Manen, Charlotte A. van Nederlandsche, De, Overzee Trustmaatschappij; middelpunt van het verkeer van onzydig Nederland met het buitenland tydens den Wereldoorlog 1914-1919. Pt. I/II, III, IV, V/VI, VII, VIII. 's-Gravenhage; 1935; Martinus Nijhoff; maps, ill., tables, schedules, graphics; cloth, gilt stamped; 4o.
In separate files proofsheets and designs of the maps, made by the former owner of the books (with ex libris!), W. Plasschaert, and some a letter in manuscript and type-writing from the author to Mr. Plasschaert, as well as a review in the 'Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant'. [8615]
Manen, Charlotte A. van Nederlandsche, De, Overzee Trustmaatschappij; middelpunt van het verkeer van onzydig Nederland met het buitenland tydens den Wereldoorlog 1914-1919. Pt. I/II, III, IV, V/VI, VII, VIII. 's-Gravenhage; 1935; Martinus Nijhoff; maps, ill., tables, schedules, graphics; cloth, gilt stamped; 4o.
In separate files proofsheets and designs of the maps, made by the former owner of the books (with ex libris!), W. Plasschaert, and some a letter in manuscript and type-writing from the author to Mr. Plasschaert, as well as a review in the 'Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant'. [8615]