
Alle ongecategoriseerde items

Resultaten 1681 - 1704 van 2589
No author.

No author.

Provinciaal blad van Zeeland over het jaar 1843.

Middelburg; 1843; U.F. Auer; halfleer met gemarmerde platten; rug met vergulde, florale decoratie; per jaar, door de provincie Zeeland opgemaakte lijst van mededelingen, circulaires, besluiten, notificaties; o.a. een lijst der bevoegd erkende beoefenaren van de onderscheidene takken der geneeskunst in de provincie, bevolkingsaantallen per gemeente, prijzen van granen en overige levensmiddelen, circulaires betreffende de ontdekking van heimelijke branderijen en brouwerijen, maatregelen tegen vreemde loterijen, circulaire m.b.t. ontvluchte gevangenen, maatregelen tegen valsemunterij, enz.; in totaal 133 bladen, 3 à 8 p. per blad, in één band gebonden.

Band met lichte slijtage aan hoeken en randen, platten en rug hier en daar geschaafd.


€ 25,00
No author.

No author.

Provinciaal blad van Zeeland over het jaar 1844.

Middelburg; 1844; U.F. Auer; halfleer met gemarmerde platten; rug met vergulde, florale decoratie; per jaar, door de provincie Zeeland opgemaakte lijst van mededelingen, circulaires, besluiten, notificaties; o.a. een lijst der bevoegd erkende beoefenaren van de onderscheidene takken der geneeskunst in de provincie, bevolkingsaantallen per gemeente, prijzen van granen en overige levensmiddelen, circulaires betreffende de ontdekking van heimelijke branderijen en brouwerijen, maatregelen tegen vreemde loterijen, circulaire m.b.t. ontvluchte gevangenen, maatregelen tegen valsemunterij, enz.; in totaal 158 bladen, 3 à 8 p. per blad, in één band gebonden.

Band met slijtage aan hoeken en randen, platten hier en daar geschaafd. Rug licht beschadigd, aan boven- en onderzijde. Binnenwerk goed.


€ 25,00
No author.

No author.

Provinciaal blad van Zeeland over het jaar 1845.

Middelburg; 1845; U.F. Auer; halfleer met gemarmerde platten; rug met vergulde, florale decoratie; per jaar, door de provincie Zeeland opgemaakte lijst van mededelingen, circulaires, besluiten, notificaties; o.a. een lijst der bevoegd erkende beoefenaren van de onderscheidene takken der geneeskunst in de provincie, bevolkingsaantallen per gemeente, prijzen van granen en overige levensmiddelen, circulaires betreffende de ontdekking van heimelijke branderijen en brouwerijen, maatregelen tegen vreemde loterijen, circulaire m.b.t. ontvluchte gevangenen, maatregelen tegen valsemunterij, enz.; in totaal 140 bladen, 3 à 8 p. per blad, in één band gebonden.

Band met lichte slijtage aan hoeken en randen, platten hier en daar iets geschaafd. Rug enigszins beschadigd aan boven- en onderzijde. Binnenwerk goed.


€ 25,00
No author.

No author.

Reglement op de administratie der kerkelijke fondsen en de kosten van den eeredienst bij de Hervormde Gemeenten, in de Provincie Zeeland.

Middelburg; z.j. (ca. 1820); A.P. de Winter; zachte kaft; 24 p.

Vernieuwde papieren band met "koeievlekken" motief.


€ 15,00
No author.

No author.

Reglement op het bereiden en keuren der meekrappen in Zeeland.

Middelburg; ca. 1819; A.P. de Winter; zachte kaft; 18 (1) p.

Vernieuwde, papieren, band met "koeievlek"motief. Bladzijde 1 met toevoeging, in inkt, in de kantlijn.


€ 35,00
No author.

No author.

Reglement op het daarstellen en houden van registers van bevolking en inwoning binnen de gemeenten der provincie Zeeland.

Middelburg; 1825; A.P. de Winter; zachte kaft; (2), 5, (1) p.

Vernieuwde, papieren, band met "koeievlek"motief.


€ 15,00
No author.
No author.

No author.

Rotterdam (10 fotogravures).

Rotterdam; 1906; de erven de wed. J. van Nelle; aangeboden t.g.v. het honderdjarig bestaan van de erven de wed. J. van Nelle; 10 losse fotogravures in linnen mapje; afbeeldingen van o.a. het Willemsplein, Leuvehaven, Molen Coolvest, de Maasbrug; afmeting van de foto's ca. 13,5x8,5 cm. op kaarten van ca. 25x17 cm.

Mapje iets versleten, belettering op voorzijde enigszins afgelbadderd. Achterkant mapje met 2 kleine vlekken.


€ 48,00
No author.
No author.

No author.

Souvenir Wieringen.

Wieringen; z.j. (ca. 1935); J. Timmerman; mapje met 8 fotokaarten, welke zijn bevestigd aan het mapje en in harmonica-stijl aan elkaar; ca. 15x9,5 cm.

Naam en adres, in inkt, op het mapje.


€ 20,00
No author.
No author.
No author.
No author.

No author.

The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. CL- from July to December 1930.

London; 1930; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: 70-ton breakdown crane for the New South Wales Government Railways (constructed by Messrs. Craven Bros., engineers, Reddish), with double page supplement with plans and fig.; Nutfield Road Brickworks, South Merstham, Surrey (the Vimax Machinery Company, London, engineers), with ills.; the Chantarella-Corviglia cable railway at St. Moritz, with ills.; Southern Railway- new steel swing bridge at Folkestone Harbour (George Ellson, London, engineer), with plans and fig.; the Union-Castle motor liner "Winchester Castle" (Harland and Wolff, builders and engineer), with ills.; Vitkovice Steel Works, with ills.; wreckage of the R101- aerial view, with ills.; international agricultural tractor trials, with ills.; the Perak River hydro-electric power scheme, with double page supplement with ills.; the Canadian Pacific liner "Empress of Japan" (the Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Govan, builders and engineers), with ills.; the Britannia valve works of Hopkinsons, Huddersfield, with double page supplement with ills.; index; XV, 722 pp.

Former library copy.


€ 120,00
No author.
No author.
No author.
No author.

No author.

The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. CLI- from January to June 1931.

London; 1931; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: the port of London authority's floating grain elevator "Thomas Wiles" (Hnery Simon, Manchester, engineers), with plans and fig.; the South Indian Railway- electric locomotive and train (the English Electric Company, London, engineers), with ills.; the propelling machinery of H.M. destroyer "Acheron" (the Parsons marine steam turbine company, Wallsens-on-Tyne, contractors), with double page supplement with plans and ills.; the Florence-Bologna direttissima railway and the Great Apennine tunnel, with ills.; the Kill van Kull Bridge, New York, with ills.; the Martinez-Benicia Bridge- Suisun Bay, California, with ills.; the Acton precious metals refinery of the Mond Nickel Company, with ills.; aeronautics in 1930, with ills.; index; XVI, 722 pp.

Former library copy.


€ 120,00
No author.
No author.
No author.
No author.

No author.

The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. CLII- from July to December 1931.

London; 1931; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: Buenos Aires and Pacific Railway- three-cylinder tank engine (Robert Stephenson and Co., Darlington, engineers), with double page supplement with plans and fig.; Shanghai waterworks (C.D. Pearson, Shanghai, engineer), with ills.; the commercial motor transport exhibition at Olympia, with ills.; kearsley power station- Lancashire electric power company, with double page supplement with plans and fig.; coal handling plant near Shanghai for the Kailan mining administration, with plans and ills.; the Royal agricultural show at Warwick, with ills.; a visit to the B.T.H. Rugby Works, with ills.; index; XVI, 690 pp.

Former library copy.


€ 120,00
No author.
No author.
No author.
No author.

No author.

The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. CLIII- from January to June 1932.

London; 1932; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: the White Star liner "Georgic" (Harland and Wolff, Belfast, builders and engineers), with plans and ills.; Prettyboy Dam, Maryland, with ills.; London, Midland and Scottish Railway Company's road-rail vehicle, with ills.; American sea-going train-ferry steamers, with ills.; electrical equipment at the Mount Isa Mines, Queensland, with ills.; L.N.E.R. widening- Romford junction to Romford factory, with ills.; exhibits at the Leipzig technical fair, with ills.; the Darlington Rustless Steel and Iron Company's Works, Darlington, with ills.; the Barnsbury Works of Negretti and Zambra, with ills.; the new Central Railway Station at Milan, with ills.; index; XII, 708 pp.

Former library copy.


€ 90,00
No author.
No author.
No author.
No author.

No author.

The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. CXLIV- from July to December 1927.

London; 1927; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: the Super-Sentinel "Rhinoceros" steam tractor (the Sentinel Waggon Works, Shrewsbury, engineers), with plans and fig.); the Ferrybridge Station of the Yorkshire Electric Power Company (W.B. Woodhouse, engineer), with ills.; the 24,000-ton twin-screw motor liner "Saturnia", with ills.; L.M. and S. Railway- three-cylinder express locomotive "Royal Scot", with double page supplement with plans and fig.; Panama Pacific liner "California"- propelling motors (the General Electric Company, engineers), with ills.; the "Singapore"all-metal flying boat (Short Brothers, Rochester, engineers), with ills.; East River Station, New York, with plans; the motor car ferry boat "Fishbourne" (WM. Denny and Brothers, Dumbarton, builders); with plans and fig.; the Gladstone docks, Liverpool, with ills.; index; XVI, 754 pp.

Former library copy. Slight traces of wear.


€ 90,00
No author.
No author.
No author.
No author.

No author.

The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. CXLVII- from January to June 1929.

London; 1929; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: Ljungström locomotive for the Argentine State Railways (The Nydqvist and Holm A.B., Sweden, engineers), with double page supplement with plans and fig.; the Cascade Tunnel, Great Northern Railway, with ills. and fig.; the Hudson River Bridge, witth figures; the British industries fair (some of the exhibits at Birmingham), with ills.; the Coolidge irrigation dam in Arizona, with double page supplement, with ills.; steam generator for the Southwick power station, Brighton, with double page supplement with plans and fig.; index; XVI, 722 pp.

Former library copy. Some pages with rather large dogear. Index and first pages waterstained.


€ 90,00
No author.
No author.
No author.
No author.

No author.

The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. LXXVIII- from July to December 1894.

London; 1894; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: twin-screw steamship "Duke of York"- engines and boilers (messrs. Denny Brothers, Dumbarton, builders and engineers), with folding plate with plans and fig.; solid rock dredger "Majestic", for Bermuda (Messrs. Lobnitz and Co., Renfrew, engineers), with folding plate with plans and fig.; express passenger locomotive, Dutch railways- Cologne-Amsterdam service, with a woodengraved view of the locomotive; the "Gigantic Wheel" at Earle's Court, with ills.; six-coupled Bogie goods engine, Highland Railways (constructed by Messrs. Sharp Stewart and Co., Glasgow, from the designs of Mr. D. Jones, Inverness), with a folding, woodengraved, plate; the "General Skinner", submarine mining steamer (Messrs. Cox and Co., Falmouth, builders and engineers), with folding plate with plans and fig.; the New Victoria Bridge over the Brisbane River (Mr. A.R. Brady, engineer), with folding plate with plans and fig.; the Chilian cruiser "Blanco Encalada" (Messrs. Sir W.G. Armstrong, Mitchell and Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne, builders), with a folding, woodengraved, plate with a view of the ship; views on the Congo railway, with ills.; index; XVI, 582 pp.

Former library copy.


€ 120,00
No author.
No author.
No author.
No author.

No author.

The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. LXXXIV- from July to December 1897.

London; 1897; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: compound goods locomotive, Northern Pacific Railway (The Schenectady Locomotive Works, engineers), with a folding, woodengraved, plate with a view of the locomotive; the Jungfrau railway, with ills.; four-coupled bogie tank engine, London, Tilbury and Southend Railway (Mr. Th. Whitelegg, Plaistow, engineer), with a folding plate (ca. 80x55 cm.) with plans and fig.; Messrs. Davey, Paxman and Co.'s works, Colchester, with ills.; Davis's motor car steering gear, with fig.; ten-wheeled mineral engine, Great Western Railway (Mr. William Dean, Swindon, engineer), with a folding, woodengraved, plate with a view of the engine; tank locomotive, Indian State Railways (Messrs. Neilson & Co., locomotive works, Glasgow, engineers), with a folding, transparent paper, plate with plans and fig.; Canadian ferry steamer "Chebucto" (Messrs. John Shearer and Sons, Glasgow, builders), with plans and fig.; winding engines for the Ebbw Vale Steel, Iron and Coal Company, Limited, with a folding plate with plans and fig.; sixty years of Thames shipbuilding and marine engineering, with ills.; Hungarian paddle steamer I. Ferencz Jozef (Messrs. the Danubius Schoenichen and Hartmann Ship and Machine Construction Company, Budapest, builders and engineers), with a folding plate with plans and fig.; the Ameer of Afghanistan's gun factories (Sir T. Salter Pyne, engineer), with ills.; locomotives for the Waterford, Limerick and Western Railway (messrs. Kitson and Co., Leeds, engineers), with a double page plate with woodengraved ills.; ice-breaking steamer "Sleipner" (Burmeister and Wain, Copenhagen, engineers), with plans and fig.; index; XVI, 662 pp.

Former library copy. Boards occasionally scratched.


€ 120,00
No author.
No author.
No author.

No author.

The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. XCIII- from January to June 1902.

London; 1902; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: six-coupled express locomotive, Eastern Railway of France (M.L. Salomons, engineer, Eastern Works at Epernay, builders), with a double page supplement with a woodengraved view of the locomotive; twin-screw triple-expansion engines, s.s. Arundel (William Denny and Brothers, Dumbarton, engineers), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the engines; metre-gauge Fairlie engines, Burma Railway Company (the Vulcan Foundry Company, Newton-le-Willows, engineers), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the engines; peat fuel works, Stangfiorden, Norway, with ills.; eight-coupled coal engine, North Eastern Railway, with a folding, woodengraved, view of the engine; Electrolytic Alkali Works at Middlewich, with ills.; His Majesty's first class battleship "Queen" (constructed at Devonport dockyard), with a folding plate with a view of the ship; French self-propelled lorries, with ills.; compound narrow-gauge locomotive, Indian-Netherlands Railway, Java (Mr. B.A. Gratama, Java, engineer), with a view of the locomotive; index; XVI, 640 pp.

Former library copy.


€ 120,00
No author.
No author.

No author.

The fleet of Leif Hoegh & Co. A/S 1928-1988.

N.pl.; 1988; softcover; ills. of the vessels in colour and b&w, with accompanying text; index; text in English; 96 p.


€ 35,00
No author.

No author.

Weezen-almanak 1889.

Nijmegen; 1889; P.J. Milborn; slappe kaft; 18e jaargang; met diverse gravures, o.a. 2 van Neerbosch; opgesplitst in twee deeltjes, tweede deel betreft mengelwerk; 64 en 80 p.

Rug beschadigd en hersteld met doorschijnend tape. Platten iets beduimeld en wat kleine scheurtjes en hapjes. Bladzijden met hier en daar wat kleine roestvlekjes.


€ 35,00
No author.

No author.

Zomer- en herfstbloemen.

Alphen a.d. Rijn; z.j. (ca. 1978); N. Samsom; harde, linnen, kaft; geplastificeerd; leporello; chromolithografische platen, met daarop telkens 4 afb.

Ex-bibliotheek, met etiketje aan de rug. Eén plaat gerepareerd met transparant tape, overigens wat kleine imperfecties.


€ 16,00
No name.

No name. Educational Print. Coloured Lithograph, ca. 1880. Educational print, no.XI. Size: 30,5 x 38,5 cm. Traces of wear. [23500]

€ 25,00
No name.

No name. Educational Print. Coloured Lithograph, ca. 1880. Educational print, no.XVI. Size: 33,5 x 42,5 cm. Traces of wear. [23502]

€ 25,00
No name.

No name. Educational Print. Coloured Lithograph, ca. 1880. Educational print, no.XXIX. Size: 33,5 x 43 cm. Traces of wear. [23507]

€ 25,00
No name.
No name.
No name.

No name. Atlas du Traité de Tactique. N.pl.; ca. 1815; Librairie des Frères van Cleef; portfolio (with cords) comprising 18 engraved, maps (complete), loose as issued; plate XVIII partly popped-up; 29x44,5 cm. Lacks text volume. Portfolio occasionally rubbed, waterstains, discoloured and moulded. First four maps and maps XV and XVI with small horizontal tear in margins (not affecting the image). Maps occasionally frayed along extremities and a trifle foxed in margins. [23763]

€ 300,00