Corbijn, Anton.
Munich; 2000; Schirmer/ Mosel; softcover; photography by Corbijn in colour and b&w, occasionally full page; with an essay by Bernd Skupin, in English; VII, 167 pp.
Over 180 portraits taken between 1976 and 2000 comprise the very essence of Anton Corbijn. French title page with drawing by the former owner.
[29347]Davies, John.
Phase 11.
London; 1991; Davenport Associates/ The Photographer's Gallery; softcover; 25x33 cm.; "Phase 11" is an independent photographic project conceived by Peter Davenport; the photographs in this publication are part of John Davies 's larger body of work, Phase 11, exhibited at the Photographer's Gallery, 30 March- 11 May 1991, and thereafter on tour; photographs in colour and b&w; 29 pp. (irregular pagination).
[24139]Delpire, Robert & Christian Caujolle.
William Klein.
Paris; 1985; Centre National de la Photographie; softcover; 12x19 cm.; Photo Poche-edition; introduction, in French, by Christian Caujolle; 62 photographs in b&w; not paged.
Upper right corner cover a trifle wrinkeld. Upper right corner pages slightly dampstained.
[38500]Gebroeders van Straaten.
Kroningsfeesten te Middelburg. Historische-allegorische optocht, 2 september 1898. Met 9 lichtdrukken, vervaardigd door de gebr. van Straaten.
Middelburg; 1898; F.P. d'Huij; halflinnen mapje; oblong, 24x17 cm.; met 9, losse, afbeeldingen in lichtdruk vervaardigd door de Gebr. van Straaten.
Het mapje heeft wat roestvlekjes.
[38605]Hofmann, Werner, Sinowatz, Fred, et al.
Austria Biennale di Venezia 1980. Valie Export. Dokumentations-Ausstellung des österreichischen Beitrags zur Biennale Venedig 1980.
Wien; 1980; Bundesministerium für Unterricht und Kunst; softcover; ills. mainly in b&w; text in Italian, German & English; 132 pp.
Fine copy.
[34257]Hollander, Paul den.
Les Pyramides du Nord.
Breda; 1992; Paul den Hollander; softcover; 32x32 cm.; photography in b&w; text in Dutch, French & English; limited edition of 1,200 paperback and 300 hardbound copies; 100 pp.
Final 5 pages somewhat waterstained. Cover slightly bubbled by dampstaining and a trifle worn (small rubbed spots).
[26047]Horodisch, Igor.
Portfolio 1985. Albert Verburg.
S.l.; 1985; spiral binding; with 3 envelopes containing an original photograph, "Three shades of Anges" (1, 2 & 3); no. 24 of 60 numbered copies.
Fine copy.
[34480]Houwink, Roel.
Herinneringsalbum aan mijn schooljaren op de Zeister schoolvereeniging, 1 september 1934 tot 9 juni 1939.
Zonder plaats; 1934-1939; eigen beheer; linnen bandje met touwbinding; ca. 20x15 cm.; album gevuld met herinneringen, verhalen, anekdotes, tekeningen en foto's; inclusief krantenknipsel uit 1996 over de Zeister school.
Rug beschadigd, platten ietsjes bobbelig.
[31108]Huguier, Françoise.
En route pour Behring
Paris; 1993; Maeght; softcover with flaps; ills. in colour; 151 pp.; notes of a voyage in Siberia;
[18975]Johne, Sven (ed.).
Leben und Sterben in Ostdeutschland und anderswo/ Life and Death in East Germany and the Rest of the World.
Frankfurt am Main; 2008; Revolver; hardcover; 4o; published to accompany the exhibitions at the Nassauischer Kunstverein Wiesbaden, Dortmunder Kunstverein and the CoalMine Fotogalerie Winterthur; photography in colour and b&w; text in English and German; includes loosely inserted booklet "Magazin; Sven Johne"; 110 pp.
Very fine copy.
[29709]Knip, Jan & Piet Lied.
Fotografisch A.B.C. boek. Voor kinderen die al groot zijn, met foto's van Jan Knip en rijmpjes van Piet Lied.
Bussum; zonder jaar (ca. 1946); F.G. Kroonder; ringband; 26x26 cm.; platen in zwart wit; ongepagineerd.
De plaat bij de "A" ontbreekt. Band matige staat, enigszins verkleurd en met vouwtjes, kreukjes en scheurtje. Naam op het voorplat. Titelblad gekreukt en met scheur. Bladzijden met ezelsoortjes.