

Resultaten 73 - 96 van 550
Terhorst, Peter.

Terhorst, Peter.

Een reisje.

Vlissingen; 1999; eigen beheer i.s.m. Buro Beeldende Kunst Gemeente Vlissingen; gekartonneerd met omslag; 15x21 cm.; ill. in kleur; beperkte oplage van 250 exemplaren; 32 p.

Keurig exemplaar.


€ 30,00
Taracena, Berta.

Taracena, Berta.

Rodriguez Lozano.

México; 1971; Universidad nacional autónoma de México; cloth with dust jacket; ills. in b&w and colour; one of 2000 copies; 49 pp. + 84 plates.

First endpaper attached to dust jacket. Good copy.


€ 19,00
Szeemann, Harald, Baere, Bart de, Delbeke, Maarten, Groh, Klaus, et al.

Szeemann, Harald, Baere, Bart de, Delbeke, Maarten, Groh, Klaus, et al. Johan van Geluwe. (The Museum of Museums). Ghent/ Amsterdam; 2004; Ludion; hardcover with dust jacket; 4to; ills. in colour and b&w; text in English; 159 pp. Very fine copy. Overview of the oeuvre by Johan van Geluwe. [34224]

€ 35,00
Sylvester, David.
Sylvester, David.
Sylvester, David.

Sylvester, David.

Henry Moore. Catalogue of an exhibition at the Tate Gallery, Wednesday 17 July to Sunday 22 September 1968.

London; 1968; The Arts Council of Great Britain; softcover; oblong; 25x20 cm.; ills. in b&w; 179 pp.

Cover a trifle discoloured and frontcover with a small rubbed portion. Title page with owner's entry.


€ 12,00
Strobl, Andreas, a.o..
Strobl, Andreas, a.o..

Strobl, Andreas, a.o..

Surrogate; Wolfgang Ellenrieder.

Drochtersen-Hüll; 2000; KunstRaum; softcover; ills. in colour; issued on occasion of the exhibition at the KunstRaum, from September 24 to October 22 2000; 29 (2) pp.

Very fine copy.


€ 20,00
Strik, Elly.

Strik, Elly.

Fantasmas, Novias y otros Compañeros/ Ghosts, Brides & other Companions.

Madrid/ Ghent; 2014; Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía/ Asamer; hardcover; 4o; ills.; text in Spanish and English; 295 pp.

Small rubbed spot frontcover. Otherwise a very fine copy.


€ 34,00
Strasser, Catherine.

Strasser, Catherine.

Alain Fleischer (Ping Pong).

Middelburg; 1987; de Vleeshal; softcover, stapled; ills. in b&w; text in Dutch and French; 22 pp.

Cover with a few small stains.


€ 20,00
Storr, Robert.

Storr, Robert.

Gerhard Richter. Doubt and belief in painting.

New York; 2003; The Museum of Modern Art; paperback; ills. in b&w; 280 pp.

Fine copy.


€ 12,00
Stocchi, Francesco.

Stocchi, Francesco.

Marc Nagtzaam. Not available.

Middelburg; 2014; de Vleeshal in co-production with Roma Publications; softcover; stapled; ills. in b&w, double folded pages; works of art photographed by Nagtzaam; text by Francesco Stocchi; not paged (64 pp.)

Fine copy.


€ 60,00
Stephan, Heike.

Stephan, Heike.

Heike Stephan. Grafit-Bilder und Radierungen.

Berlin; 1998; Heike Stephan; hardcover; oblong; ills. in b&w; accompanied by i.a. poetry by Jochen Berg; no pagination.

Very fine copy.


€ 20,00
Sompel, Ronald van de (ed.).

Sompel, Ronald van de (ed.).

Denkbild und Wirklichkeit/ Denkbeeld en Werkelijkheid. Sechs Künstler aus Antwerpen/ Zes kunstenaars uit Antwerpen; Bert De Beul, Denmark, Jan Fabre, Philip Huyghe, Mark Luyten, Ludwig Vandevelde.

Ludwigshafen/ Kassel/ Antwerpen; 1993; BASF-Feierabendhaus/ Documenta-Halle/ Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst; foreword by Florent Bex, introduction by Johan Pas; softcover, sewn binding; 22x27,5 cm.; ills. in colour; issue on occasion of several exhibitions in Ludwigshafen, Kassel & Antwerp, in 1993 and 1994; text in German and Dutch; 96 pp.

Very fine copy.


€ 19,00
Someren, J.F. van.

Someren, J.F. van.

De Utrechtsche Universiteitsbibliotheek; haar geschiedenis en kunstschatten vóór 1880.

Utrecht; 1909; A. Oosthoek; goudbedrukt linnen; platen en portretten, in zwart wit en getint; VI, 160 p.

Titelblad en laatste pagina roestvlekkig, overigens een goed exemplaar.


€ 55,00
Smeyers, M..

Smeyers, M..

Vlaamse miniaturen van de 8ste tot het midden van de 16de eeuw. De middeleeuwse wereld op perkament.

Leuven; 1998; Davidsfonds; in linnen met stofomslag; in cassette; met meer dan 600 kleurenillustraties; register van handschriften; register van miniaturisten; 528 p.

Rug van de stofomslag verkleurd, overigens een fraai exemplaar.


€ 50,00
Smallwood, M.G.

Smallwood, M.G. Van Dyck. London; 1904; Methuen & Co.; Little books on art; 35 ill.; cloth, gilt-stamped; 188 pp. Edge rust stained. [9841]

€ 22,00
Sirks, Jan.

Sirks, Jan. Steiger Rotterdam. Ets ca. 1930 van Jan Sirks (Rotterdam 1885 - Zeist 1938); gesigneerd met potlood. Afmeting: 38,5 X 51 cm. geleverd in zuurvrij passe-partout. [21878]

€ 180,00

Shunso Machi calligraphe Japonaise (2 vol.)

Paris; 1981; Musée des arts décoratifs; softcover catalogues; ills. in colour and b&w; n.pp.

Calligraphies de Shunso Machi and essais sur la calligraphie (extraits). Published on the occasion of the exhibition in Paris at the Musée des arts décoratifs, october 2 1981-january 4 1982. Text in French and Japanese. Covers show slight signs of use


€ 19,00
Shaw Sparrow, Walter (ed.).
Shaw Sparrow, Walter (ed.).
Shaw Sparrow, Walter (ed.).
Shaw Sparrow, Walter (ed.).
Shaw Sparrow, Walter (ed.).
Shaw Sparrow, Walter (ed.).

Shaw Sparrow, Walter (ed.).

Etchings by Van Dyck. Twenty four plates in Rembrandt photogravure. The full size of the rare first states.

London; 1905; Hodder & Stoughton; gilt printed cloth; folio; mounted plates; introduction by Hans W. Singer; 22 pp. with text + plates.

Cover with wear along extremities. Foot of spine slightly damaged.


€ 35,00
Sharp, Chris.

Sharp, Chris.

The registry of promise.

Amsterdam/ Middelburg; 2015; ROMA Publications/ SBKM/ de Vleeshal; softcover with wrapper; 4to; ills.; text in English & French; 203 pp.

Very fine copy.


€ 30,00

Servaas. Snoeken

n.p.; 1989; translations by E. Magnus, Maria Masoello, R. Koenig, A. Pijnappel; with numerous illustrations; original softcover; 28x21 cm; 66 pp.

Signed by Servaas with dedication. Limited edition of 1500.


€ 20,00
Senefelder, Alois.
Senefelder, Alois.
Senefelder, Alois.

Senefelder, Alois.

Het wezen van den steendruk.

Amsterdam; 1929; Vereeniging Amsterdamsche Grafische School; linnen met goudopdruk; 8vo; vertaald in het Nederlands door H.C.O. Magel; ill.; XIX, 301 p. gevolgd door 20 proefbladen.

Vertaling van "Lehrbuch der Lithographie und des Steindruckes".


€ 24,00
Sémaine, A. and Hucks, Paul.
Sémaine, A. and Hucks, Paul.
Sémaine, A. and Hucks, Paul.
Sémaine, A. and Hucks, Paul.
Sémaine, A. and Hucks, Paul.

Sémaine, A. and Hucks, Paul.

Ohé! Les Moeurs... Chansons satiriques mises en musique par Paul Hucks. Douze lithographies de Willette. 1re Série.

Paris; 1895; Georges Ondet; with 12 lithographs by A. Willette; 27.5x35.5 cm; unpaginated.

Spine renewed in cloth. Cover/endpapers ruststained. Ex-libiris on inside cover. Inside good.


€ 50,00
Segard, A.

Segard, A. Jean Gossart dit Mabuse. Bruxelles, Paris; 1923; Libr. Nat. d'Art et d'Histoire G. van Oest & Cie; ill. in b&w; halfcloth, marbled; X, 190 pp. A number of pages stained. [9271]

€ 24,00

Schwarzenberger, Fritz. Werkverzeichnis Hans Orlowski. 6 vols. Holzschnittgraphik-Lithographien und Radierungen der Jahre 1914 bis 1931/ Holzschnittgraphik der Jahre 1932 bis 1943/ Holzschnittgraphik der Jahre 1944 bis 1954/ Holzschnittgraphik der Jahre 1955 bis 1964/ Holzschnittgraphik der Jahre 1965 bis 1967 und Bilder der Jahre 1926 bis 1967/ Nachträge und Berichtigungen zur Graphik aus den Jahren 1914 bis 1931 und weiteren Jahren. Berlin; 1965-1979; Hans Orlowski-Kreis; softcover; ills.; no. 210 of 350 copies; 2 volumes signed by Orlowski; 16, 16, 16, 15, 23 & 40 pp. Copies a trifle dampstained. One volume with occasional inscriptions with pencil. [33801]

€ 150,00
Schulze, Otto.
Schulze, Otto.

Schulze, Otto.

Von Engeln. Eind Lied von Kindern/ Engeln und Blüten. Zehn Kupfertiefdrucktafeln. Band IX.

Wuppertal; 1946; Sulamith Wülfing Verlag; softcover; plates; introduction followed by plates; not paged.

First 4 pages with slight waterstaining. Owner's entry stamped on frontcover. Cover a trifle discoloured.


€ 29,00