

Resultaten 1 - 24 van 112
Winkelaar, Edwin, Kranendonk, Sigurd, Roelofs, Cees, Kaper, Karen & Riele, José van.

Winkelaar, Edwin, Kranendonk, Sigurd, Roelofs, Cees, Kaper, Karen & Riele, José van.

Wolterinck's World. Be Fore. 25 Years Wolterinck's World Laren.

Laren/ Zwolle; 2011; Wolterinck/ WBooks; hardcover with dust jacket; oblong; 47x31 cm.; photography by Sigurd Kranendonk, Cees Roelofs, Karen Kaper & José van Riele; text in English & Dutch; 327 pp.

Very fine copy.


€ 45,00


Weegee's New York. Photographien 1935-1960.

S.l.; 1982; Meulenhoff/ Landshoff; hardbound cloth with dust jacket; 4o; 335 photographs, covering the period 1935-1960, by Weegee; introduction in German by Reinhard Kaiser; 388 pp.

Small tear dust jacket, otherwise a very fine copy.


€ 17,00
Visser, Hripsimé.

Visser, Hripsimé.

De fotografie van Paul de Nooijer. Magie in de Vleeshal.

Middelburg; 1987; Paul de Nooijer/ de Vleeshal; softcover; ill.; gedrukt in een oplage van 1000 exemplaren; ongepagineerd.

Goed exemplaar.


€ 25,00
Viruly, A. & Scholte, Henrik.

Viruly, A. & Scholte, Henrik.

Bird's-eye view of the Netherlands.

Amsterdam; z.j.; van Holkema & Warendorf; gilt printed, hardbound cloth with dust jacket; oblong; introduction by A. Viruly, description by Henrik Scholte; photographs by the Aerial Survey Division of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines; special edition of Vitrite Works-Middelburg; with an original photograph of the Vitrite Works, mounted to pastedown; captions in Dutch, English, French and Spanish; 35 pp., followed by 72 full page photographs, with captions.

Dust jacket slightly worn, with a few small repairs.


€ 34,00
Vetter, Jacintha (red.).

Vetter, Jacintha (red.).

De Overslag 2004-2005.

Eindhoven; 2006; de Overslag; softcover; ills. in b&w; work by i.a. Hein Verwer, Sara van der Heide, Morgan Betz, Hans Wilschut, Kim Muis, a.o.; text in Dutch and English; 56 pp.


€ 20,00
Vermeylen, Edmond.
Vermeylen, Edmond.

Vermeylen, Edmond.

Museum Plantin-Moretus.

Antwerpen; c. 1925; n.n.; collection of 30 photographs in box.


€ 195,00
Verburg, Alexandra.

Verburg, Alexandra.

Stripmakers in the Picture. 58 Portretten van bekende Striptekenaars.

Oosterhout; 1995; HoutHaven Publications; harde kaft met stofomslag; 4o; ill. in zwart wit; fotografie door Alexandra Verburg; biografieën door Guido de Bué en Albert Eijkenaar; ongepagineerd.

Uitstekend exemplaar.


€ 16,00
Verburg, Albert.

Verburg, Albert.

Portfolio 1985. Albert Verburg.

S.l.; 1985; spiral binding; with 3 envelopes containing an original photograph, "Paper Study"; no. 38 of 45 numbered copies.

Fine copy.


€ 35,00
Uhlenhuth, Ed..
Uhlenhuth, Ed..

Uhlenhuth, Ed..

Die Veste Coburg. Originalaufnahmen.

Coburg; s.a. (ca. 1900); Verlag der E. Riemann'schen Hofbuchhandlung; dec. clothbound, gilt printed; oblong; ca. 29x23 cm.; photography in b&w, with captions; 22 pp.

Corners of cover and spine ends just a trifle worn. Overall a fine copy.


€ 25,00
Tomeï, Karel.

Tomeï, Karel.


Schiedam; no year; Scriptum; hardcover with dust jacket; large 4o; photography, occasionally full page, in colour by Tomeï; text by i.a. Hans Aarsman, Herman Pleij, Aaf Brandt Corstius, Peter Winnen, Martin Bril, Daphne Deckers, a.o.; 480 pp.


€ 29,00
Thiel, Martin van.

Thiel, Martin van.

Bijzonder Zeeuws Vlaanderen.

Zonder plaats; 2014; softcover; 20x20 cm.; fotografie in kleur en vergezeld van poëzie; no. 55 van 200 genummerde exemplaren; gesigneerd door van Thiel; 79 p.

Keurig exemplaar.


€ 20,00
Terpstra, Mirjam.

Terpstra, Mirjam.

Door het oog van de loods/ Through the eyes of a pilot. Loodswezen 20 jaar 1988-2008.

No place; 2008; Reijntjes/ Terpstra; hardcover; oblong; photography, in colour, by Mirjam Terpstra; text by Harry Stork; text in English and Dutch; 180 pp.

Foot of spine bumped.


€ 19,00
Stocchi, Francesco.

Stocchi, Francesco.

Marc Nagtzaam. Not available.

Middelburg; 2014; de Vleeshal in co-production with Roma Publications; softcover; stapled; ills. in b&w, double folded pages; works of art photographed by Nagtzaam; text by Francesco Stocchi; not paged (64 pp.)

Fine copy.


€ 60,00
Spühler, A..
Spühler, A..
Spühler, A..

Spühler, A..

Meine Reise in Italien/ Prachtalbum von 800 Photographien.

Neuchatel; n.d. (ca. 1910); Verlag des comptoir de phototypie; decor. cloth; 800 photographs; oblong, 39,5x29 cm.; (5) 306 pp.

Cover slightly worn, mainly along extremities. Back- and frontcover finger-soiled. Some pages with small tears.


€ 50,00
Silvester, Hans.

Silvester, Hans.

Les Habits de la Nature.

N.pl.; 2007; Éditions de La Martinière; hardcover with dust jacket; 4o; photography in colour by Hans Silvester, mainly full page; 167 pp.

Photography by Silvester of the Omo-tribe.


€ 25,00
Service Netherlands Indies Government Information, Film and Photo Unit.
Service Netherlands Indies Government Information, Film and Photo Unit.
Service Netherlands Indies Government Information, Film and Photo Unit.
Service Netherlands Indies Government Information, Film and Photo Unit.
Service Netherlands Indies Government Information, Film and Photo Unit.
Service Netherlands Indies Government Information, Film and Photo Unit.
Service Netherlands Indies Government Information, Film and Photo Unit.

Service Netherlands Indies Government Information, Film and Photo Unit.

Subject: 10th Battalion. In Batavia's Centre, are situated some military barracks. Many native and Eurasian people fled from Indonesian extremist actions in the kampongs. Previous the Japs used it as an internment camp for men, some of whom are still there under almost the same living conditions due to impossibility to move them to their homes on account of the internal political situation. File number: XI.

No place; no year; softcover; bound with string; oblong; 21x12 cm.; with 12 black and white photographs ( 4 of Ambon) of the barracks, the yards and (former) internees; with typescript captions on the oposite page. Tied together with a string.


€ 95,00
Sauquet, Sílvia (ed.).
Sauquet, Sílvia (ed.).
Sauquet, Sílvia (ed.).
Sauquet, Sílvia (ed.).

Sauquet, Sílvia (ed.).

Àlbum de França; de Seeberger a l'Estudi Harcourt. Exposició organitzada conjuntament per la Mission du Patrimoine photographique i la Fundació "la Caixa".

Barcelona; 1993; Sala Catalunya de la Fundació "la Caixa"; softcover; photography in b&w; text in Spanish, Catalan & English; 180 pp.


€ 16,00
Rothuizen, William.
Rothuizen, William.

Rothuizen, William.

Een bericht van Wim Riemens.

Middelburg; 1985; de Vleeshal; tekstbijdrage + 2 handdrukken; in bijhorende doos; 30x30 cm.; 1 originele zwart wit foto en 1 foto in kleur, 20x20 cm.; geplakt op dik, gekartonneerd papier; no. 29 van 50 exemplaren; de tekstbijdrage (6 p.) gedrukt in een oplage vanb 250 exemplaren; toegevoegd de rouwkaart, bij het overlijden van Riemens in 1995.

Keurig exemplaar, de doos met wat hele lichte gebruikssporen.


€ 75,00
Pinkhof en Van der Wielen.

Pinkhof en Van der Wielen.

L'art du bonheur. Video-schetsboek Pink.

Middelburg; zonder jaar (ca. 1983); de Vleeshal; uitslaande omslag met daarin een kleurenfoto.

Goede staat.


€ 12,00

[photo-album] n.p.; ca. 1925; n.n.; binding of ill. chinese lacquer. Without photographs. [7014]

€ 45,00
Peters, Philip & Kleerebezem, Jouke.

Peters, Philip & Kleerebezem, Jouke.


Den Haag; 1992; HCAK; softcover; ill. in zwart wit; de uitgave is ontstaan naar aanleiding van het HCAK-project "Metamorfose" (1990); deelnemers waren Henck van Dijck, Jan van Grunsven, Teun Hocks, Edwin Janssen, Jouke Kleerebezem; Sef Peeters; Harry Vandevliet en Willem van Weelden; oplage 600 exemplaren; fotografie door o.a. Peter Cox en Bob Goedewaagen; 169 p.

Goed exemplaar.


€ 40,00
Paz, E. (ed.).
Paz, E. (ed.).

Paz, E. (ed.).

Paris-Portrait, ancien Paris théatre. Journal hebdomadaire, du 5 au 11 Septembre 1878.

Paris; 1878; plano, cover of Paris-Portrait with mounted photo-lithograph of Emile Augier; photoglyptie by Lemercier et Cie, cliché by Nadar; 6th year, no. 277.

Cover only. Wear (mainly) along extremities, small tears, wrinkles, creasing, etc.


€ 30,00
Paz, E. (ed.).

Paz, E. (ed.).

Paris-Portrait, ancien Paris théatre. Journal hebdomadaire, du 3 au 9 juillet 1879.

Paris; 1879; plano, cover of Paris-Portrait with mounted photo-lithograph of Thiron; photoglyptie by Lemercier et Cie, cliché by Nadar; 7th year, no. 320.

Cover only. Wear (mainly) along extremities, small tears, wrinkles, creasing, etc.


€ 30,00
Paz, E. (ed.).
Paz, E. (ed.).

Paz, E. (ed.).

Paris-Portrait, ancien Paris théatre. Journal hebdomadaire, du 27 Mars au 2 Avril 1879.

Paris; 1879; plano, cover of Paris-Portrait with mounted photo-lithograph of Amélie Sbolgi; photoglyptie by Lemercier et Cie, cliché by Lumière; 6th year, no. 306.

Cover only. Wear (mainly) along extremities, small tears, wrinkles, creasing, etc.


€ 30,00