

Results 1 - 24 of 48
Bach, J.A. (red.).
Bach, J.A. (red.).

Bach, J.A. (red.).

Vliegwereld; populair geïllustreerd weekblad voor de luchtvaart; ingebonden, derde jaargang (52 nrs., van 4 februari 1937 t/m 27 januari 1938).

Haarlem; 1937-1938; halflinnen met gemarmerde platten; talrijke ill. in zwart wit; 899 p.

Enkele blz. van de eerste afleveringen ontbreken. Tevens zijn enkele bladzijden iets beschadigd en hier en daar gerepareerd.


€ 60,00

Bach, Jan, Hegener, H. & Kosman, Hans (red.).

AVIA. Officieel Orgaan van de Koninklijke Nederlandsche Vereeniging voor Luchtvaart. 4e jaargang compleet (no. 1 t/m 10 aug.-dec. 1945), 5e jaargang compleet (no. 1 t/m 24 1946), 6e jaargang 1947 (ontbreken nrs. 9 en 20), 7e jaargang 1948 compleet, 8e jaargang 1949 (ontbreken nrs. 4, 18 en 21). Totaal 101 nummers.

's-Gravenhage; 1945-1949; geniet; ill. in zwart wit; tevens aandacht voor modelbouw en zweefvliegen; nummering bladzijden jaargang 4 t/m 6 loopt steeds door, in totaal 604 p., 7e jaargang telt samen 599 p., jaargang 8 met een totaal van 600 p.

No. 14 jaargang 5 beschadigd, omslag no. 1 jaargang 6 ontbreekt, no. 10 jaargang 8 beschadigd. Hier en daar wat gebruiks- en/of slijtagespoortjes.


€ 190,00
Cain, Charles W. (ed.).

Cain, Charles W. (ed.).

Flypast 1. A selection of International Aircraft from Profile. Vol. I - VI. (1 - 6).

All vol.: Berkshire; 1972; Profile Publications Limited; numerous ills. in b&w and in colour; soft cover; 17 x 23 cm.


€ 39,00

Combat Report: The journal of military aviation. Volume 1, numbers 1 - 4.

London; 1986 - 1987; Target Publications; numerous ills.; softcover; each volume 48 pp.


€ 14,00
Cornwell, E. L and Martin Horseman (ed.).

Cornwell, E. L and Martin Horseman (ed.).

Airextra. Vol. I, II, III. (1,2,3) Incl. numbers: I - XIX (1 - 19)

Shepperton; nd.; Ian Allan; vol.I: number I - VI; vol.II: number VII - XII; vol.III: number XIII - XIX; numerous ills. in b&w and colour.

Bound in green cloth. 21 x 29 cm.


€ 49,00
Crucq, Paul M..

Crucq, Paul M..

"We never blamed the crews". The flooding of Walcheren Island, October 1944. Operation "Infatuate", phase I.

Vlissingen; 2000; ADZ; hardcover; 4to; ills. in b&w; text in English; 208 pp.

Very fine copy.


€ 90,00
Diverse auteurs.
Diverse auteurs.

Diverse auteurs.

Heintje Jeugdkrant. 1e jaargang, september 1969.

Amsterdam; 1969; Albert Heijn; papier; gevouwen kranten; 35x50 cm.; met diverse comics en een informatieve pagina; in dit nummer een grote ontwerp je eigen vliegtuig-wedstrijd, n.a.v. het 50-jarig bestaan van K.L.M.

Goede staat.


€ 15,00
Hegener, Henri.
Hegener, Henri.
Hegener, Henri.

Hegener, Henri.

Patria's Luchtvaart-Album.

Amsterdam; 1936; uitgave N.V. Biscuitfabriek "Patria"; linnen band; oblong formaat; compleet met alle 114 ingeplakte plaatjes (in kleur); ongepagineerd.

Rug enigszins beschadigd en losjes in de band.


€ 13,00
Houter, Jan.

Houter, Jan.

Oorlogsvlieger Jan Linzel.

Maarssen; 2012; uitgeverij Geromy; hardcover; ill. in kleur en zwart wit; 144 p.

Goed exemplaar.


€ 17,00
Jacobsen, Hans Adolf, Hans Dollinger (ed.).

Jacobsen, Hans-Adolf, Hans Dollinger (ed.).

Der Zweite Weltkrieg in bildern und dokumenten. Vol.I (1): Erster Band: Der europäische Krieg 1939-41. Vol.II (2): Zweiter Band: Der Weltkrieg 1941-43. Vol.III (3): Dritter Band: Sieg Ohne Frieden 1944-1945.

Wiesbaden; n.d.; R. Löwit; numerous ills. in b&w; stamped cloth with dustjacket; 18,5x25,5 cm.; vol.I, II: 480 pp; vol.III: 492 pp.

All three volumes have little repairs on the inside of the dustjacket.


€ 29,00
Keskinen, K. & K. Stenman & K. Niska.

Keskinen, K. & K. Stenman & K. Niska.

Dornier Do 17 Z Junkers Ju88A-4.

Helsinki; 1975; Tietoteos; Suomen Ilmavoimien Historia 2; 2nd edition; b&w illustrations; or. softcover; 116 pp.


€ 14,00
Keskinen, K. & K. Stenman & K. Niska.

Keskinen, K. & K. Stenman & K. Niska.

Messerschmitt BF 109G.

Helsinki; 1976; Tietoteos; Suomen Ilmavoimien Historia 6; b&w illustrations; or. softcover; 143 pp.


€ 14,00

Maw, W.H. & Raworth, B. Alfred (ed.). Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. CI- from January to June, 1916. London; 1916; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a. : Spanish torpedo-boat destroyers of the "Bustamante" class (constructed by the Sociedad Española de Construcción Naval, Cartagena), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; general arrangement of the geared-turbine propelling machinery of the federal liner "Northumberland" (constructed by the Wallsend slipway and engineering company, Wallsend-on-Tyne), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; cranes and gantries at the works of the Rotterdam Dockyard Company (constructed by the Haarlemsche Machinefabriek and Rotterdamsche Machinefabriek Braat, Rotterdam), with double page enclosure with ills., plans and fig.; the Paris motor-buses in war service , the Schneider chassis and engine, with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; quadruple-srew liner "Lafayette" of the Compagnie Générale Transatlantique (constructed by the Société Anonyme des Chantiers et Ateliers de Provence, Port de Bouc), with ills.; the Pivot Pier of Glebe Island Bridge, Port Jackson, New South Wales, with double page enclosure with ills.; the Brazilian diesel-engine propelled submarine dépôt ship "Ceara", with ills.; extensive index; complete with one-page and two-page enclosures; XIX, 636 pp. Former library copy. [26027]

€ 150,00

Maw, W.H. & Raworth, B. Alfred (ed.). Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. CV- from January to June, 1918. London; 1918; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a. : The Sciotoville bridge over the Ohio river (Mr. Gustav Lindenthal, New York), with ills.; the Marshall chair for crippled workers; 180- H.P. Mercedes engine and Albatross scout biplane, with ills.; the world's largest shipyard at Hog Island on the Delaware River, with ills.; the Derwent dam, the Derwent Valley water-works (Mr. Edward Sandeman, London), with ills.; coal-handling plant at the Saltley gas works, Birmingham (constructed by Messrs. Babcock and Wilcox, London), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; the national physical laboratory, Teddington, with ills.; tractors on bad roads or land, with ills.; the Jurassic ironstones of the United Kingdom, with ills.; extensive index; complete with one page and two page enclosures; XX, 740 pp. Former library copy. [26106]

€ 150,00

Maw, W.H. & Raworth, B. Alfred (ed.). Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. XCVIII- from July to December, 1914. London; 1914; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a. : four-cylinder compound (2-8-2 type) locomotive for the Paris, Lyons and Mediterranean railway at the Lyons exhibition (constructed by the Société Française de Constructions Mécaniques, Denain), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; the twin-screw geared-turbine-driven steamers "Ciudad de Buenos Aires" and "Ciudad de Monte Video", with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; ice-breaking railway-train ferry for Canada (constructed by Messrs. Cammell, Laird and Co., Birkenhead), with ills.; the Manhattan Bridge over the East River at New York, with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; the calcium carbide factory at Odda, Norway, with ills.; the Canadian customs cruiser "Margaret" (constructed by Messrs. John I. Thornycroft and Co., Southampton), with ills. and double page enclosure with plans and fig.; compound articulated 2-8-8-8-2 type locomotive for the Erie railroad (constructed by the Baldwin locomotive works, Philadelphia), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; extensive index; complete with one-page and two-page enclosures; XLVI, 774 pp. Former library copy. [26023]

€ 150,00
Maw, W.H. & Raworth, B. Alfred (ed.).
Maw, W.H. & Raworth, B. Alfred (ed.).
Maw, W.H. & Raworth, B. Alfred (ed.).

Maw, W.H. & Raworth, B. Alfred (ed.).

Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. C.- from July to December, 1915.

London; 1915; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a. : the St. Lawrence wire-rope works, Newcastle-on-Tyne (M.J. Mitchell, Moncrieff, engineers, Newcastle-on-Tyne), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; military rolling-stock on the South African railways, with ills.; locomotive (2-8-2) type fitted with the Austin trailing-truck (constructed by the Lima locomotive corporation, Lima, Ohio), with double page enclosure with ills.; the Highland and Agricultural Society's Trials, i.a. motor-plough and petrol-tractors, with ills.; wharf construction at Balboa, on the Panama Canal, with ills.; tender of goods locomotive for the Hull and Barnsley railway (constructed from the designs of Mr. M. Stirling & by Messrs. Kitson and Co., Leeds), with plans and fig.; extensive index; complete with one-page and two-page enclosures; XX, 684 pp.

Former library copy. Leaves somewhat dampstained, enclosures uncut. Binding a trifle worn.


€ 140,00
Meerman, A..

Meerman, A..

Vlissingen vanuit de lucht.

Vlissingen; 1996; zachte kaft; 30x42 cm.; met zwart wit foto's door KLM Aerocarto; de foto's zijn paginagroot afgebeeld; ongepagineerd.

Uitstekend exemplaar.


€ 14,50
Melchior, Freek.

Melchior, Freek.

Met vol-gas over de oceaan.

Amsterdam; zonder jaar; H. Meulenhoff; gekartonneerd; ill. in zwart wit door P. Stempels; 187 p.

Hoekjes van de band sleets. Rug gerepareerd. Naam en ex-libris op blanco schutblad.


€ 12,00


Door de lucht naar Indië.

Amsterdam; zonder jaar; uitgave Ph. van Amerongen; gekartonneerd; ca. 30x27 cm.; met ill. in kleur; met insteekplaatjes; ongepagineerd (6 p.).

Mist 1 blad en 3 insteekplaatjes. Platten en bladzijden zijn los van elkaar geraakt. Overigens wat lichte gebruikssporen.


€ 25,00

No author. Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. CXXVIII- from July to December 1929. London; 1929; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, tables, etc.; in this volume articles, reviews on, i.a.: the Conowingo development on the Susquehanna River, with ills.; suction dredger for the Argentine government, with ills.; the Hams Hall generating station of the Birmingham corporation (Mr. R.A. Chattock, city electrical engineer), with ills. and plans; cargo-salvage operations, s.s. "Western Knight", with ills.; port improvements at Bremerhaven, with ills. and fig.; streamline funnel s.s. "Bremen", with ill.; exhibits at the international aero exhibition, Olympia, with double page enclosure with ills.; exhibits at the Royal agricultural show, Harrogate, with ills.; H.M. submarine depot ship "Medway", with a view of the ship; extensive index; complete with one page and two page enclosures; XXX, 856 pp. Former library copy. Leaves dampstained at lower parts, some of the double page enclosures stuck together. Cover slightly worn. [26130]

€ 150,00

No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. CXXX- from July to December 1920. London; 1920; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: the Great Lake hydro-electric power station, Tasmania, with double page supplement with plans and fig.; the "Silver Streak" all-metal freight aeroplane, with ills.; aircrafts at the International Aero Exhibition, Olympia, with double page supplement with ills.; Swiss Federal Railways- single phase electric goods locomotive, with plans and fig.; engineering works on the Baghdad Railway, with double page supplement with ills.; the commercial motor vehicle exhibition at Olympia, with ills.; the ex-German battleship "Baden", with double page supplement with ills.; La Normandie Steel Works, with ills.; the works of Messrs. Schneider and Co., at Creusot, with folding supplement with ills.; the works of William Beardmore and Co., at Dalmuir, with double page supplement with ills.; Swindon Works in war time, with ills.; index; XV, 676 pp. Former library copy. Approx. 30 pages with fold at lower corner, some supplements loosely inserted. [26331]

€ 110,00

No author. The Engineer. Weekly issue. Vol. CXLI- from January to June 1926 London; 1926; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles, reviews in this volume i.a.: the "Pterodactyl" tailless aeroplane, with ills.; the lubricating oil depot at Wandsworth of the vacuum oil company, with ills.; steelworks of the Sandvikens Jernverks Aktiebolaget, Sweden, with ills.; the Leipzig Fair, with ills.; the works of the Cork Manufacturing Company at South Chingford, with ills.; the motor liner "Asturias", with ills.; Norfolk and Western Railway- 4,000 H.P. two-unit electric locomotive (the American Locomotive Company, Shenectady and the Westinghouse Electric an Manufacturing Company, Pittsburg, engineers), with double page supplement with plans and fig.; aeronautics in 1925, with ills.; index; XVI, 680 pp. Former library copy. [26373]

€ 120,00

No author. Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. CXXX- from July to December, 1930. London; 1930; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a.: exhibits at the Royal agricultural show at Manchester, with ills.; the equiptment of the Triest-Opicina funicular railway (Messrs. Theodore Bell and Company, engineers, Kriens-Lucerne), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; the Kill van Kull Bridge, New York (Mr. O.H. Ammann, chief engineer of bridges, port of New York authority), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; the Oakland-Alameda estuary tube, San Francisco Bay, with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; 2-6-2-type tank locomotive, London and North Eastern railway (Mr. H.N. Gresley, chief mechanical engineer), with fig.; pneumatic ash-removal wagon (constructed by Messrs. The Allen air appliance company, engineers, New York), with ills.; high-pressure compound locomotive for the Delaware and Hudson railroad, with ills.; erection of the main span hangers of Sydney Harbour Bridge (Dr. J.J.C. Bradfield, chief engineer, New South Wales government), with ills.; the Kiesselbach feed-water storage system, with ills.; subway construction methods, New York, with ills.; Bauer-Wach installation, s.s. "St. Clair", with ills., fig., and plans; the Scott-Paine racing motor boat (constructed by Messrs. the British Power Boat Company, engineers, Southampton), with ills.; extensive index; complete with one page and two page enclosures; XXVII, 822 pp. Former library copy. Leaves dampstained at lower parts, some of the double page enclosures stuck together. Cover a trifle worn. [26134]

€ 150,00

No author. Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. 148. July to December, 1939. London; 1939; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a.: the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, with double page enclosure with ills., plans and fig.; the reconstruction of Aldgate East Station, London, passenger transport board, with double page enclosure with plans, ills. and fig.; the Luton works of Messrs. Commer cars, Ltd., with ills.; the Albert Canal, Belgium, connecting the rivers Scheldt and Meuse, with double page enclosure with ills.; the New Wandsworth Bridge, London (Mr. T. Peirson Frank, chief engineer, London County Council), with double page enclosure with ills.; war-service vehicle manufacture, with ills.; machine shops at Wilton-Fijenoord ship repairing yard, Rotterdam, with ills.; the Tottenham works of Messrs. Keith Blackman, Ltd., with ills.; H.M. cruiser "Belfast" (constructed by Messrs. Harland and Wolff, Ltd., Belfast), with a view of the ship; air-raid shelters, New Southgate works, with ill.; extensive index; complete with one page and two page enclosures; XXIII, 734 pp. Former library copy. Leaves dampstained at lower parts, some of the double page enclosures stuck together. Paper over boards lacking. [26138]

€ 140,00