

Results 73 - 96 of 173
Maw, W.H. & Dredge, J. (ed.).
Maw, W.H. & Dredge, J. (ed.).
Maw, W.H. & Dredge, J. (ed.).
Maw, W.H. & Dredge, J. (ed.).

Maw, W.H. & Dredge, J. (ed.).

Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. LXXX- from July to December, 1905.

London; 1905; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a. : 10,000-H.-P. compound three-crank tandem rolling-mill engine at the Liège exhibition (constructed by the Société Anonyme, John Cockerill, engineers, Seraing), with double paged enclosure with plans and fig.; Williamsburg Bridge over the east River, New York (Mr. L.L. Buck), with double paged enclosure with plans and fig.; erosive effect of discharge from the Assouan dam, with ill.; the steam-turbine department at the Hartlepool engine works of Messrs. Richardsons, Westgarth and Co., with double paged enclosure with ills.; the launch of H.M. armoured cruiser "Natal" (constructed by Messrs. Vickers, Sons and Maxim, Barrow-in Furness), with a view of the vessel; Royal train for the Prince of Wales's tour in India (constructed at the Lilloah Works of the East Indian Railway Company), with double paged enclosure with plans and fig.; the New Engineering Works at Huddersfield of Messrs. J. Hopkinson and Co., with double paged enclosure with ills.; the salvage of the dredger "walter Bibby", with ills.; the bridge over the river Zambesi, Rhodesia (designed by Mr. George A. Hobson, London), with ills.; extensive index; double paged enclosures included; XL, 884 pp.

Former library copy, with ticket at frontcover and a few stamps on title page and pastedown.


€ 95,00

Maw, W.H. & Dredge, J. (ed.).

Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. LXXV- from January to June 1903.

London; 1903; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfleather with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a. : third-class bogie carriage for the South-Eastern and Chatham Railway, with figures and plans; windmills at the Royal Agricultural Society's Ground, Ealing, with ills.; the Dover harbour works, the admirality pier extension (Messrs. Coode, son, and Matthews, London, engineers); fast passenger locomotive for the New York central and Hudson River Railroad (constructed by the American Locomotive Company, Schenectady), with a view of the locomotive; the Britannia Steel Works of Messrs. Dorman, Long and Co., Middlesbrough, with a double page enclosure with ills.; erecting shop, Messrs. Richardsons, Westgarth, and Co.'s Works, Middlesbrough, with ills.; screw steamer for the King's Lynn conservancy board (constructed by Messrs. Allsup and Co., Preston), with ills. and plans; blooming mill at the Röchling Iron and Steel Works, Volklingen-on-the Saar (constructed by the Märkische Maschinenbau Anstalt, Wetter-on-the-Ruhr), with double page enclosure with design plans; the Crystal Palace motor-car show, with ills.; the Hotchkiss .472-in and 37-millimetre automatic machine guns, with ills.; Queen's Engineering Works, Bedford (Messrs. W.H. Allen, Son and Co.), with double page enclosure with ills.; the Russian first-class protective-deck cruiser "Bogatyr", with i.a. a double page enclosure with design plans; factory of the Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar Company, with design plans; index; XXVIII, 880 pp.

Former library copy. Spine restored. Leaves a trifle dampstained.


€ 110,00

Maw, W.H. & Raworth, B. Alfred (ed.). Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. LXXXVII- from January to June, 1909. London; 1909; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a. : the Siamese revenue cruiser "Suriya Monthon" (constructed by Messrs. J.I. Thornycroft and Co., Southampton), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; the launch of His Majesty's battleship "Vanguard" (constructed by Messrs. Vickers, Sons and Maxim, Barrow-in-Furness), with ills.; the Brazilian battleship "São Paulo" (constructed by Messrs. Vickers, Sons and Maxim, Barrow-in-Furness", with ills.; the New Orient Australian mail T.-S.S. "Orsova" (constructed by Messrs. John Brown and Co., Sheffield and Clydebank), with ills. and double page enclosure; twelve wheeled duplex-tank locomotive, Nitrate Railways Company, Chili (constructed by the Yorkshire Engine Company, Sheffield), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; the manufacture of armour at Beardmore's Parkhead Steel Works, Glasgow, with ills.; 70-horse-power "pipe" 8-cylinder motor for aeroplanes (the London motor garage company, London), with fig.; the Italian submersible boat "Otaria", with a view of the ship; the New Graving-Docks at Malta (Colonel Sir Edward Raban, director of works & Messrs. S. Pearson and Son, Westminster, contractors), with double page enclosure with ills.; the Argentine gunboat "Parano"(constructed by Sir W.G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Elswick) with a view of the ship; the Canadian ice-breaking and passenger steamer "Earl Grey" (constructed by Messrs. Vickers, Sons and Maxim, Barrow-in Furness) with a view of the vessel; extensive index; one page and two page enclosures included; XLII, 868 pp. Former library copy. [25996]

€ 140,00

Maw, W.H. & Raworth, B. Alfred (ed.). Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. CI- from January to June, 1916. London; 1916; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a. : Spanish torpedo-boat destroyers of the "Bustamante" class (constructed by the Sociedad Española de Construcción Naval, Cartagena), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; general arrangement of the geared-turbine propelling machinery of the federal liner "Northumberland" (constructed by the Wallsend slipway and engineering company, Wallsend-on-Tyne), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; cranes and gantries at the works of the Rotterdam Dockyard Company (constructed by the Haarlemsche Machinefabriek and Rotterdamsche Machinefabriek Braat, Rotterdam), with double page enclosure with ills., plans and fig.; the Paris motor-buses in war service , the Schneider chassis and engine, with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; quadruple-srew liner "Lafayette" of the Compagnie Générale Transatlantique (constructed by the Société Anonyme des Chantiers et Ateliers de Provence, Port de Bouc), with ills.; the Pivot Pier of Glebe Island Bridge, Port Jackson, New South Wales, with double page enclosure with ills.; the Brazilian diesel-engine propelled submarine dépôt ship "Ceara", with ills.; extensive index; complete with one-page and two-page enclosures; XIX, 636 pp. Former library copy. [26027]

€ 150,00

Maw, W.H. & Raworth, B. Alfred (ed.). Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. CV- from January to June, 1918. London; 1918; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a. : The Sciotoville bridge over the Ohio river (Mr. Gustav Lindenthal, New York), with ills.; the Marshall chair for crippled workers; 180- H.P. Mercedes engine and Albatross scout biplane, with ills.; the world's largest shipyard at Hog Island on the Delaware River, with ills.; the Derwent dam, the Derwent Valley water-works (Mr. Edward Sandeman, London), with ills.; coal-handling plant at the Saltley gas works, Birmingham (constructed by Messrs. Babcock and Wilcox, London), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; the national physical laboratory, Teddington, with ills.; tractors on bad roads or land, with ills.; the Jurassic ironstones of the United Kingdom, with ills.; extensive index; complete with one page and two page enclosures; XX, 740 pp. Former library copy. [26106]

€ 150,00

Maw, W.H. & Raworth, B. Alfred (ed.). Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. XCVIII- from July to December, 1914. London; 1914; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a. : four-cylinder compound (2-8-2 type) locomotive for the Paris, Lyons and Mediterranean railway at the Lyons exhibition (constructed by the Société Française de Constructions Mécaniques, Denain), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; the twin-screw geared-turbine-driven steamers "Ciudad de Buenos Aires" and "Ciudad de Monte Video", with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; ice-breaking railway-train ferry for Canada (constructed by Messrs. Cammell, Laird and Co., Birkenhead), with ills.; the Manhattan Bridge over the East River at New York, with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; the calcium carbide factory at Odda, Norway, with ills.; the Canadian customs cruiser "Margaret" (constructed by Messrs. John I. Thornycroft and Co., Southampton), with ills. and double page enclosure with plans and fig.; compound articulated 2-8-8-8-2 type locomotive for the Erie railroad (constructed by the Baldwin locomotive works, Philadelphia), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; extensive index; complete with one-page and two-page enclosures; XLVI, 774 pp. Former library copy. [26023]

€ 150,00
Maw, W.H. & Raworth, B. Alfred (ed.).
Maw, W.H. & Raworth, B. Alfred (ed.).
Maw, W.H. & Raworth, B. Alfred (ed.).

Maw, W.H. & Raworth, B. Alfred (ed.).

Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. C.- from July to December, 1915.

London; 1915; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a. : the St. Lawrence wire-rope works, Newcastle-on-Tyne (M.J. Mitchell, Moncrieff, engineers, Newcastle-on-Tyne), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; military rolling-stock on the South African railways, with ills.; locomotive (2-8-2) type fitted with the Austin trailing-truck (constructed by the Lima locomotive corporation, Lima, Ohio), with double page enclosure with ills.; the Highland and Agricultural Society's Trials, i.a. motor-plough and petrol-tractors, with ills.; wharf construction at Balboa, on the Panama Canal, with ills.; tender of goods locomotive for the Hull and Barnsley railway (constructed from the designs of Mr. M. Stirling & by Messrs. Kitson and Co., Leeds), with plans and fig.; extensive index; complete with one-page and two-page enclosures; XX, 684 pp.

Former library copy. Leaves somewhat dampstained, enclosures uncut. Binding a trifle worn.


€ 140,00
Meertens, P.J..

Meertens, P.J..

De plaats van het Zeeuws onder de Nederlandse dialecten.

Amsterdam; 1951; Noord-Hollandsche uitgevers maatschappij; slappe kaft, geniet; overdruk uit Akademiedagen IV; pp. 70-91.


€ 14,00

Mémorial administratif de la ville de Gand (tome quinzième). Gand; 1860; Imp. et lith. de C. Annoot-Braeckman; halfleather with marbled boards; with statistics; III, 550 pp. Upper part spine repaired with tape. Cover with traces of wear. Address sticker on title page. [20433]

€ 25,00
Middelkoop, H.A.M..

Middelkoop, H.A.M..

Actigraphic assessment of sleep and sleep disorders.

Delft; 1994; Eburon; softcover; thesis; tables, figures; 139 pp.

Fine copy.


€ 25,00
Milis Proost, Greta.

Milis-Proost, Greta.

Inventaris der kaarten en globes. Bijdragen tot de Bibliotheekwetenschap III.

Gent; 1967; Rijksuniversiteit Gent, Centrale Bibliotheek; softcover; index; IX, 463 p.

Rug met leesribbel. Enig roest op snee. Achterplat met licht kreukje.


€ 18,00
Müller, F..
Müller, F..

Müller, F..

Das Wasserwesen der Niederländischen Provinz Zeeland. 2 Volumes, text and plates ( seperate, in portfolio).

Berlin; 1898; Verlag von Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn. 'Mit 10 Tafeln in Steindruck, enthaltend 133 Abbildungen, sowie 121 Abbildungen im Text'.Text volume: softcover; XXV, [1], 612, pp.; ills. with the text in b&w; cardboard portfolio with 10 folded, lithographed, plates, with figures (complete).

Rare! Cover text volume slightly worn, with stamps and ticket on the spine. Spine creased. Title page with stamps. Portfolio partly renewed. Plates with library stamp on verso, lower corners slightly dog eared.


€ 90,00

No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. LXXXIX- from January to June 1900. London; 1900; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: compound express locomotive, Belfast and Northern Counties of Ireland Railway (Mr. B. Malcolm, Belfast, engineer), with a folding supplement with plans and fig.; the New Electric Manufacturing Company's Works, Preston, with a double page supplement with ills.; H.M.S. Belleisle after the attack, with ills. and fig.; the Paris exhibition, express engine Great Eastern Railway, with a folding, woodengraved, view of the engine; Gothic Works, Norwich, with ills.; rolling bascule drawbridge at Boston, with plans, fig., and ills.; Great Northern Railway- swing bridge over the Aire, with folding supplement with plans and fig.; the Colenso Bridge after its destruction, with double page supplement with ills.; 12.5 pounder field gun- City of London field battery, with a view of the field gun; Her Majesty's destroyer "Viper" (the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Company, Newcastle-on-Tyne, engineers), with ills.; Dutch ironclad "Koningin Regentes", with a view of the vessel; Ensley Basic Steel Works, Alabama, with ills.; United States battleships nos. 5&6, "Kearsarge and Kentucky" (the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company, builders and engineers), with a folding supplement with plans and fig.; index; XVIII, 686 pp. Former library copy. [26197]

€ 120,00

No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. LXXIII- from January to June 1892. London; 1892; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: standard goods engine, Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway (Mr. John A.F. Aspinall), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the engine; express locomotive Eastern Railway of France (designed by M. Flaman, Ateliers d'Epernay), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the locomotive; Her Majesty's first-class battle ship "Royal Sovereign" (constructed at Portsmouth dockyard), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the ship; standard passenger locomotive, New York Central and Hudson River Railroad (Mr. W. Buchanan, superintendent, engineer), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the locomotive; Her Majesty's first-class cruiser "Gibraltar" (constructed by Messrs. Napier and Sons, Govan), with ill.; hopper dredger for New South Wales Harbours and Rivers department, with folding plate with plans and fig.; engines and boilers, s.s. City of Dundee (Messrs. Howden and Co., Glasgow, engineers), with folding plate with plans and fig.; index; XII, 556 pp. Former library copy. [26182]

€ 120,00

No author. Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. CXIX- from January to June 1925. London; 1925; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a.: high pressure compound locomotive for the Delaware and Hudson Company (constructed by the American Locomotive Company, Schenectady), with ills.; the regulation of the Murray River, Torrumbarry lock, with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; the motor-ship "Raby Castle", with a view of the ship and plans; the Gandy Bridge across Tampa Bay, Florida, with double page enclosure with ills.; motor car chassis with 14-H.P. overhead valve engine (constructed by Gwynnes engineering company, London), with plans and fig.; Cross oil-cracking plant of the Medway oil and storage company, with ills.; the 10- H.P. Triumph motor car, with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; the works of Sir William Arrol and Co. (Swansea), with ills.; the centenary of public steam railways, with double page enclosures with plans and ills.; extensive index; complete with one page and two page enclosures; XXX, 820 pp. Former library copy. Cover slightly worn, some of the double page enclosures stuck together. [26122]

€ 150,00

No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. CXLIII- from January to June 1927. London; 1927; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: the Royal mail twin-screw motor liner "Alcantara" (Harland and Wolff, builders and engineers), with ills.; the Cardington airship shed and mooring tower, with ills.; Girardot Railway, Colombia-Kitson-Meyer locomotive, with double page supplement with plans and figures; 20,000 kilowatt turbo alternator at the Schiehaven power station, Rotterdam (C.A. Parsons and Co., engineers), with double page supplement with plans and fig.; railway and urban improvements at Piccadilly Circus (Mr. H.H. Dalrymple-Hay, engineer), with plans; new switchgear works of the Oerlikon Company, with ills.; the manufacture of welded boiler drums at the works of Thyssen and Co., with ills.; the Reid-MacLeod steam turbine locomotive (the North British Locomotive Company), with ills.; steamships and steam marine engineering in 1926, with ills.; index; XVI, 700 pp. Former library copy. [26376]

€ 130,00

No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. XC- from July to December 1900. London; 1900; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: the Paris exhibition- express locomotive, Prussian Railways, with a folding, woodengraved, view of the locomotive; four-cylinder compound locomotive, Chemin de Fer du Nord (Mm. du Bosquet and de Glehn, engineers), with double page supplement with plans and fig.; plan of the Panama Canal, showing the mean-level dividing lock system; the Uganda Railway, with ills.; six-coupled goods locomotive, South-Eastern and Chatham Railway (Mr. Harry S. Wainwright, Ashford, engineer), with plans and ill.; Bradford water supply- new works (Mr. james Watson, Bradford, engineer), with double page supplement with ills.; Great Northern Railway- new line at Nottingham (Mr. A. Ross, King's Cross, engineer), with ills.; the Paris exhibition- compound express engine, Eastern Railway of France, with a folding, woodengraved, view of the engine; Lugansk locomotive works, South Russia, with ills.; index; XVI, 652 pp. Former library copy. [26196]

€ 120,00

No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. LXXIV- from July to December 1892. London; 1892; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: Vyrnwy aqueduct- the Norton Tower- details, with plans, fig., ills.; express passenger engine, Great Western Railway (Mr. W. Dean, Swindon, engineer), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the engine; the Russian navy- belted cruiser "Pamyat Azova", with a view of the ship; express passenger locomotive, Great Northern Railway (Mr. Patrick Stirling, Doncaster, engineer), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the locomotive (86x56 cm.); Her Majesty's first-class battleship "Revenge", with a view of the ship; state carriages for an Indian Rajah, with ills.; Her Majesty's torpedo depôt ship "Vulcan" (constructed at Portsmouth dockyard), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the ship; Rotterdam water supply- sinking a flexible main in the Maas, with ill. and fig.; sand pump dredger "Thyboron" (Messrs. Lobnitz and Co., Renfrew, builders and engineers), with a folding plate with plans and fig.; screw tug boats Noordzee and Oostzee (Messrs. L. Smit and Zoon, Kinderdyk, builders * the Royal Engineering Company, Flushing, engineer), with ill., plans and fig.; the Pollet swing bridge, Dieppe (M. Alexandre, Paris, engineer), with a folding plate with plans and fig.; the river Thames steamer "Koh-I-Noor" (The Fairfield shipbuilding and engineering company, Govan, builders), with plans and fig.; index; XII, 594 pp. Former library copy. Cover slightly worn. [26181]

€ 120,00

No author. Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. CXXV- from January to June 1928. London; 1929; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a.: the Danish motor train-ferry "Körsör", with ills.; the port of Boston, Tidewater terminal, with ills.; machinery of the twin-screw motorship "Greystoke Castle" (constructed by the North Eastern Marine Engineering Company, engineers, Wallsend-on-Tyne), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; extension of the Royal Edward dock at Avonmouth, with ills.; the Sydney Harbour Bridge (J.J.C. Bradfield, chief engineer), with fig.; 4-8-4 type locomotive for the Canadian National Railways (constructed by the Canadian locomotive company, KIngston, Ontario), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; the post office tube railway, London (Mr. A.M. Sillar, consulting engineer Westminster), with ills.; the Carquinez Strait Cantilever Bridge, California, with ills.; the Napier-Lion series VII B., aero-engine for the Schneider Trophy Race (constructed by Messrs. D. Napier and Son, engineers, London), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; the failure of the St. Francis dam, Los Angeles, California, with ills. and fig.; extensive index; complete with one page and two page enclosures; XXX, 822 pp. Former library copy. Leaves dampstained at lower parts, some of the double page enclosures stuck together. Cover slightly worn. [26129]

€ 150,00

No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. XCI- from January to June 1901. London; 1901; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: Southwark and Vauxhall Water Company's new pumping engine at Riverdale (Mr. J.W. Restler, engineer), with ills.; triple expansion engines s.s. Port Royal and Port Antonio (Richardsons, Westgarth and Co., Middlesbrough, engineers), with a double page, woodengraved, view of the engines; express engine, London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (Mr. R.J. Billinton, Brighton, engineer), with a folding supplement with plans and fig.; the Liverpool motor wagon trials, with ills.; the Hyde Park Locomotive Works, Glasgow, with ills.; New England Gas and Coke Company's Works, Everett, Mass., with ills.; Japanese line-of-battle ship "Hatsuse" (constructed by Sir W.G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Elswick), with a folding supplement with ill.; the Enzeli-Teheran road, with double page supplement with ills.; the Tennessee Central Railway, with ills.; the Paris exhibition-express engine Saxony State Railways (Sachsische Maschinenfabrik of Chemnitz, engineers), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the engine; index; XVI, 680 pp. Former library copy. Index and first leaves dampstained. [26205]

€ 115,00

No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. LXXVII- from January to June 1894. London; 1894; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, woodengravings; articles, reviews in this volume, i.a.: the Rodger ballasting train, with ills. and fig.; four-coupled bogie tank engine, London and South-Western railway (Mr. W. Adams, Nine Elms, engineer), with folding, woodengraved, view of the engine; express passenger locomotive, Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway (Mr. T.Parker, Gorton, engineer), with folding, woodengraved, plate; fitting and erecting shop- Hammersmith Ironworks, with ills.; the german belted cruiser "Brandenburg", with ill.; the Heilmann electric locomotive, with fig.; the international navigation company's steamship "Southwark", with ill., fig., and plans; the Chicago exhibition- compound passenger locomotives (the Rhode Island locomotive works, engineers), with folding, woodengraved, plate with views of locomotives; the Manchester ship canal, with ills., plans and fig.; the twin-screw steamer "St. Petersburg", with a view of the ship; R.A.S. show- Cooper's steam digger, with figures; index; XVI, 580 pp. Former library copy. [26186]

€ 120,00

No author. Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. CXXVI- from July to December, 1928. London; 1928; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a.: all-metal flying boat for passenger service (constructed by Messrs. Short Brothers (Rochester and Bedford), engineers, Rochester), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; aerial ropeway at Carrara, Italy (constructed by Messrs. Ceretti and Tanfani, engineers, Milan), with ills.; the construction of the Delaware River Suspension Bridge, Philadelphia, with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; 480-B.H.P. "F" type aero engine (constructed by Messrs. Rolls-Royce, engineers, Derby), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; the Royal Horticultural Society's Hall, Westminster, with ills.; 2-6-4-type express passenger tank locomotive for the London Midland and Scottish railway (constructed at the company's works, Derby, to the designs of Sir Henry Fowler, chief mechanical engineer), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; the reconstruction of Piccadilly Circus tube station (Mr. H. H. Dalrymple-Hay, consulting engineer, Westminster), with ills. and plans); the Govan refuse destructor plant of the Glasgow corporation (constructed by Messrs. Heenan and Troude, engineers, Worcester), with plans and ills.; s.s. "Authority"fitted with Beardmore-Caprotti engines, with ills.; the River Tyne Bridge, Newcastle-on-Tyne (constructed by Messrs. Dorman, Long and Company, engineers, Middlesbrough), with ills.; the Canadian Pacific Liner "Duchess of York" (constructed by Messrs. John Brown and Company, shipbuilders, Clydebank), with a view of the ship; third-class sleeping cars, London and North Eastern railway (constructed to the designs of Mr. H.N. Gresley, chief mechanical engineer), with ills.; escalator construction at Waterloo Station, London (Mr. H.H. Dalrymple-Hay, consulting engineer, Westminster), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; pulverised fuel locomotive for the German State Railways (constructed by the Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft, engineers, Berlin), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; launch of H.M. cruiser "Shropshire", with a view of the ship; the Longford generating station, Coventry (constructed to the designs of Mr. George Tough, city electrical engineer), with ills.; extensive index; complete with one page and two page enclosures; XXVIII, 826 pp. Former library copy. Leaves dampstained at lower parts, some of the double page enclosures stuck together. Cover slightly worn. [26127]

€ 150,00

No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. XCII- from July to December 1901. London; 1901; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: express passenger locomotive, North-Eastern Railway (Mr. Wilson Worsdell, engineer), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the locomotive; Stanley Works, Newark-on-Trent (A. Ransome and Co., engineers), with ills.; motor vehicles for military purposes, with ills.; His Majesty's first-class cruiser "Monmouth" (the London and Glasgow Engineering and Shipbuilding Company, Govan), with a view of the ship; Lanarkshire Steel Company's Works- conveyors and gas producers, with ills.; cross-channel passenger steamships, with ills.; 30-feet high-speed steam cutter (Simpson, Strickland and Co., Dartmouth, engineers), with ills.; manufacture of sugar in India- charcoal plant, with folding supplement with plans and fig.; Barrow Hematite Steel Works, with ills.; Paris- Berlin motor car race, with ills.; s.s. "Korea" and "Siberia", Pacific Mail Steamship Company, San Francisco, with ills.; index; XVI, 666 pp. Former library copy. [26206]

€ 120,00

No author. Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. CXXVIII- from July to December 1929. London; 1929; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, tables, etc.; in this volume articles, reviews on, i.a.: the Conowingo development on the Susquehanna River, with ills.; suction dredger for the Argentine government, with ills.; the Hams Hall generating station of the Birmingham corporation (Mr. R.A. Chattock, city electrical engineer), with ills. and plans; cargo-salvage operations, s.s. "Western Knight", with ills.; port improvements at Bremerhaven, with ills. and fig.; streamline funnel s.s. "Bremen", with ill.; exhibits at the international aero exhibition, Olympia, with double page enclosure with ills.; exhibits at the Royal agricultural show, Harrogate, with ills.; H.M. submarine depot ship "Medway", with a view of the ship; extensive index; complete with one page and two page enclosures; XXX, 856 pp. Former library copy. Leaves dampstained at lower parts, some of the double page enclosures stuck together. Cover slightly worn. [26130]

€ 150,00