Maiorano, Liliana (ed.). Giuseppe Penone. Torino/Tilburg; 1998; Hopefulmonster editore/ de Pont Foundation for Contemporary Art; softcover; ills. in colour and b&w; text in Dutch and English; issued on occasion of several exhibitions in Nîmes, Tilburg & Trento; bibliography; 223 pp. Very fine copy. [31050]
N.n.. Les Musées et Collections d'Italie. Peinture, sculpture et architecture; paysages et types populaires. 2000 gravures (phototypie et héliogravure). Berlin & Leipzig; s.a.; Preuss' Institut Graphik Editeur; vellum; gilt printed and embossed decoration; bound with string; ca. 41x32 cm.; text in French; ills. in b&w and engraved plates; pp. 272-382. Vol. III. Spine ends slightly damaged. Else a fine copy. [34237]
N.n.. Catalogue des tableaux-antiquités-objets d'art-dessins-meubles-sculptures-cuivres-livres, etc. Provenant de diverses collections et successions, e.a.: les très importantes successions de: M. Raoul Heilbronner, de Genève- Madme Vigeveno-Goudstikker. Des collections particulières de La Haye et Amsterdam. Amsterdam; 1949; Frederik Muller & Cie.; softcover; text in French; 59 pp. Cover a trilfe discoloured/ foxed along extremities. [34074]
Gedenkschrift bij de onthulling van het gedenkteeken voor Dr. P.J.H. Cuypers nabij de Munsterkerk te Roermond op den 103den verjaardag zijner geboorte, aangeboden door de N.V. Kunstwerkplaatsen Cuypers & Co., 16 mei 1930.
Roermond; 1930; H. van der Marck en Zonen; zachte kaft, voorplat versierd met fraaie, vergulde, belettering; ill.; 40 p.
Goed exemplaar.
The Studio. An Illustrated Magazine of Fine and Applied Art. Volume 109 comprising the six monthly numbers from January to June 1935/ Volume 110 comprising the six monthly numbers from July to December 1935. 2 vols.
London; 1935; the Studio Ltd.; bound in halfcloth with marbled boards; ills. in b&w; 352 & 368 pp.
Near fine set of 2 complete volumes. Owner's entry on title page.
[34381]No author.
Backhuyzen, gevolgd door Brauwer en Andrea. Een drietal historische kunstenaars-verhalen uit verschillende tijdvakken.
Antwerpen; z.j. (ca. 1850); L. van Dieren; halflinnen met gemarmerde platten; klein 8vo; 2 gegraveerde afbeeldingen; VIII, 258 p.
Band met lichte slijtagesporen langs hoeken en randen. Enkele bladzijden teruggezet, met strookje papier. 2 Stempeltjes aan de binnenkant van de band.
[27021]Parlasca, Klaus & Hellmut Seemann.
auGenbliCke. Mumienporträts und ägyptische Grabkunst aus römischer Zeit. Eine Ausstellung der Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, 30. Januar bis 11. April 1999.
Frankfurt; 1999; Schirn Kunsthalle; softcover; quarto; profusely illustrated, mainly in colour; text in German; 366 pp.
Fine copy.
Pictures of the year 1896.
London; 1896; Pall Mall Publications; cloth without dust jacket; with about two hundred illustrations of the leading pictures in the Royal Academy New Gallery, &c.; 128 pp. & 32 pages of advertisements.
Cover rather soiled, discolourations and small stains. Lower right corner of cover damaged. Edgewear and some ruststains inside.
[20426]Posselle, Laurence (ed.).
Les artistes de Pharaon; Deir-el-Médineh et la Vallée des Rois.
Turnhout; 2002; Brepols; softcover; ills. in colour and b&w; publication on occasion of exhibitions in Paris, Turin and Brussels, in 2002/ 2003; 326 pp.
Spine with crease, bookplate on first endpaper.