Moreau-Vauthier, Ch. & Veth, Cornelis. Meesterwerken van negentiende-eeuwsche schilders. 72 photogravures. Amsterdam; 1909; uitgevers-maatschappy "Elsevier"; harde kaft, gebonden in linnen band; folio, 28,5x39 cm.; 72 afbeeldingen in passe-partout, met bijschriften; werk van o.a. J. Israëls, A. Mauve, J. Maris, L. David, E. Degas & J.M.W. Turner; voorwoord door H.W. Mesdag; ongepagineerd. Band/rug gedeeltelijk gerepareerd. Schutbladen vernieuwd. [34211]
Moreau-Nélaton, Étienne. Daubigny. Raconté par lui-même. Paris; 1925; Henri Laurens Éditeur; hardbound cloth; 4o; mounted plate on frontcover and spine with title shields; 139 ills. in b&w; published in an edition of 600 copies; printed on handmade paper; index; 150 pp. Title shields restored. [31524]
Moreau-Nélaton, Étienne. Bonvin. Raconté par lui-même. Paris; 1927; Henri Laurens Éditeur; hardbound cloth; 4o; frontcover with mounted plate; spine with title shields; published in an edition of 500 copies; printed on handmade paper; 102 ills. in b&w; index; 153 pp. Title shields restored. [31525]
Moholy- Nagy, Laszlo.
Painting, photography, film. Laszlo Moholy- Nagy.
London; 1969; Lund Humphries; clothbound with dust jacket; octavo; with a note by Hans M. Wingler and a postscript by Otto Stelzer; English translation by Janet Seligman; 100 black and white illustrations; a translation of the Bauhaus Book 1925-27; 150 pp.
Near fine copy.
[38497]Mann, L'Abbé.
Encyclopédie des enfans, ou abrégé de toutes les sciences, refondu, beaucoup augmenté et corrigé dans toutes ses parties, afin de le rendre propre à l'usage des Écoles des Pays Catholiques.
Bruxelles; 1807; B. Le Francq; leather with gilt lettered spine; 13th, revised, edition; woodengravings; 11x17 cm.; VIII, 160 pp.
Engraving and some words page 151 damaged, errasing with ball-point. Outer margins occasionally vaguely waterstained. Cover with slight wear, mainly along extremities. Name, in ink, on first endpaper.
[23425]Loewinson-Lessing, Vladimir (ed.). Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn. Tableaux dans les musées de l'Union Soviétique. Leningrad; 1982; Éditions d'art Aurore; hardcover with dust jacket; 4o; 30 plates in colour; ills. with the text in b&w; introduction by X. Egorava; French-language text; 31 pp. (introduction) followed by plates and text (not paged). Dust jacket just a trifle worn along extremities. Overall a very fine copy. [33354]
Limburg Stirum, Philippe de, a.o..
Eugène Verboeckhoven.
Brussels/ Knokke-Zoute; 1981; Editions Laconti/ P&V Berko; hardcover with dust jacket; sewn binding; 4o; ills. in colour and b&w; text in English/ French/ German and Dutch; 278 pp.
Major reference work on this outstanding painter. Dust jacket with very small tear at upper part, otherwise a fine copy.
[25975]Legierse, Thérèse (red.).
Post Zoetermeer.; 1994; 15 losse kaarten in een kartonnen doosje (16x22,5 cm.); werk van 15 verschillende kunstenaars, waaronder Ben Sleeuwenhoek, Anneke Auer en Ton van Summeren; fotografie door o.a. Peter Cox en Neeltje Ellen Pronk; afb. in zwart wit.
[22920]Langrognet, Daniel.
Salvaggio. Promenades et Vibrations Picturales au Rythme des Saisons/ Promenades and Pictorial Vibrations at the Pace of the Seasons.; 2006; hardcover with dust jacket; 4o; ills. in colour; photography by Michel Petit; text in French and English; signed with dedication by Salvaggio; clippings added; 96 pp.
Dust jacket with small tear.
[30242]Langaard, Johan H. & Reidar Revold.
Edvard Munch. Masterpieces from the artist's collection in the Munch Museum in Oslo.
Oslo; 1964; Forlaget Norsk Kunstreproduksjon; halfleather; 4to; translated from the German by Michael Bullock; 62 tipped in plates, mainly in colour; not paged.
Cover a trifle worn.