

Resultaten 289 - 312 van 550
Landuyt, O., and Ch. Szymkowicz.
Landuyt, O., and Ch. Szymkowicz.

Landuyt, O., and Ch. Szymkowicz.

Octave Landuyt, Charles Szymkowicz; à corps perdu corps retrouvé.

Mons; 1996; Musée des Beaux-Arts; ill. in b&w and in colour, portraits; soft cover; 255 pp.

On the occasion of the exhib. febr. 17-march 31 1996.


€ 46,00
Langaard, Johan H. & Reidar Revold.
Langaard, Johan H. & Reidar Revold.

Langaard, Johan H. & Reidar Revold.

Edvard Munch. Masterpieces from the artist's collection in the Munch Museum in Oslo.

Oslo; 1964; Forlaget Norsk Kunstreproduksjon; halfleather; 4to; translated from the German by Michael Bullock; 62 tipped in plates, mainly in colour; not paged.

Cover a trifle worn.


€ 20,00
Langrognet, Daniel.
Langrognet, Daniel.

Langrognet, Daniel.

Salvaggio. Promenades et Vibrations Picturales au Rythme des Saisons/ Promenades and Pictorial Vibrations at the Pace of the Seasons.

N.pl.; 2006; hardcover with dust jacket; 4o; ills. in colour; photography by Michel Petit; text in French and English; signed with dedication by Salvaggio; clippings added; 96 pp.

Dust jacket with small tear.


€ 39,00
Lannoy Duputel, Michèle.
Lannoy Duputel, Michèle.
Lannoy Duputel, Michèle.

Lannoy-Duputel, Michèle.

Hippolyte-Camille Delpy 1842-1910. Invitation au Voyage.

Paris; s.a.; Le Léopard d'or; softcover; 4to; preface by Georges Cheyssial; ills. in b&w; plates in colour; text in French & English; 141 pp., followed by section with plates.

Near fine copy.


€ 46,00
Laporte, Roger & H. Payot.
Laporte, Roger & H. Payot.

Laporte, Roger & H. Payot.

Le Struthof Natzwiller.

S.l.; s.a.; sheets, loose as issued; in portfolio; ills. in b&w by H. Payot; 35x26 cm.

Portfolio renewed.


€ 50,00
Le Corbusier & Willy Boesiger.

Le Corbusier & Willy Boesiger.

Le Corbusier. Oeuvre complète 1938-1946.

Erlenbach-Zürich; 1946; Les Editions d'Architecture; hardbound cloth; oblong; ills. in b&w; text in French; 199 pp.

Cover slightly discoloured along extremities. Blank endpaper with owner's entry.


€ 70,00
Léandre, C..

Léandre, C..

Nocturnes. Album inédit en couleurs.

Paris; no year (ca. 1900); H. Simonis Empis, Éditeur; softcover; folio, 28x37 cm.; preface by Pierre Veber; lithographed plates, with captions; not paged.

Slightly loosening in binding. Cover slightly foxed, spine a trifle damaged with repair. Bookplate of Henri Tak mounted to pastedown.


€ 116,00
Legierse, Thérèse (red.).

Legierse, Thérèse (red.).

Post Zoetermeer.

Z.pl.; 1994; 15 losse kaarten in een kartonnen doosje (16x22,5 cm.); werk van 15 verschillende kunstenaars, waaronder Ben Sleeuwenhoek, Anneke Auer en Ton van Summeren; fotografie door o.a. Peter Cox en Neeltje Ellen Pronk; afb. in zwart wit.


€ 20,00
Lennep, J. van, W. Moll en J. ter Gouw.
Lennep, J. van, W. Moll en J. ter Gouw.
Lennep, J. van, W. Moll en J. ter Gouw.

Lennep, J. van, W. Moll en J. ter Gouw.

Nederlands geschiedenis en volksleven in schetsen. Staalgravuren naar de schilderijen van de Historische Galerij der Maatschappij Arti Et Amicitiae, door W.Steelink, J. H. Renneveld, C. L. Van Kesteren en H. Sluijter D.Jz.

Leiden; ca. 1880; A. W. Sijthoff; vol. 2 of 2; numbered steel engravings in b&w.; no. 28 - 51; gilt stamped cloth; 32 x 43 cm.; unpaginated.

Cloth slightly discoloured. Renewed spine; old spine replaced. Corners are showing traces of wear. Engravings in good shape.


€ 15,00

Lensen, Pierre. Millenaire de Bruxelles. Tirage spécial, reproduction de dessins originaux de Pierre Lensen année 1979. No place; 1979; 12 printed plates in portfolio; 30x40 cm.; each printing numbered and signed; no. 106 of 250 copies. Portfolio with slight signs of wear. [31011]

€ 45,00
Leopold, J.H..
Leopold, J.H..
Leopold, J.H..

Leopold, J.H..


Ulvenhout; 1974; Frits Haans; poëzieblad, het negende in de tweede reeks van Pen & Burijn, gedichten uit de Nederlandse letteren met grafiek van eigentijdse kunstenaars. Het is de aanhef van een gedicht "Albumblad" van J.H. Leopold; uitvouwbaar blad, twee maal gevouwen; houtgravure en typografische verzorging door Dirk van Gelder; genummerd en gesigneerd door van Gelder; nr. 158 van 200 exemplaren.

Op de naad, tussen tekst en gravure, wat lichte vochtschade. Blad overigens met hier en daar wat minieme plooitjes en kreukjes.


€ 14,00
Lessing, Otto.
Lessing, Otto.
Lessing, Otto.
Lessing, Otto.
Lessing, Otto.
Lessing, Otto.
Lessing, Otto.
Lessing, Otto.

Lessing, Otto.

Ausgeführte Bauornamente Berlins. Sammlung hervorragender Ornamentausführungen der bedeutendsten Architekten, Bildhauer und Maler Berlins.

Berlin; 1880; Verlag von Ernst Wasmuth; hardbound cloth portfolio; 33x49 cm.; 95 (of 100) plates loose as issued, phototype and lithographed.

Lacks 5 of the 100 plates: plate nr. 5, 11, 33, 90 & 93. Plate nr. 67 repaired. Lacks the original portfolio. Bound in "Ein Künstler & Familien Album", 1877. Portfolio slightly worn.


€ 195,00
Levêque, J.J. & Bohbot, M..
Levêque, J.J. & Bohbot, M..

Levêque, J.J. & Bohbot, M..

James Coignard. Oeuvres récentes.

Nice; 1975; Galerie Hervieu; softcover; ills. in colour and b&w; issued on occasion of the International Art Fair, Basle, from 18 to 23 June 1975; not paginated.

Slightly waterstained copy.


€ 24,00
Lhote, A.

Lhote, A. André Lhote. Paris; c. 1940; extrait de l'Art d'Aujourd'hui; plates 21-27, of which 1 in colour; portfolio, halfcloth. Complete copy. [11635]

€ 35,00
Limburg Stirum, Philippe de, a.o..

Limburg Stirum, Philippe de, a.o..

Eugène Verboeckhoven.

Brussels/ Knokke-Zoute; 1981; Editions Laconti/ P&V Berko; hardcover with dust jacket; sewn binding; 4o; ills. in colour and b&w; text in English/ French/ German and Dutch; 278 pp.

Major reference work on this outstanding painter. Dust jacket with very small tear at upper part, otherwise a fine copy.


€ 85,00
Lindeman, C.M.A.A.
Lindeman, C.M.A.A.

Lindeman, C.M.A.A. Joachim Anthonisz Wtewael.

Utrecht; 1929; A. Oosthoek; foreword by W. Vogelsang; b&w reproductions; or. paper cover; 281 pp. + 72 plates.

Small imperfections.


€ 19,00
Littel, S..

Littel, S..

Sander Littel.

Oudelande; 1993; Sander Littel; photogr. reprod. in colour; paper cover; 8 plates.

Separate an enclosure with contents. On plate 1 a name removed. Back cover slightly stained.


€ 15,00
Loewinson Lessing, Vladimir (ed.).
Loewinson Lessing, Vladimir (ed.).

Loewinson-Lessing, Vladimir (ed.). Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn. Tableaux dans les musées de l'Union Soviétique. Leningrad; 1982; Éditions d'art Aurore; hardcover with dust jacket; 4o; 30 plates in colour; ills. with the text in b&w; introduction by X. Egorava; French-language text; 31 pp. (introduction) followed by plates and text (not paged). Dust jacket just a trifle worn along extremities. Overall a very fine copy. [33354]

€ 24,00
Lora, Dominique.

Lora, Dominique.

Matteo Basilé.

Rotterdam; 2004; Galerie Beukers; softcover; ills. in colour; text in English and Italian; 81 pp.

Fine copy.


€ 19,00
Lorenzen, Vilh.

Lorenzen, Vilh. Vore Byer; studier i bybygning fra Middelalderens Slutning til Industrialismens Gennembrud 1536-1870. Pt. I-V. København; 1947-1958; I. Kommission hos G.E.C. Gad; maps, plans, ill.; cloth; resp. 2272, 342, 331, 303, 241 pp. Cover pt. V slightly damaged. [8205]

€ 68,00
Lorm, A.J. de & Tichelman, G.L..
Lorm, A.J. de & Tichelman, G.L..
Lorm, A.J. de & Tichelman, G.L..

Lorm, A.J. de & Tichelman, G.L..

Verdwijnend cultuurbezit. Beeldende kunst der Bataks.

Leiden; 1941; E.J. Brill; softcover met omslag; met 99 foto's op 49 platen; ill. in zwart wit; voorwoord door B.J.O. Schrieke; VI, 64 p. gevolgd door sectie met platen.

Bladzijden af en toe iets roestvlekkig, met name in de kantlijn.


€ 19,00
Lurasco, F.M. (sam.).
Lurasco, F.M. (sam.).
Lurasco, F.M. (sam.).

Lurasco, F.M. (sam.).

Onze moderne meesters.

Amsterdam; 1907; C.L.G. Veldt; linnen met koordjes; oblong; ingenaaid; een bundel portretten (met portretfoto) vergezeld van enige korte biografische wetenswaardigheden; ongepagineerd.


€ 59,00

Lützow, C.F.A. von Meisterwerke, Die, der Kirchenbaukunst; eine Darstellung der Geschichte des christlichen Kirchenbaues durch ihre hauptsächlichen Denkmäler. Leipzig; 1862; V. von E.A. Seemann; ill.; in linnen, goudgestempeld; goud op snee; 423 p. De band enigszins los. Gotische letters. [4367]

€ 40,00
Maiorano, Liliana (ed.).

Maiorano, Liliana (ed.). Giuseppe Penone. Torino/Tilburg; 1998; Hopefulmonster editore/ de Pont Foundation for Contemporary Art; softcover; ills. in colour and b&w; text in Dutch and English; issued on occasion of several exhibitions in Nîmes, Tilburg & Trento; bibliography; 223 pp. Very fine copy. [31050]

€ 130,00