Venette, Nicolaes.
Tafereel der huwelyks liefde, Of Verhandelinge over de voortteelinge der menschen. In vier deelen. In 't Nederduitsch vertaelt door emanuel Sinttema.
's Gravenhage; 1728; Isaak Breedveld; vol. I (part I and II): engraved frontispiece and engraved title vignet by C.V. Swindren; portrait of Nic. Venette, 2 full page and 2 folded engravings; 8o; gilt printed leather; XXXVI, 235 pp.; vol. II (part III and IV): engraved title vignet, 4 full page and 3 folded engravings; 8o; half leather; (4), 235 pp.
Bindings are different but with same size and both with 5 raised bands. Spine vol. I broken but not loosened. Part IV misbound: pp 193 -235 are the same as part II; that's why last 3 chapters of part IV are lacking. All engravings existing. In spite of these defects an attractive set of this first Dutch edition.
[18685]Une femme masquée.
Mémoires secrets d'un tailleur pour dames. Édition illustrée d'un frontispice à l'eau-forte et de vingt-sept figures à mi-pages.
Bruxelles; 1880; Gay et Doucé; halfcloth with marbled boards; 13x20 cm.; no. 68 of 75 numbered copies; 162 pp.
Private binding. Bookplate mounted to pastedown.
[38420]Sémaine, A. and Hucks, Paul.
Ohé! Les Moeurs... Chansons satiriques mises en musique par Paul Hucks. Douze lithographies de Willette. 1re Série.
Paris; 1895; Georges Ondet; with 12 lithographs by A. Willette; 27.5x35.5 cm; unpaginated.
Spine renewed in cloth. Cover/endpapers ruststained. Ex-libiris on inside cover. Inside good.
[17833]Restif de la Bretonne. La paysane pervertie, ou les dangers de la ville; Histoire d'Ursule R., soeur d'Edmond, le paysan, mise au jour d'après les véritables lettres des personages. Paris / La Haie; 1785; Veuve Duchesne. Complete edition: four parts in two volumes; second edition; small octavo; full calf binding, gilt printed. Vol. I: 262, 248 pp.; vol. II: 244, 275 pp. Vol. II waterstained. Very rare edition! [33672]
Piccolo. Het amusantste weekblad. 1/2 Jaargang, nr. 22 october 1949- nr. 48 april 1950.
Antwerpen; 1949-1950; Patria; halflinnen met gemarmerde platten; ill. in kleur en zwart wit, waaronder vele filmsterren; elk nummer ca. 30 pagina's.
Rug van de band aan boven- en onderzijde iets beschadigd.
[30456]Nourse Lattimore, Deborah.
I wonder what's under there? A brief history of underwear. A lift-the-flap book.
San Diego/ New York/ London; 1998; Browndeer Press/ Harcourt Brace & Company; hardcover; ills. in colour; paper engineering by David A. Carter; pop-up book; not paged.
Very fine copy.
[37882]Léandre, C..
Nocturnes. Album inédit en couleurs.
Paris; no year (ca. 1900); H. Simonis Empis, Éditeur; softcover; folio, 28x37 cm.; preface by Pierre Veber; lithographed plates, with captions; not paged.
Slightly loosening in binding. Cover slightly foxed, spine a trifle damaged with repair. Bookplate of Henri Tak mounted to pastedown.
[34180]Kahn, G.
La peinture galante en France au XVIIIe siècle: François Boucher; Jean Honoré Fragonard.
Paris; c. 1925; Libr. Artistique Int.; vellum; 4o; '30, resp. 28, dessins sur papier mat de grand luxe, 18, resp. 20, illustrations teintées, une gravure et une planche en quatre couleurs; 60 resp. 60 pp.
Edition de luxe. Nr. 67 of 200 copies. Signatures are lacking. [9731]