
Alle ongecategoriseerde items

Resultaten 937 - 960 van 2603
No author.
No author.

No author.

Middelburgsche almanak, naar den nieuwen stijl, voor het jaar onzes Heeren Jesu Christi 1886. Voorzien met alle de Zeeuwsche jaar- paarden- beesten- en leermarkten, alsmede het op- en ondergaan van de zon en maan.

Middelburg; 1886; J.C. en W. Altorffer; halflinnen met gemarmerde platten; ill., vignetten, kleine gravures; 8,5x10,5 cm.; ongepagineerd.


€ 20,00
No author.
No author.

No author.

Middelburgsche almanak, naar den nieuwen stijl, voor het jaar onzes Heeren Jesu Christi 1902. Voorzien met alle de Zeeuwsche jaar- paarden- en beestenmarkten, alsmede het op- en ondergaan van de zon en maan.

Middelburg; 1902; J.C. en W. Altorffer; halflinnen met gemarmerde platten; ill., vignetten, kleine gravures; 8,5x10,5 cm.; ongepagineerd.

Bandje met lichte slijtagesporen.


€ 20,00
No author.
No author.

No author.

Middelburgsche almanak, naar den nieuwen stijl, voor het jaar onzes Heeren Jesu Christi 1887. Voorzien met alle de Zeeuwsche jaar- paarden- beesten- en leermarkten, alsmede het op- en ondergaan van de zon en maan.

Middelburg; 1887; J.C. en W. Altorffer; halflinnen met gemarmerde platten; ill., vignetten, kleine gravures; 8,5x10,5 cm.; ongepagineerd.

Bandje met lichte slijtage aan hoeken en randen.


€ 20,00
No author.
No author.

No author.

Middelburgsche almanak, naar den nieuwen stijl, voor het jaar onzes Heeren Jesu Christi 1875. Voorzien met alle de Zeeuwsche jaar- paarden- beesten- en leermarkten, alsmede het op- en ondergaan van de zon en maan.

Middelburg; 1875; J.C. en W. Altorffer; halflinnen met gemarmerde platten; ill., vignetten, kleine gravures; 8,5x10,5 cm.; ongepagineerd.

Platten hier en daar lichtjes geschaafd.


€ 20,00
No author.
No author.

No author.

Middelburgsche almanak, naar den nieuwen stijl, voor het jaar onzes Heeren Jesu Christi 1903. Voorzien met alle de Zeeuwsche jaar- paarden- en beestenmarkten, alsmede het op- en ondergaan van de zon en maan.

Middelburg; 1903; J.C. en W. Altorffer; halflinnen met gemarmerde platten; ill., vignetten, kleine gravures; 8,5x10,5 cm.; ongepagineerd.

Bandje met lichte slijtagesporen langs hoeken en randen. Bladzijden hier en daar wat roestvlekkig.


€ 20,00
No author.
No author.

No author.

Middelburgsche almanak, naar den nieuwen stijl, voor het jaar onzes Heeren Jesu Christi 1889. Voorzien met alle de Zeeuwsche jaar- paarden- beesten- en leermarkten, alsmede het op- en ondergaan van de zon en maan.

Middelburg; 1889; J.C. en W. Altorffer; halflinnen met gemarmerde platten; ill., vignetten, kleine gravures; 8,5x10,5 cm.; ongepagineerd.

Enkele katernen wat losjes in de band.


€ 20,00
No author.
No author.

No author.

Middelburgsche almanak, naar den nieuwen stijl, voor het jaar onzes Heeren Jesu Christi 1877. Voorzien met alle de Zeeuwsche jaar- paarden- beesten- en leermarkten, alsmede het op- en ondergaan van de zon en maan.

Middelburg; 1877; J.C. en W. Altorffer; halflinnen met gemarmerde platten; ill., vignetten, kleine gravures; 8,5x10,5 cm.; ongepagineerd.

Platten met wat kleine, lichte, schaafplekjes.


€ 20,00
No author.

No author.

Middelburgsche almanak, naar den nieuwen stijl, voor het jaar onzes Heeren Jesu Christi 1906. Voorzien met alle de Zeeuwsche jaar- paarden- en beestenmarkten, alsmede het op- en ondergaan van de zon en maan.

Middelburg; 1906; J.C. en W. Altorffer; halflinnen met gemarmerde platten; ill., vignetten, kleine gravures; 8,5x10,5 cm.; ongepagineerd.

Enkele katernen een ietsje los in de band.


€ 20,00
No author.
No author.

No author.

Middelburgsche almanak, naar den nieuwen stijl, voor het jaar onzes Heeren Jesu Christi 1890. Voorzien met alle de Zeeuwsche jaar- paarden- en beestenmarkten, alsmede het op- en ondergaan van de zon en maan.

Middelburg; 1890; J.C. en W. Altorffer; halflinnen met gemarmerde platten; ill., vignetten, kleine gravures; 8,5x10,5 cm.; ongepagineerd.

Bandje met lichte slijtagesporen.


€ 20,00
No author.
No author.

No author.

Middelburgsche almanak, naar den nieuwen stijl, voor het jaar onzes Heeren Jesu Christi 1879. Voorzien met alle de Zeeuwsche jaar- paarden- beesten- en leermarkten, alsmede het op- en ondergaan van de zon en maan.

Middelburg; 1879; J.C. en W. Altorffer; halflinnen met gemarmerde platten; ill., vignetten, kleine gravures; 8,5x10,5 cm.; ongepagineerd.


€ 20,00
No author.
No author.
No author.

No author.

Manah S.A.- Comércio e Indústria de adubos e rações.

N.pl.; ca. 1961; halfcloth; mounted photographs in b&w of the Manah factories and production processing; with accompanying data; unpaginated, recto only/ left pages blank.

Two photographs, of the Porto Alegre branch, missing. Frontcover with some waterstaining.


€ 30,00
No author.

No author.

Lustrumboek landmeetkundig gezelschap "Snellius", 1940-1950.

Z.pl.; 1950; goudbedrukt linnen; ill. in zwart wit; 100 p.


€ 30,00
No author.
No author.

No author.

Kphth=Kreta=Crete. Postgeschiedenis- Postzegels/ Postal history- Stamps/ Postgeschichte-Briefmarken. PVGr Publication no. 2.

Ridderkerk; 1986; Postzegelvereniging Griekenland; softcover; 252 figures in b&w; text in English; bibliography; VII, 198 pp.

Near fine copy.


€ 35,00
No author.

No author.

Jubilé d'Art Rene Coens 1933. Programme.

Gand; 1933; AVIA; decorated softcover with mounted portrait at frontcover; ills.; first and final pages with advertising; no pp. (22 pp.)

Cover with slight signs of use.


€ 25,00
No author.

No author.

Instructie voor de inspecteurs der administratie bij de armée van onderscheidene graden, gearresteerd bij besluit van de Koninklijke Hoogheid van den 20 februarij 1815, no. 21.

's-Gravenhage/ Amsterdam; 1815; Gebroeders van Cleef; zachte kaft; 56 p.

Vernieuwde, papieren, band met "koeievlek" motief.


€ 25,00
No author.
No author.
No author.
No author.
No author.
No author.

No author.

Industries: a journal of engineering, electricity, & chemistry for the mechanical and manufacturing trades. Vol. XII- January to June, 1892 (In one binding).

London; 1893; halfcloth with marbled boards; 29x33,5 cm.; a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and innovative projects, engines, machinery, tools, etc.; extensive index; subjects comprising i.a.: "The United States cruiser New York, constructed by Messrs. Cramp, Philadelphia", "The Dutch armed cruiser "Reinier Claeszen, constructed at the Royal dockyard, Amsterdam", "Ten-wheeled tank locomotive, constructed at the government railway workshops, Christchurch, with a loosely inserted folding plate of the locomotive", "H.M.S. Ramillies, built by Messrs. James & George Thomson, Clydebank", "River steamers for Indian railways", "New railway bridge over the river Medway, designed by Mr. Francis Brady", with a wood engraved general view of the bridge; "The Dutch armed cruiser Koningin Wilhelmina der Nederlanden, in course of construction at the Royal dockyard, Amsterdam", with a general plan; "H.M.S. Royal Sovereign, constructed at Portsmouth dockyard, and engined by Messrs. Humphrys, Tennant & Co, Deptford, London", with a general view of the vessel; "The new paddle steamer Princess May, constructed by Messrs. William Denny & Bros., Dumbarton", with a general view of the vessel; "Torpedo vessel for the United States navy", with sectional plans and elevations; "The torpedo gunboat Temerario, constructed for the Spanish government at Carthagena", with a general view of the vessel; numerous ills., figures, plans, wood engravings; brisk illustrations and leaves, well preserved copy; XIII, 624 pp.

Rare! Former library copy, with ticket at frontcover.


€ 190,00
No author.
No author.

No author.

Industries: a journal of engineering, electricity, & chemistry for the mechanical and manufacturing trades. Vol. XIII- July to December, 1892 (In one binding).

London; 1892; halfcloth with marbled boards; 29x33,5 cm.; a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and innovational projects; extensive index; richly illustrated, i.a. numerous woodengravings; subjects comprising: "The Glasgow Central Railway" with sectional plans and elevation of the viaduct; "Tandem compound condensing engine, constructed at the John Abell Engine and Machine Works, Toronto", with a genral plan; "The Italian submarine vessel "Audace, constructed by Messrs. Migliardi & Vene/ Savona"; "The Favourite road locomotive, constructed by Messrs. John Fowler & Co., Leeds", with a wood engraved general view of the locomotive; "Electric tramcar at Bradford", with a view of the tramcar on a steep gradient and rounding a sharp curve"; "Locomotive ingot charging crane, constructed by Messrs. Joseph Booth & Brothers, Rodley", with a wood engraved view of the crane; "The twin-screw steamer Lord Erne, constructed by Messrs. Harland & Wolff Engineers and Shipbuilders, Belfast", with a general view of the vessel; "The United States armoured cruiser Columbia, constructed by Messrs. Cramps, Philadelphia", with a sectional elevation of the vessel and upper deck plan; "The American screw-steamship El Norte, constructed by the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company, Newport", with a wood engraved general view of the vessel; "Vauclain compound rack-rail locomotive, constructed at the Baldwin locomotive works, Philadelphia", with a wood engraved general view of the locomotive; "H.M. Torpedo gunboat Speedwell", with a general view of the vessel"; "The engineering features of the Houses of Parliament, a complete description of the ventilating, heating, drainage and lighting arrangements", with 36 figures with detailed plans and ills., i.a. on the construction and use; "Tank locomotive for the Victorian government, constructed by Messrs. David Munro & Company, Melbourne", with a general view of the engine; brisk illustrations and leaves, well preserved copy; XIII, 668 pp.

Rare! Library ticket at frontcover. Upper part spine with slight damage.


€ 190,00
No author.
No author.
No author.
No author.
No author.

No author.

Industries: a journal of engineering, electricity, & chemistry for the mechanical and manufacturing trades. Vol. XIV- January to June, 1893 (In one binding).

London; 1893; halfcloth with marbled boards; 29x33,5 cm.; a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and innovative projects, engines, machinery, tools, etc.; richly illustrated, i.a. numerous woodengravings; subjects comprising: "Improved railway wheel turning lathe, constructed at the London and North-Western railway company's works, Crewe", with a wood engraved general view of lathe; "A wood engraved folding insert, supplement, of a six-wheeled coupled Baldwin locomotive Ramleh for the Jaffa and Jerusalem railway, constructed by Messrs. Burnham, Williams & Co., Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia", with a general view of engine and tender; "Proposed new road-bridge across Darling Harbour, Sydney, premiated design by Messrs. A.C. Pain, M.Inst. C.E. and R. Lilljeqvist, London", with plans; "Proposed new road-bridge, across Darling Harbour, Sydney, premiated design by Mr. J.J. Webster, London", with plans; "Gun tests of the U.S. dynamite cruiser Vesuvius", with i.a. a view of the vessel under steam; "The new Cunard T.S. Steamship "Campania, constructed by the Fairfield shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Govan", with a wood engraved general view of the vessel; "Winby's four-cylinder express locomotive, built by Messrs. R. & W. Hawthorn, Leslie & Co. Ltd., Newcastle-upon-Tyne", with a general view of the enigine; "Types of locomotive used on the Japanese railways" & "Two early locomotives", with data; brisk illustrations and leaves, well preserved copy; 552 pp.

Rare! Library ticket at frontcover. Binding a trifle worn.


€ 190,00
No author.
No author.
No author.

No author.

Hotel Excelsior Berlin 1919-1941.

Berlin; 1941; Hausdruckerei des Hotel Excelsior; softcover, stapled; oblong; ca. 17x12 cm.; ills. in colour; not paginated.

Pictorial views with accompanying text, i.a. rooms, lounge, dispatch, kitchen, bakery, bar, etc. Staples ruststained, cover slightly discoloured along extremities.


€ 40,00
No author.

No author.

Fêtes du soixante-quinzième anniversaire de la fondation de l'Université de Gand.

Gand; 1892; C. Annoot-Braeckman, Ad. Hoste successeur; cardboard; small 8vo; 76 pp.

Cover renewed, original frontcover mounted on board. Owner's entry on title page.


€ 45,00

No author.

Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. 147. January to June, 1939.

London; 1939; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a.: Great Lakes self-unloading steamer "George F. Rand", with double page enclosure with plans, fig. and ills.; the Renfrew foundries of Messrs. Babcock and Wilcox, with double page enclosure with ills.; quadruple-screw motor liner "Dominion Monarch" (constructed by Messrs. Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Wallsend-on-Tyne), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; the Wards Island sewage works of the city of New York, with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; the Cunard White Star Liner "Mauretania" (Messrs. Cammell, Laird and Company, Birkenhead), with plans and fig. and double page enclosure; Bristol Beaufort military aeroplane, with ill.; Ebbw Vale Steel Works, Messrs. Richard Thomas and Company, with ills.; Farren-type aerodynamic balance for Messrs. Blackburn aircraft (constructed by Messrs. Cambridge Instrument Company, London), with double page enclosure with plans and ills.; H.M. aircraft-carrier "Ark Royal", with plans and fig.; the works of Messrs. Brush Coachwork, Limited, with ills.; the works of Messrs. David Brown tractors, Huddersfield, with ills.; fine-chemical factory for messrs. Boots pure drug company (Sir E. Owen Williams, consulting engineer, Westminster), with plans and ills.; extensive index; complete with one page and two page enclosures; XXVII, 792 pp.

Former library copy. Leaves dampstained at lower parts, some of the double page enclosures stuck together. Paper over boards lacking. Boards a trifle loosening.


€ 80,00
No author.

No author.

Einige Mitteilungen über die Vorzüge des Demerara Greenheartholzes für Schleusentore, Fundirungen und andere Holzkonstruktionen des Wasserbaus.

Middelburg; 1910; Houthandel voorheen G. Alberts Lzn. & Co.; softcover, sewn binding; ills. in b&w, i.a. "Schleusentor aus Demerara Greenheartholz in Veere & Wemeldinge"; (folding) tables, diagrams; 33 (8) pp.

Cover partly discoloured, bookplate on title page.


€ 35,00
No author.

No author.

Eerste deel van het besluit van Z.M. van den 9den Augustus 1815, no. 14, betreffende de Latijnsche scholen.

Z.pl.; 1815; zachte kaft; 18 p.

Vernieuwde, papieren, bandje met "koeievlek" motief.


€ 15,00
No author.
No author.
No author.

No author.

De Aarde en haar volken; geïllustreerd volksboek.

Haarlem; 1866; A.C. Kruseman; blind- en goudbedrukt linnen; gegraveerde illustraties, o.a. 2 van Java; 22,5x31 cm.; 410 p.

Hoekjes van de band versleten. Bladzijden hier en daar roestvlekkig.


€ 13,00