Sémaine, A. and Hucks, Paul.
Ohé! Les Moeurs... Chansons satiriques mises en musique par Paul Hucks. Douze lithographies de Willette. 1re Série.
Paris; 1895; Georges Ondet; with 12 lithographs by A. Willette; 27.5x35.5 cm; unpaginated.
Spine renewed in cloth. Cover/endpapers ruststained. Ex-libiris on inside cover. Inside good.
[17833]Senefelder, Alois.
Het wezen van den steendruk.
Amsterdam; 1929; Vereeniging Amsterdamsche Grafische School; linnen met goudopdruk; 8vo; vertaald in het Nederlands door H.C.O. Magel; ill.; XIX, 301 p. gevolgd door 20 proefbladen.
Vertaling van "Lehrbuch der Lithographie und des Steindruckes".
[29448]Shaw Sparrow, Walter (ed.).
Etchings by Van Dyck. Twenty four plates in Rembrandt photogravure. The full size of the rare first states.
London; 1905; Hodder & Stoughton; gilt printed cloth; folio; mounted plates; introduction by Hans W. Singer; 22 pp. with text + plates.
Cover with wear along extremities. Foot of spine slightly damaged.
Shunso Machi calligraphe Japonaise (2 vol.)
Paris; 1981; Musée des arts décoratifs; softcover catalogues; ills. in colour and b&w; n.pp.
Calligraphies de Shunso Machi and essais sur la calligraphie (extraits). Published on the occasion of the exhibition in Paris at the Musée des arts décoratifs, october 2 1981-january 4 1982. Text in French and Japanese. Covers show slight signs of use
[19405]Smeyers, M..
Vlaamse miniaturen van de 8ste tot het midden van de 16de eeuw. De middeleeuwse wereld op perkament.
Leuven; 1998; Davidsfonds; in linnen met stofomslag; in cassette; met meer dan 600 kleurenillustraties; register van handschriften; register van miniaturisten; 528 p.
Rug van de stofomslag verkleurd, overigens een fraai exemplaar.
[26967]Sompel, Ronald van de (ed.).
Denkbild und Wirklichkeit/ Denkbeeld en Werkelijkheid. Sechs Künstler aus Antwerpen/ Zes kunstenaars uit Antwerpen; Bert De Beul, Denmark, Jan Fabre, Philip Huyghe, Mark Luyten, Ludwig Vandevelde.
Ludwigshafen/ Kassel/ Antwerpen; 1993; BASF-Feierabendhaus/ Documenta-Halle/ Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst; foreword by Florent Bex, introduction by Johan Pas; softcover, sewn binding; 22x27,5 cm.; ills. in colour; issue on occasion of several exhibitions in Ludwigshafen, Kassel & Antwerp, in 1993 and 1994; text in German and Dutch; 96 pp.
Very fine copy.
[25832]Sylvester, David.
Henry Moore. Catalogue of an exhibition at the Tate Gallery, Wednesday 17 July to Sunday 22 September 1968.
London; 1968; The Arts Council of Great Britain; softcover; oblong; 25x20 cm.; ills. in b&w; 179 pp.
Cover a trifle discoloured and frontcover with a small rubbed portion. Title page with owner's entry.
[38204]Szeemann, Harald, Baere, Bart de, Delbeke, Maarten, Groh, Klaus, et al. Johan van Geluwe. (The Museum of Museums). Ghent/ Amsterdam; 2004; Ludion; hardcover with dust jacket; 4to; ills. in colour and b&w; text in English; 159 pp. Very fine copy. Overview of the oeuvre by Johan van Geluwe. [34224]
The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. Volume eighty-eight.
London; 1924; London Offices of the Studio XLIV; with numerous illustrations in b&w and colour; original gilt stamped cloth; 360 pp.
This volume comprises the six monthly numbers from July to December 1924. Spine discoloured. Inside good.