
Old and rare books

Results 1201 - 1224 of 1591
No author.

No author.

Reglement op het bereiden en keuren der meekrappen in Zeeland.

Middelburg; ca. 1819; A.P. de Winter; zachte kaft; 18 (1) p.

Vernieuwde, papieren, band met "koeievlek"motief. Bladzijde 1 met toevoeging, in inkt, in de kantlijn.


€ 35,00
No author.

No author.

Reglement op het daarstellen en houden van registers van bevolking en inwoning binnen de gemeenten der provincie Zeeland.

Middelburg; 1825; A.P. de Winter; zachte kaft; (2), 5, (1) p.

Vernieuwde, papieren, band met "koeievlek"motief.


€ 15,00
No author.
No author.
No author.
No author.

No author.

The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. LXXVIII- from July to December 1894.

London; 1894; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: twin-screw steamship "Duke of York"- engines and boilers (messrs. Denny Brothers, Dumbarton, builders and engineers), with folding plate with plans and fig.; solid rock dredger "Majestic", for Bermuda (Messrs. Lobnitz and Co., Renfrew, engineers), with folding plate with plans and fig.; express passenger locomotive, Dutch railways- Cologne-Amsterdam service, with a woodengraved view of the locomotive; the "Gigantic Wheel" at Earle's Court, with ills.; six-coupled Bogie goods engine, Highland Railways (constructed by Messrs. Sharp Stewart and Co., Glasgow, from the designs of Mr. D. Jones, Inverness), with a folding, woodengraved, plate; the "General Skinner", submarine mining steamer (Messrs. Cox and Co., Falmouth, builders and engineers), with folding plate with plans and fig.; the New Victoria Bridge over the Brisbane River (Mr. A.R. Brady, engineer), with folding plate with plans and fig.; the Chilian cruiser "Blanco Encalada" (Messrs. Sir W.G. Armstrong, Mitchell and Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne, builders), with a folding, woodengraved, plate with a view of the ship; views on the Congo railway, with ills.; index; XVI, 582 pp.

Former library copy.


€ 120,00
No author.
No author.
No author.
No author.

No author.

The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. LXXXIV- from July to December 1897.

London; 1897; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: compound goods locomotive, Northern Pacific Railway (The Schenectady Locomotive Works, engineers), with a folding, woodengraved, plate with a view of the locomotive; the Jungfrau railway, with ills.; four-coupled bogie tank engine, London, Tilbury and Southend Railway (Mr. Th. Whitelegg, Plaistow, engineer), with a folding plate (ca. 80x55 cm.) with plans and fig.; Messrs. Davey, Paxman and Co.'s works, Colchester, with ills.; Davis's motor car steering gear, with fig.; ten-wheeled mineral engine, Great Western Railway (Mr. William Dean, Swindon, engineer), with a folding, woodengraved, plate with a view of the engine; tank locomotive, Indian State Railways (Messrs. Neilson & Co., locomotive works, Glasgow, engineers), with a folding, transparent paper, plate with plans and fig.; Canadian ferry steamer "Chebucto" (Messrs. John Shearer and Sons, Glasgow, builders), with plans and fig.; winding engines for the Ebbw Vale Steel, Iron and Coal Company, Limited, with a folding plate with plans and fig.; sixty years of Thames shipbuilding and marine engineering, with ills.; Hungarian paddle steamer I. Ferencz Jozef (Messrs. the Danubius Schoenichen and Hartmann Ship and Machine Construction Company, Budapest, builders and engineers), with a folding plate with plans and fig.; the Ameer of Afghanistan's gun factories (Sir T. Salter Pyne, engineer), with ills.; locomotives for the Waterford, Limerick and Western Railway (messrs. Kitson and Co., Leeds, engineers), with a double page plate with woodengraved ills.; ice-breaking steamer "Sleipner" (Burmeister and Wain, Copenhagen, engineers), with plans and fig.; index; XVI, 662 pp.

Former library copy. Boards occasionally scratched.


€ 120,00
No author.
No author.
No author.

No author.

The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. XCIII- from January to June 1902.

London; 1902; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: six-coupled express locomotive, Eastern Railway of France (M.L. Salomons, engineer, Eastern Works at Epernay, builders), with a double page supplement with a woodengraved view of the locomotive; twin-screw triple-expansion engines, s.s. Arundel (William Denny and Brothers, Dumbarton, engineers), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the engines; metre-gauge Fairlie engines, Burma Railway Company (the Vulcan Foundry Company, Newton-le-Willows, engineers), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the engines; peat fuel works, Stangfiorden, Norway, with ills.; eight-coupled coal engine, North Eastern Railway, with a folding, woodengraved, view of the engine; Electrolytic Alkali Works at Middlewich, with ills.; His Majesty's first class battleship "Queen" (constructed at Devonport dockyard), with a folding plate with a view of the ship; French self-propelled lorries, with ills.; compound narrow-gauge locomotive, Indian-Netherlands Railway, Java (Mr. B.A. Gratama, Java, engineer), with a view of the locomotive; index; XVI, 640 pp.

Former library copy.


€ 120,00

No author.

The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. XCIX- from January to June 1905.

London; 1905; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: the Baltic fleet, some typical vessels, with ills.; the building of the Japanese battleship "Kashima" (Sir W.G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne, builders), with, i.a., a double page supplement with ills.; Larkhall and Stonehouse viaducts, Caledonian Railway, with folding supplement with plans and fig.; compound express locomotive, Great Northern Railway (Mr. H.A. Ivatt, Doncaster, engineer), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the locomotive; Cargo Fleet Ironworks Furnaces and Coke Ovens, with double page supplement with ills.; four cylinder compound express locomotive Bavarian State Railways (Herr J.A. Maffei, Munich, engineer), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the locomotive; Hotchkiss six-pounder semi-automatic gun (Hotchkiss Ordnance Company, London, engineers), with ills.; Italian battleship "Regina Margherita", with a folding, woodengraved, view of the ship; index; XVI, 662 pp.

Former library copy.


€ 120,00

No author.

The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. XCV- from January to June 1903.

London; 1903; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: express locomotive South-Eastern and Chatham Railway (Mr. Harry S. Wainwright, Ashford, engineer), with a folding supplement with plans and fig.; Messrs. Yarrow and Company's Works at Poplar, with ills.; Dover harbour works, with ills.; horse ploughs, with ills.; the Great Eastern Railway Company's Works at Stratford, with ills.; London United Electric Tramways Limited at Chiswick, with ills.; South African railway men, with ills.; H.M.S. "Commonwealth" (the Fairfield Shipbuilding Company, Glasgow, builders), with ills.; the Paderno viaduct, with ills.; French racing motor cars, with ills.; bridges destroyed by the Boers, with ills.; express locomotive Midland Railway (Mr. Samuel Johnstone, Derby, engineer), with a folding, woodengraved, view of the locomotive; 5,000 horse-power quadruple-expansion engines of the Orient-Pacific Liner "Orontes", with a folding, woodengraved, view of the engines; index; XVI, 664 pp.

Former library copy. Upper left corner backcover chipped.


€ 120,00
No author.

No author.

Weezen-almanak 1889.

Nijmegen; 1889; P.J. Milborn; slappe kaft; 18e jaargang; met diverse gravures, o.a. 2 van Neerbosch; opgesplitst in twee deeltjes, tweede deel betreft mengelwerk; 64 en 80 p.

Rug beschadigd en hersteld met doorschijnend tape. Platten iets beduimeld en wat kleine scheurtjes en hapjes. Bladzijden met hier en daar wat kleine roestvlekjes.


€ 35,00
No name..
No name..
No name..
No name..

No name..

An abridgment of Captain Cook's last voyage, performed in the years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779. and 1780, for making discoveries in the northern Hemispere, By order of His Majesty. Extracted from the Quarto Edition, in Three Volumes.

London; 1794; C. and G. Kearsley. One folded and 7 fullpage copper engravings. Half leather with marbled boards; XXIV, 442, (18) pp.

Top of spine repaired. Boards slightly worn. Plates stained. Map is lacking.


€ 190,00
Noble, Mr. Le.
Noble, Mr. Le.
Noble, Mr. Le.

Noble, Mr. Le.

L'école du Monde, vingt-unieme entretien. De la Politesse. Tome VI. Nouvelle Edition avec des Figures en taille-douce.

Paris; 1700; Chez Martin Kouvenel. With 7 engravings. Contemporain full leather binding; 285 pp.

Binding a bit worn.


€ 80,00
Nollet, (Jean Antoine).
Nollet, (Jean Antoine).

Nollet, (Jean-Antoine).

Brieven over de elektrisiteit. Deel 1 (van 2). Uit het Fransch vertaald,en met eenige aantekeningen en byvoegsels, meest uit andere werken, van den zelfden schryver, vermeerderd, door den vertaaler van Nollet's Natuurkundige lessen.

Utrecht / Amsterdam; 1773; S. de Waal en G. Warnars. Contemporain halfleer. Klein 8vo. Met 3 uitslaande platen. XL, 355 p.

Ca. 5 cm van de kneep aan één zijde los. Zeer zeldzame Nederlandse vertaling!


€ 115,00

Noppen, A. Kz. van.

Tafels, bevattende in kubieke ellen, den inhoud van vierkant bezaagd en rondhout van verschillende afmetingen, o wel, algemeene tafels, om den inhoud van parallelopipedums, vierhoekige piramiden, cilinders, afgeknotte kegels, bollen, vaten, enz., te berekenen, met bijgevoegde multiplicatie tafel, waarin alle producten van 2 x 2 tot 320 x 101101 voorkomen, eene intrest tafel, enz. ten gebruike van ingenieurs, constructeurs, magazijnmeesters, hout koopers, architecten, aannemers van publieke werken, landmeters, wijnroeijers, administrateurs, fabrikanten, kooplieden, enz.

Middelburg; 1822; S. van Benthem en de gebroeders Abrahams; harde kaft, linnen; ingenaaid; 14,5x24 cm.; sommige tabellen uitslaand; gesigneerd door de auteur; VII, 296, 88, XXX & XXX pp.

Band vernieuwd.


€ 40,00
Noppen, J.A. van.

Noppen, J.A. van. Beschrijving van het eiland Walcheren (met eenige voorafgaande bijzonderheden der provincie Zeeland). Middelburg; 1895; K. le Cointre; softover; ill. en enkele kaartjes in zwart wit; uitslaande kaart, met een gegraveerde afb. van het standbeeld van Michiel de Ruyter in Vlissingen; 123 (2) p. + advertenties. Zeldzaam! Rug gerestaureerd, omslag enigszins beduimeld. Ex libris en naam vorige eigenaar, in inkt, op titelblad. Rechterbovenhoekje titelblad weggeknipt. Pagina's hier en daar licht roestvlekkig. [22318]

€ 35,00
Noppen, J.A. van.

Noppen, J.A. van.

Beschrijving van het eiland Walcheren (met eenige voorafgaande bijzonderheden der provincie Zeeland).

Middelburg; 1895; K. le Cointre; softover; ill. en enkele kaartjes in zwart wit; uitslaande kaart, met een gegraveerde afb. van het standbeeld van Michiel de Ruyter in Vlissingen; 123 (2) p. + advertenties.

Zeldzaam! Band vernieuwd. Binnenwerk goed.


€ 29,00

Notulen van Zeeland, I-V. I: Notulen van Gouverneurs en Raden van Zeeland, 1574-1576; Notulen van Gouverneurs en Raden van Zeeland, 1576-1578; Notulen van de Staten van Zeeland, 1577-1578. II: Notulen van de Staten van Zeeland en van hunne Gecommitteerde Raden, 1578-1579 (Boek van Resolutiën). III: Notulen van de Staten van Zeeland en van hunne Gecommitteerde Raden, 1578-1579 (Collegiaalboek). IV: Notulen van de Staten van Zeeland, 1580-1582 (Collegiaalboek - Boek van Resolutiën - Register van de Besognen van de Staten). V: Notulen van de Staten van Zeeland, 1583-1586.

's-Gravenhage; 1915-1919; Martinus Nijhoff; Halfperkament.


€ 95,00

Nouveau Dictionnaire De Poche Des Langues Françoise- Allemand et Allemande-François. Tome premier. Contenant le francois expliqué par l'allemand. Neues Französisch-Teutsches und Teutsches-Französisch Taschen Worterbuch. Erster Theil in welchem das Französische durch das Deutsche erklart ist.

Strasbourg; 1791; Amand Koenig; leather with gilt stamped spine; 12,5x13,5 cm.; 416 pp.

Example of Maurice goth, (Dutch painter, Veere) with signature. Leather showes traces of wear at corners and spine. Damaged at frontcover. Signature and date on endpaper.


€ 80,00
Nüse, H..
Nüse, H..

Nüse, H..

Sleutel van de verborgenheid der laatste tyden, of de Zegenpraal des Christendoms over alle volken der aarde.

Rotterdam; 1817; Nicolaas Cornel. Portret van de auteur door C. Groeneveld, gegraveerd door J.F. Lange. Gegraveerd titelblad; Goudbedrukt halfleer met gemarmerde platten; (6), XII, (12),390, (2) p.


€ 95,00
Nuss, Jos. M.H. (sam.).

Nuss, Jos. M.H. (sam.). Liedjes: een Ouderwetsche Sinterklaas avond.

Laren; z.j.; halflinnen; 22x33 cm.; opnieuw bijeen gebracht door Dr. Cornelis aan 't Zevenend te Laren; 'met kleine wijzingen naar het tijdens de oorlog clandestien verschenen origineel'; ill. van Popje Hage; met muziek; ill. in kleur; ongepagineerd.

Losjes in de band. Slijtagesporen langs hoeken en randen van de band. Band heeft wat roestvlekjes.


€ 40,00
Nylandt, Petrus.
Nylandt, Petrus.
Nylandt, Petrus.
Nylandt, Petrus.
Nylandt, Petrus.

Nylandt, Petrus.

De Nederlandtse herbarius, of kruydt-boeck, beschrijvende de geslachten / gedaente / plaetse / tijt / oeffening / aert / krachten / en medecinael gebruyck van alderhande boomen / heesteren /boom-gewassen / kruyden / en planten / die in de Nederlanden in 't wilde gevonden / en in de hoven onderhouden worden. Alsmede de uytlandtsen, of vreemde Droogens, die gemeelijck in de apothekers winckels gebruyckt worden. Etc.

Amsterdam; 1680; Michiel de groot, Boeckverkooper tusschen de twee Haerlemmer-sluysen. Second edition. Contemp. full vellum; 152 woodcuts of botanical illustrations; 820, (44) pp.

Frontispiece lacking; titlepage weak; otherwise in good condition. Rare!


€ 800,00
O'Rell, Max.

O'Rell, Max.

Sa majesté l'amour. Petits études de psychologie humoristique.

Paris; 1901; Calmann-Lévy, Éditeurs; leatherbound with gilt lettering; 11,5x18 cm.; edges gilted; II, 337 pp.

Cover a trifle worn.


€ 18,00
Odink, H.W..
Odink, H.W..
Odink, H.W..

Odink, H.W..

Op reis. Verhalen en schetsen ten gebruike bij het aardrijkskundig onderwijs over Zeeland in de lagere school.

Goes; 1908; P.A.H. Pieterman; zachte kaft; ca. 14x19 cm.; ill.; 97 p.

Bandje iets verkleurd en ruggetje licht beschadigd. Ex libris aan de binnenkant van de band.


€ 30,00
Olevianus, Casparus.
Olevianus, Casparus.

Olevianus, Casparus. De vaste grond, dat is: de articulen van het oud, waarachtig, ongetwyfeld christelyk geloof, alle christenen, die, in deze gevaarlyke droevige tyden, eenen zekeren troost, uyt Gods woord zoeken, ten goede verklaard, en toegeschreven door Casparus Olevianus, eerst in het Hoogduytsch uytgegeven, en daar uyt in 't Nederduytsch vertaald door W.V.N. en nu op nieuws, ten nutte van Neerlands Kerk in 't licht gebragt, en met een voorreden verrykt door Gerard Zeylmans van Selm, predikant te Nieuweveen. Amsterdam; 1778; Johannes Wessing; gebonden in een halflinnen band; 8vo; 2e druk; XVI, 183 p. Naam vorige eigenaar op schutblad. [27968]

€ 40,00
Olivotto, Jacopo.
Olivotto, Jacopo.
Olivotto, Jacopo.
Olivotto, Jacopo.

Olivotto, Jacopo.


Collection album with 50 leaves filled with 400 postcards, mainly from Italian cities between 1900 and 1935. However, the most interesting part of this album is the binding. This one is very fine executed in mediaeval style by Jacopo Olivotto, an Italian artist (1873-1955). The full vellum binding with leather ties has been decorated with gold heightened floral ornaments and title with nice capital and letters in mediaeval style. The binding has been signed by "I. Olivotto Firenze".

Most postcards are from italian cities like Firenze, Rome, Venice, Naples, Taormina, Palermo, some from Spain like Malaga and Granada and some others.


€ 500,00

Omnibus. Geïllustreerde bladen aan schoone letteren en kunst gewijd. Novellen. Blikken in het huiselijk en maatschappelijk leven in den vreemde. Historie- en levensschetsen. 1878.

n.p.; n.n. Plates. cloth, blind- and gilt stamped. 380 pp.

Pp. 139/142 loosened. A few pages torn or damaged. Stained. Foxing. Stamp on title page. Cover grubby. Spine badly damaged.


€ 25,00