Debbaut, Jan.
Biennale di Venezia 1993. Padiglione di Fiandra e Olanda. texts/ testi. Jan Vercruysse/ Padiglione Fiandra. Niek Kemps/ Padiglione di Olanda. 3 vols.
Brussels/ Rijswijk; 1993; Ministry of the Flemish Community, Welfare, Public Health; softcover, 3 vols. in slipcase; text volume with text in English and Italian; ills.; 60 pp., vols. with ills. not paged.
Very fine set.
[34464]Dekker, G..
Teekeningen van G. Dekker.
Zaandam; 1945; K. Huisman Jz.; halflinnen zonder stofomslag; no. 111 van 250 genummerde exemplaren; gesigneerd door G. Dekker; gedrukt op Hollandsch geschept papier; met tekstjes en tekeningen (in zwart wit); n.p.
Tekeningen van verschillende plaatsen, gebouwen, personen, en het alledaagse leven in Noord-Holland. Zeldzaam! Band iets verkleurd langs de randen.
[20865]Desjardijn, D..
En de kindertjes de moeder...
Amsterdam; 1981; Stachelswine: hardcover in slipcase; 2 orig. signed lithographs and orig. lithogr. boards by D. DESJARDIJN, (full-p.) (photogr.) ills., printed in 80 (76/80) copies, 4to; several bins of posters; publication on contemporary American life and art and the engagement of posters, flyers etc. and on the poster art produced under the Works Progress Administration's Federal Art Project, 1935-1943; not paged (32 pp.).
Fine copy.
[38536]Dijk, Hans van, Bert Stolk, et al.
The detail the sorcerer's apprentice overlooked.
Utrecht; no year; Technical School for Printing and Allied Trades at Utrecht; softcover with wrapper; 15,5x15,5 cm.; ills. in colour and b&w; text in English, French, German; 47 pp. with text, ills. throughout.
Wrapper slightly discoloured.
Dipinti e disegni di Piero Albizzati dal 1958 al 1973.
Milano; 1973; Comune di Milano; texts by Carlo Munari, Franco Passoni and Oscar Signorini; ill. in b&w and in colour; paperback ed.; not paged. On account of the exhibition in Palazzo del Turismo Milano (ex arengario) 16-30 aprile 1973. [9542]Diverse auteurs.
De Monumenten van Geschiedenis en Kunst in de Provincie Limburg. Geïllustreerde beschrijving. Eerste stuk: de monumenten in de gemeente Maastricht. Vier afleveringen.
's-Gravenhage; 1926-1938; Algemeene Landsdrukkerij; softcover; 4o; ill. en uitslaande platen; een totaal van 590 pagina's (nummering van de bladzijden loopt door).
Bewerkt en uitgegeven vanwege afdeling A der Rijkscommissie voor de Monumentenzorg.
[28532]Diverse auteurs.
De Huisvriend. Geïllustreerd magazijn gewijd aan letteren en kunst; lectuur voor iedereen. Jaargang 1887.
Schiedam; 1887; H.A.M. Roelants; linnen met goudopdruk en florale decoraties; 4to; rijkelijk verlucht met diverse houtgravures; 482 p.
Band met wat lichte slijtage langs hoeken en randen. Iets beschadigd langs de rug.
[35931]Diverse auteurs.
Hugo Metsers. Liber Amicorum.
Sint Jansteen; 1977; losbladig in map; met bijdragen (kritieken/interviews/artikels) van o.a. Andreas Oosthoek, Louis Lockefeer, Willem Enzinck en Frans Babylon; ill. in kleur en zwart wit; no. 224 van 500 genummerde exemplaren; gesigneerd door Hugo Metsers; kunstmap, uitgegeven n.a.v. de 75e verjaardag van Metsers; 51 p.
De map met wat hele lichte slijtagesporen.
[35178]Draguet, Michel.
Serge Vandercam of de kijk van een nomade/ ou le regard nomade.
Heerlen; 2002; ABP Public Affairs; hardcover; 4o; ills. in colour and b&w; text in Dutch and French; 143 pp.
Kleine beschadiging op de rand van het achterplat en kleine kras op het voorplat. Overigens een goed exemplaar.
[32541](Dufy, Raoul).
Giftwraps by artists. Designs by Raoul Dufy. 16 full-color, tear-out sheets, 18¾ x 27 in., for all occasions.
New York; 1986; Harry N. Abrams; a Joost Elffers book in association with Meulenhoff/ Landshoff; softcover; 26 x 34,5 cm.; illustrated sheets in colour; introduction by Arlene Raven; not paged.
Complete with all the sheets.
[34492]Dunthorne, Gordon.
Flower and Fruit Prints of the 18th and early 19th Centuries. Their History, Makers and Uses, with a Catalogue Raisonne of the Works in which they are found.
Washington D.C.; 1938; published by the author/ Da Capo; clothbound with dust jacket; quarto; plates in colour and b&w; index; XIV, 275 pp.
Dust jacket slightly worn, mainly along extremities, and with small repair.
Dutch design 2000/ 2001; a boxed set of six thematic volumes.
Amsterdam; 2000; BIS Publishers; halfcloth, foils; ills. in colour; six volumes, volume 1 "Industrial design", vol. 2 "Graphic design", vol. 3 "New media", vol. 4 "Environmental design", vol. 5 "Packaging design", vol. 6 "Illustration"; XVII, 86 (6), XV, 468 (8), XVII, 128 (6), XV, 76 (8), XVII, 54 (8) and XV, 116 (8) pp.
Covers occasionally a trifle rubbed, otherwise fine.
[23098]Elffers, Joost, Himmel, Eric, a.o. (ed.).
De magie van M.C. Escher.
Köln; 2003; Taschen; hardcover with dust jacket; 4o; numerous ills. in colour and b&w, occasionally folding; 196 pp.
Dust jacket bears protective transparent wrappers.
[28593]Eluard, Paul & Paul Rodenko.
Le Visage de la Paix.
Amsterdam; 1955; F. van Rossen; poems by Paul Eluard, introduced and translated into Dutch by Paul Rodenko; coloured lithographs and design by G.C. van der Laan; ringbinder; [13] pp.
Top part of calender: contains 13 lithographs. Lower side of these pages, containing dates, is lacking. The pages have been removed along the perforation. Front cover loosened.
[15317]Ershad, Hussain Muhammad.
Selected paintings: Bangladesh.
Dhaka; 1988; External Publicity Wing, Ministry of Information, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh; softcover; ills. in colour; oblong; 44,5x28,5 cm.; n.pp.
With short biographies of the artists. Inserted a carte-de-visite of the Bangladesh ambassador in Belgium.