Berg, Henk van den.
Paraproso Dioche. Montage '5.
Zonder plaats; zonder jaar; eigen beheer; zachte kaft; ca. 10x16 cm.; van deze bundel zijn 20 exemplaren genummerd, hors commerce; dit is nummer X; gesigneerd door de auteur; typoscript/ gestencild; ongepagineerd.
Voorplat beschadigd.
[38430]Berg, Arie van den.
Zonder plaats; 1995; Mercator; zachte kaft, cahiersteek; werd in april 1995 t.g.v. de poëziedag van het gymnasium felisenum met de hand gezet uit de Lutetia en in XXV en 150 exemplaren gedrukt door Mercator (dit exemplaar XIV); frontispice door J. Remé; ongepagineerd (6 p.).
Keurig exemplaar.
[38421]Béranger, P.-J. de.
Chansons de Béranger. Édition complète, entièrement conforme à la nouvelle édition que l'auteur vient de publier à Paris. Ornée de 32 vignettes.
Bruxelles; 1841; Hauman et Compagnie; halfcloth; pocket size, 7x11 cm.; ills.; 664, 40 pp.
Corner title page cutt off. Cover a trifle worn.
[34739]Bender, Ludwig (transl.).
De Leggenskoster; lustege un besinnleke Geskichten in Waldegger Platt.
Korbach (Waldeck); n.d. (ca. 1991); Wilhelm Bing Verlag; cloth with dust jacket; with ills. in b&w by Willi Tillmans; 131 pp.
Translated by Ludwig Bender. Swiss text, with glossary. Name and date on first endpaper, dust jacket with slight tears.
[19975]Beecher Stowe, Henriette.
La Case du Père Tom, ou vie des nègres en Amérique. Nouvelle édition augmentée d'une notice de George Sand/ Miss Cumming. L'Allumeur de Réverbères. 2 titles in one binding.
Paris; s.a. (1853); Gustave Barba; bound in later halfcloth with marbled boards; woodengraved illustrations, by Best & Hotelin & Foulquier; translated in the French by Bédollière; 112 & 112 pp.
Occasionally slight foxing, mainly in margins.
Beatrijs; een Middelnederlandse Maria-legende.
Antwerpen; 1948; Uitg. Jupiter; printed in red and black; woodcuts in black and brown by G. Cluytmans; leather, gilt stamped, with dust jacket; 75 pp.
Nr. 43 of 160 numbered copies. Endpapers slightly discoloured. Jacket repaired, slightly damaged, discoloured.
[15293]Balzac, Honoré de.
La comédie humaine of Honoré de Balzac. Sons of the soil.
Boston; s.a.; Little, Brown and Company; halfleather; 8vo; top of spine gilted; translated in the English by Katharine Prescott Wormeley; ills. by A.P. Laurens; "The Novelists' Library", Edition de Luxe; no. 153 of 500 numbered copies; VI, 419 pp.
Just a trifle worn copy. Near fine.
[34629]Balzac, Honoré de.
La comédie humaine of Honoré de Balzac. Modeste mignon/ A daughter of eve/ The peace of a home.
Boston; s.a.; Little, Brown and Company; halfleather; 8vo; top of spine gilted; translated in the English by Katharine Prescott Wormeley; ills. by Adrien Moreau and St. Rejchan; "The Novelists' Library", Edition de Luxe; no. 153 of 500 numbered copies; VIII, 352/ 153 & 158-203 pp.
Some pages frayed. A few pages unopenend. Spine partly damaged and slightly loosening.
[34630]Balzac, H. de.
Les contes drolatiques, colligez ez abbayes de Tourayne et mis en lumière par le sieur de Balzac pour l'esbattement des Pantagruelistes et non aultres. Volume II.
Paris; n.d. (1926); Ernest Flammarion; halfleather with marbled boards; raised bands; spine gilt stamped with floral decoration; 282 pp.
Bookplate mounted on pastedown.
[27211]Baert, Karel, Goeman, Geert, e.a. (red.).
Berichten uit Boonland. Driemaandelijks mededelingen- en informatieblad van het Louis Paul Boon Genootschap. 25 Opeenvolgende nummers, no. 1, 1995 t/m no. 2, 2001.
Heverlee, Aalst, Gentbrugge; 1995-2001; Louis Paul Boon Genootschap; zachte kaft, eerste nummers geniet; ill.; aantal bladzijden varieert sterk, van 20 p. (jaargang 1, nr. 1, tot meer dan 100 p. vanaf de 3e jaargang, nr.4).
De geniete nummers (9) dragen een etiketje met naam en adres van de abonnee. Eén van de omslagen is gevlekt.
[28007]Aristophane. Aristophane, tome I-V. Tome I: Les Acharniens-Les Cavaliers-Les Nuées/Tome II: Les Guêpes-La Paix/Tome III: Les Oiseaux-Lysistrata/ Tome IV: Les Thesmophories-Les Grenouilles/ Tome V: L'Assemblée des femmes- Ploutos. Paris; 1960-1958-1958-1954-1954; Société d'Édition "Les belles lettres"; softcover; translated by Hilaire van Daele; text in French with Greek translation on the following page; XXXII, 230/ 156/177/157 & 147 pp. Volume V unopened copy. Near fine copies with some minor signs of use. [33302]
Aretino, Pietro. Les sonnets luxurieux de l'Arétin (2 vol. texte et gravures) Paris; 1904;softcover (text) and cardboard with ribbon (engravings); Italian text with French translation; no. 481 of 500 copies; XII, 147 pp. Engravings (complete) by Marc-Antoine. Spines renewed. Text partly discoloured and some rust stains. One cover stained. [19231]