A.
Manus van der Jagt, J.A.
Manus van der Jagt, J.A.

Manus van der Jagt, J.A. Lees- en Leerboekje over de eerste beginselen der aardrijkskunde en de Provincie Zeeland.

Zierikzee; 1862; P. de Looze; blanco bandje, zachte kaft; 10x16 cm.; 3e, verbeterde en vermeerderde dr.; 65 p.

Bandje vernieuwd.


€ 90,00
Mann, L'Abbé.
Mann, L'Abbé.

Mann, L'Abbé.

Encyclopédie des enfans, ou abrégé de toutes les sciences, refondu, beaucoup augmenté et corrigé dans toutes ses parties, afin de le rendre propre à l'usage des Écoles des Pays Catholiques.

Bruxelles; 1807; B. Le Francq; leather with gilt lettered spine; 13th, revised, edition; woodengravings; 11x17 cm.; VIII, 160 pp.

Engraving and some words page 151 damaged, errasing with ball-point. Outer margins occasionally vaguely waterstained. Cover with slight wear, mainly along extremities. Name, in ink, on first endpaper.


€ 120,00
Mandere, Henri van der.
Mandere, Henri van der.

Mandere, Henri van der.

Mannen en vrouwen van beteekenis/ Vorst Albert I van Monaco (Drie delen in één band).

Haarlem; 1901-1905; H.D. Tjeenk Willink & Zoon; cloth without dust jacket; ills. in b&w, a single one in colour; two coloured maps (complete); comprising three parts, "Vorst Albert I van Monaco", "La carrière d'un navigateur" and "Musée océanographique & aquarium de Monaco, guide illustré"; 40, VIII, 406 and 63 pp.

Endpaper with bookplate and owner's entry. Joint of spine with small tear.


€ 40,00