Maw, W.H. & Dredge, J. (ed.).
Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. LXXV- from January to June 1903.
London; 1903; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfleather with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a. : third-class bogie carriage for the South-Eastern and Chatham Railway, with figures and plans; windmills at the Royal Agricultural Society's Ground, Ealing, with ills.; the Dover harbour works, the admirality pier extension (Messrs. Coode, son, and Matthews, London, engineers); fast passenger locomotive for the New York central and Hudson River Railroad (constructed by the American Locomotive Company, Schenectady), with a view of the locomotive; the Britannia Steel Works of Messrs. Dorman, Long and Co., Middlesbrough, with a double page enclosure with ills.; erecting shop, Messrs. Richardsons, Westgarth, and Co.'s Works, Middlesbrough, with ills.; screw steamer for the King's Lynn conservancy board (constructed by Messrs. Allsup and Co., Preston), with ills. and plans; blooming mill at the Röchling Iron and Steel Works, Volklingen-on-the Saar (constructed by the Märkische Maschinenbau Anstalt, Wetter-on-the-Ruhr), with double page enclosure with design plans; the Crystal Palace motor-car show, with ills.; the Hotchkiss .472-in and 37-millimetre automatic machine guns, with ills.; Queen's Engineering Works, Bedford (Messrs. W.H. Allen, Son and Co.), with double page enclosure with ills.; the Russian first-class protective-deck cruiser "Bogatyr", with i.a. a double page enclosure with design plans; factory of the Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar Company, with design plans; index; XXVIII, 880 pp.
Former library copy. Spine restored. Leaves a trifle dampstained.
[26866]Maw, W.H. & Raworth, B. Alfred (ed.). Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. LXXXVII- from January to June, 1909. London; 1909; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a. : the Siamese revenue cruiser "Suriya Monthon" (constructed by Messrs. J.I. Thornycroft and Co., Southampton), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; the launch of His Majesty's battleship "Vanguard" (constructed by Messrs. Vickers, Sons and Maxim, Barrow-in-Furness), with ills.; the Brazilian battleship "São Paulo" (constructed by Messrs. Vickers, Sons and Maxim, Barrow-in-Furness", with ills.; the New Orient Australian mail T.-S.S. "Orsova" (constructed by Messrs. John Brown and Co., Sheffield and Clydebank), with ills. and double page enclosure; twelve wheeled duplex-tank locomotive, Nitrate Railways Company, Chili (constructed by the Yorkshire Engine Company, Sheffield), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; the manufacture of armour at Beardmore's Parkhead Steel Works, Glasgow, with ills.; 70-horse-power "pipe" 8-cylinder motor for aeroplanes (the London motor garage company, London), with fig.; the Italian submersible boat "Otaria", with a view of the ship; the New Graving-Docks at Malta (Colonel Sir Edward Raban, director of works & Messrs. S. Pearson and Son, Westminster, contractors), with double page enclosure with ills.; the Argentine gunboat "Parano"(constructed by Sir W.G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Elswick) with a view of the ship; the Canadian ice-breaking and passenger steamer "Earl Grey" (constructed by Messrs. Vickers, Sons and Maxim, Barrow-in Furness) with a view of the vessel; extensive index; one page and two page enclosures included; XLII, 868 pp. Former library copy. [25996]
Meersch, Abraham Arent van der.
Geographisch hand-boekje voor de jeugd.
Zonder plaats; 1781; vernieuwdde, halflederen band; 10x15 cm.; met 17 van de 19 uitslaande kaarten; BNK no. 533; 178 p.
Band vernieuwd. Titel- en voortitelblad ontbreken. Er ontbreken 2 kaarten. Naam vorige eigenaar achterin het boek.
[36842]Meerten, A.B. van & C.P.E. Robidé van der Aa.
Nuttig geschenk voor de jeugd.
Amsterdam; 1833; G.J.A. Beijerinck; gekartonneerd met linnen rug; ca. 10x13 cm.; verlucht met 10 handgekleurde litho's; 103 p.
Rug vernieuwd. Band wat lichte slijtagespoortjes. Ex libris aan de binnenzijde van het voorplat.
[37082]Meerten, A.B. van & C.P.E. Robidé van der Aa.
Tafereelen en gedichtjes voor de jeugd.
Amsterdam; 1838; G.J.A. Beijerinck; halflinnen met gemarmerde platten; ca. 10x12 cm.; verlucht met houtgravures in kleur; 102 p.
Franse titelpagina, schut- en titelblad met reparatie. Bandje met lichte slijtagesporen.
[36266]Meesters, P. Merkwaardigheden uit den onderwijskundigen levensloop van Thomas Hoogvlugt van Diependaal, thans onderwijzer organist en landmeter te O. ; beschreven door P. Meesters hoofdonderwijzer bij de Nederlandsche en Fransche stads-school te Sluis in Vlaanderen. Amsterdam; 1833; J.C. van Kesteren; 2e druk; gegraveerd titelblad; karton; VIII, 166, (1) p. 4 Pagina's met inktvlekken. Titelblad met stempel en vochtvlekken. Pieter Meesters (1778-1837) was in 1806 huisonderwijzer te Vlissingen en werd in 1816 hoofdonderwijzer te Axel. Later werd hij benoemd tot stads-hoofdonderwijzer te Sluis en bleef hier tot zijn overlijden ook als organist en stadsarchivaris. (Nagtglas, Levensberichten van Zeeuwen). Zeer zeldzame uitgave! [18834]
Mellet, F.N..
Traité des machines à vapeur et de leur application à la navigation, aux mines, aux manufactures, etc. 2 volumes.
Paris / Bruxelles; 1828 / 1838; Bachelier / Meline. Traduit de l'anglais de Th. Tredgold. Both bindings: half calf with marbled boards; XXX, 558 pp. Atlas: 35 pp. and 25 (folded) plates.
Rare complete edition with the atlas. Last plate with rust stains; otherwise in good condition.
[35053]Menestrier, Francois.
De la Chevalerie ancienne et moderne, avec la maniere den faire les Preuves, pour tous les Ordres de Chevalerie.
Paris; 1683; Chez Robert J. B. de la Caille. 3 Pages with coats of arms and 6 folded tables. Small 8vo; full calf binding with raised bands; gilt printed coat of arms on front and back side; (34), 600 pp.
Binding with signs of wear. Joints partly broken.
[30649]Merckens, H..
De homoiopatische huisdokter, bevattende de noodigste aanwijzingen, om de meest voorkomende ziekten te kennen en volgens de beginselen van Hahnemann te behandelen. Gevolgd van een leiddraad voor de homoiopatische behandeling van zieke huisdieren.
Leipzig; 1881; Dr. Willmar Schwabe; linnen band; 13,5x18,5 cm; 2e verbeterde en vermeerderde druk; XII, 448 p.
Rug enigszins beschadigd en gelijmd. Binnenwerk af en toe wat foxing.
[35629]Mereschkowski, Dmitry Sergewitsch.
Tolstoi und Dostojewski als Menschen und als Künstler. Eine kritische Würdigung ihres Lebens und Schaffens.
Leipzig; 1903; Verlagsbuchhandlung Schulze & Co.; cardboard with floral decorations; 8vo; 302 pp.
Cover slightly foxed along extremities. Owner's entry on first blank endpaper.
[31489]Merkesteyn, A.J.G. van.
Automobilisme. Artikel uit "De Ingenieur" van 1899.
S.l.; 1899; de Ingenieur; losbladig pp. 461-464 met enkele ill. van o.a. de "Victoria" & de "Phaëton"; los toegevoegd een advertentie van de Dion-Bouton & Cie., met afbeeldingen vanb de Coupé 8 Chevaux, de Landaulet 12 Chevaux & de Tonneau 10 Cheveaux.
[35359]Meurer, Moritz.
Das Leben der Altväter der lutherischen Kirche. Für christliche Leser insgemein aus den Duellen erzählt. 1. Band: Luthers Leben.
Leipzig; 1869; Justus Naumann's Buchhandlung; gilt printed hardbound cloth; small 8vo; 2nd edition; engraved ills.; XXVII, 321 pp.
Copy with foxing and dampstaining throughout. Gilt lettering and decorations on spine faded.
Gedenkwaardige aantekeningen gedaan door een reisiger in de jaaren 1697 en 1698 van geheel Engeland, Schotland en Yrland.
Utrecht; 1699; A. Schouten. Contemp. vellum; (18), 454, (42) pp. Engraved frontispiece;1 folded map of England, 1 folded plan of London, 1 text engraving and 18 other (folded) engravings. Added in the same binding: Geheime historie der twee gebroeders Karel en Jakob de Tweede, Koningen van Engeland. Rotterdam;1695; Pieter vander Slaart. (Last title incomplete; only 252 pp. of 326 pp.)
Upper side of binding worn. Map with tear but nicely repaired. Otherwise clean and fine copy.
[30510]Molière. Oeuvres complètes de Molière. Nouvelle édition. La seule complète en 2 volumes in-12. Paris; s.a. (ca. 1875); Garnier Frères; hardbound cloth; all edges gilted; small 8vo; 2 volumes; with 10 lithographed portraits, in colour, by MM. Geffroy & H. Allouard; VIII, 803 & 823 pp. Fine set. [32411]
Oeuvres complètes de Molière. Nouvelle édition imprimée sur celles de 1679 et 1682. Avec des notes explicatives sur les mots qui ont vieilli.
Paris; 1875; Laplace, Sanchez et Cie., Libraires-Éditeurs; blindstamped hardbound cloth, spine with gilt lettering; all edges gilted; 8vo; introduction by Jules Janin; 20 handcoloured steelengravings; XV, 649 pp.
Cover just a trifle worn with a few small, faint stains. Bookplate mounted on verso frontcover.