Bakel, T. van, F. Bonneure en W. Enzinck
Hulde aan P. Permeke 60. Een hulde aan de zestigjarige schilder.
S.l.; circa 1982; Calatra Press; softcover; 19.5x21.5 cm; ill.;
redaktie, fotografie, lay-out van Willem Enzinck; gesigneerd door Permeke op de franse titelpagina; [29] pp.
Goed exemplaar.
[9511]Baere, B. De, N. de Dauw, V. van Damme, J. Hoet (e.
Vol. I: Oswald Oberhuber. Sculpturen & tekeningen 1946 - 1987. Vol. II: Actuele Kunst in Oostenrijk. Vol. III: Oostenrijks Kabinet. Vol. IV: Fritz Wotruba.
Europalia 87 Österreich; Museum van de Hedendaagse Kunst - Gent; 17 september - 20 december 1987; vol. I, IV: ills. in b&w.; vol. II, III: ills. in colour; vol. I,II,III: hardcover; vol. IV: softcover with slap; 21,5 x 29 cm.; 80 / 155 / 50 pp.; vol. IV:contains 1 art. on 2 large folded leaves.
Four volumes gathered in cassette. Cassette shows traces of wear. Very fine copies.
[17471]Bac, F.
Nos Femmes. Album en couleurs par Bac. Préface de Maurice Donnay.
Paris; appr. 1900; H. Simonis Empis; foreword by Maurice Donnay; with fullpage illustrations in colour by F. Bac; original decorated softcover; 28x36 cm; unpaginated.
Spine renewed in cloth. Backside of cover badly folded/stained. Margins partly stained not affecting illustrations.
[17835]Bac, F.
Les Fêtes Galantes. Album absolument inédit par Bac. Prëface de Arsène Houssaye.
Paris; appr. 1900; H. Simonis Empis; foreword by Arsène Houssaye; with fullpage illustrations in colour by F. Bac; original decorated softcover; 28x36 cm; unpaginated.
Spine renewed in cloth. Inside partly stained in margins.
[17837]Bac, F.
Femmes de Théâtre. Album absolument inédit. Prologue de Yvette Guilbert.
Paris; appr. 1900; H. Simonis Empis; prologue by Yvette Guilbert; with fullpage illustrations in colour by F. Bac; original decorated softcover; 28.5x36.5 cm; unpaginated.
Spine renewed in cloth. Cover edges slightly worn. Inside good/very good.
[17836]Arwas, Victor.
Art Deco.
New York; 1992; Harry N. Abrams; blind tooled, hardbound cloth; with dust jacket; 4o; 436 ills., including 339 plates in full colour; index; 316 pp.
With a special section of biographies of more than 140 artists. Owner's entry on french title page, otherwise a very fine copy.
[33285]Aris, Ausloos, Anne, Buys, Willem & Verschueren, Bob.
Een ongekende schittering.
S.l.; 1996-1997; Stichting Westerschouwen Kultureel; gekartonneerde uitvouwbare kaarten met afbeeldingen van werk van Aris, Anne Ausloos, Willem Buys en Bob Verschueren; met begeleidende tekst; in bijhorende doos.
Goed exemplaar.
Ariel 20/ Anton Rooskens.
Paris; 1972; Galerie Ariel; softcover; one lithograph in colour (cover), lacks the double paged lithograph; loose leaves in cover; with other ills. in b&w; no. 388 of 600 numbered copies; n.pp.
Collaboration by the Krikhaar Gallery. Cover very slightly discoloured.
[20178]Aretino, Pietro. Les sonnets luxurieux de l'Arétin (2 vol. texte et gravures) Paris; 1904;softcover (text) and cardboard with ribbon (engravings); Italian text with French translation; no. 481 of 500 copies; XII, 147 pp. Engravings (complete) by Marc-Antoine. Spines renewed. Text partly discoloured and some rust stains. One cover stained. [19231]
Andersen, H.C. & T. van Hoytema.
Twee Hanen. Sprookje van H.C. Andersen.
Amsterdam; 1898; C.M. van Gogh; gekartonneerd; oblong; 32x25 cm.; met 20 kleurenlitho's door T. v. Hoytema; ongepagineerd (20 p.).
Band met wat lichte gebruikssporen. Boekblok laat iets los van de band. Blanco schutblad gekreukt.
[36041]Allgemeine Bauzeitung mit Abbildungen, 45 (1880).
Wien; 1880; Verlag von R. v. Waldheim. Gegründet von Prof. Chr. Ludwig Förster, redigirt unter Mitwirkung der Architekten H. Ritter v. Ferstel, E. Ritter v. Förster, Th. Ritter v. Hansen, Friedrich Schmidt von August Köstlin; folio; gilt stamped half leather; marbled cover; 104 pp. and 84 leaves with lithos.
Spine damaged.
[6690]Alfieri, Bruno (ed.).
Zodiac 3. International Magazine of Contemporary Architecture/ Rivista internazionale d'architettura contemporanea.
Milano; no year; Edizioni di Comunità; softcover; ills.; contributions by i.a. Giulia Veronesi, Noboru Kawazoe & Heinrich Erdsiek; dedicated to i.a. Alvaro Aalto, Franco Albini e la cultura architettonica in Italia & modern Japanese architecture confronts functionalism; text in English, Italian, French & German; advertising; 223 pp.
Cover a trifle worn.
[34170]Alfieri, Bruno (ed.).
Zodiac 2. International Magazine of Contemporary Architecture/ Rivista internazionale d'architettura contemporanea.
Milano; no year; Edizioni di Comunità; softcover; ills.; contributions by i.a. Giulia Veronesi, Le Corbusier & Wilhelm Berger; dedicated to i.a. Human setting in an industrial civilization, l'architecture Henry van de Velde & Immeuble pour bureaux près de Milan; text in English, Italian, French & German; advertising; 237 pp.
Cover a trifle worn.
[34171]Alfieri, Bruno (ed.).
Zodiac 1. International Magazine of Contemporary Architecture/ Rivista internazionale d'architettura contemporanea.
Milano; no year; Edizioni di Comunità; softcover; ills.; contributions by i.a. Walter Gropius, Peter Blake, W. Sandberg & Lucien Hervé; dedicated to i.a. The vanishing American house, Les grands magasins de Rotterdam & Centre commercial pour piétons à Rotterdam; text in English, Italian, French & German; advertising; 275 pp.
Cover a trifle worn, plasticized portions of backcover chipped.