

Results 313 - 336 of 753
Hobi, Urs, Freuler, Regula, Felder, Sabine, a.o. (ed.).

Hobi, Urs, Freuler, Regula, Felder, Sabine, a.o. (ed.).

Art Suisse du XXe siècle. La Collection de la Nationale Suisse Assurances.

Zürich; 2006; Institut Suisse pour l'étude de l'art; hardcover; 4o; 2nd edition; ills. in colour and b&w; text in French; 468 pp.

Very fine copy.


€ 36,00
Hoet, Jan & Oswald Oberhuber.

Hoet, Jan & Oswald Oberhuber.

Oswald Oberhuber.

Middelburg; 1983; de Vleeshal; zachte kaft, geniet; ill. in zwart wit, de middenpagina in kleur; gedrukt in een oplage van 250 exemplaren; ongepagineerd (16 p.)

Goed exemplaar.


€ 25,00
Hoet, Jan, e.a..

Hoet, Jan, e.a..


Gent; 2005; uitgeverij Toohcsmi; kunststof band; ill.; werk van o.a. Joep van Lieshout, Hannes Vanseveren, Fien Muller, Wim Delvoye, Pieter Vermeersch, Leo Copers, e.a.; 168 p.

Uitgave waarin diverse kunstenaars een recept/ kooktip vergezeld doen gaan van een kunstzinnige bijdrage. Band aan de onderzijde iets gekreukt.


€ 15,00
Hoff, August.
Hoff, August.

Hoff, August.

Thorn Prikker und die neuere Glasmalerei.

Essen; 1925; G.D. Baedecker; halfcloth without dust jacket; 24 pp. + 24 plates in b&w;

Ex libris J.F. Berghoef. Name in ink on endpaper. Newspaperill. of Prikker added.


€ 18,00
Hoffmann, Dieter.
Hoffmann, Dieter.

Hoffmann, Dieter.

Ernst Hassebrauk; Leben und Werk.

Stuttgart/ Zürich; 1981; Belser Verlag; hardbound cloth ; 4o; ills. in colour and b&w; 388 pp.

Good copy.


€ 11,00
Hoffmann, Ida (ed.).

Hoffmann, Ida (ed.).

Le Symbolisme Russe, la Rose Bleue.

Bruxelles; 2005; Europalia/ Fonds Mercator; softcover; 4o; ills. in colour; issued on occasion of exhibitions in Brussels, at the Musée Communal d'Ixelles and Moscow, at the Galerie Nationale Trétiakov, in 2005-2006; French-language edition; 143 pp.


€ 13,00
Hofmaier, James.

Hofmaier, James.

Andy Warhol. Stereo Types; 1950s Diptych Drawings.

München; 2008; Galerie Daniel Blau; softcover, stapled; oblong; ills. on double folded leaves; foreword by James Hofmaier; limited edition of 1,000 copies; not paged.

Very fine copy.


€ 24,00
Hofman, Wim (sam.).

Hofman, Wim (sam.).

De kleine Hofman; Wim Hofman's werk van A-Z.

Vlissingen/ Middelburg; 1991; Openbare Bibliotheek/ Zeeuws Museum; linnen, met opgeplakt en gedecoreerd titel-etiket; de uitgave is verschenen bij de gelijknamige tentoonstelling van illustratief en vrij werk van Wim Hofman in het Zeeuws Museum te Middelburg, t.g.v. zijn 50e verjaardag op 2 februari 1991; ill. in kleur en zwart wit; 160 p.

Keurig exemplaar.


€ 15,00
Hofmann, Werner, Sinowatz, Fred, et al.

Hofmann, Werner, Sinowatz, Fred, et al.

Austria Biennale di Venezia 1980. Valie Export. Dokumentations-Ausstellung des österreichischen Beitrags zur Biennale Venedig 1980.

Wien; 1980; Bundesministerium für Unterricht und Kunst; softcover; ills. mainly in b&w; text in Italian, German & English; 132 pp.

Fine copy.


€ 175,00
Hohl, Reinhold.

Hohl, Reinhold. Collección Beyeler. Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, 24 Mayo-24 Julio 1989. S.l.; 1989; Centro de Arte Reina Sofía/ Ministerio de Cultura; softcover; 4o; ills. in colour; text in Spanish; 229 pp. Very fine copy. [33265]

€ 15,00
Hollander, Paul den.

Hollander, Paul den.

Les Pyramides du Nord.

Breda; 1992; Paul den Hollander; softcover; 32x32 cm.; photography in b&w; text in Dutch, French & English; limited edition of 1,200 paperback and 300 hardbound copies; 100 pp.

Final 5 pages somewhat waterstained. Cover slightly bubbled by dampstaining and a trifle worn (small rubbed spots).


€ 24,00
Holländer, Tove and Kaitavuori, Kaija.

Holländer, Tove and Kaitavuori, Kaija.

Tuula Lehtinen 'The day of the false king'.

Turku; 1994; Turku art museum; softcover with wrappers; ills. in colour and b&w; n.pp.

Catalogue published on the occasion of the exhibition at the Turku art museum, April 16- May 8 1994. I.a. English text. Very fine copy.


€ 25,00

Homage to Salvador Dali. Special issue of the XXe Siècle Review.

New York; 1980; Leon Amiel Publ.; 65 plates in color, 112 reprod. in b&w; hardcover with dustjacket; 160 pp.


€ 20,00
Hoogewerff, G.J.
Hoogewerff, G.J.

Hoogewerff, G.J.

De Noord-Nederlandsche schilderkunst. Vol. I-IV.

's-Gravenhage; 1936-1947; Martinus Nijhoff; num ills. in b&w; cloth, gilt stamped; resp. 587, 584, 554, 651, 321 pp.

Lacks vol. V, the supplement part, with summaries, indexes, register. Rather fine copies, cover vol. I with slight imperfection.


€ 19,00
Hoogewerff, G.J..

Hoogewerff, G.J..

Benozzo Gozzoli.

Paris; 1930; Librairie Félix Alcan; halfleather with marbled boards; raised bands; 8vo; binding by Giulio Giannini (Firenze); plates in b&w; text in French; index; 102 pp.

Private binding, by Giulio Giannini. Fine copy.


€ 50,00
Hooykaas, Madelon & Elsa Stansfield.

Hooykaas, Madelon & Elsa Stansfield.

Video Installation. De Vleeshal 22 juli t/m 11 augustus Middelburg.

Middelburg; 1983; de Vleeshal; softcover, stapled; ca. 20x20 cm.; ills.; limited edition of 175 copies; text in Dutch and English; not paged.

Near fine copy.


€ 30,00
Horny, Henriette (ed.).

Horny, Henriette (ed.).

Daniel Gutierrez; Interfenzen V, Paradigma Geometrie.

Wien; 1992; Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien; softcover; ills. in colour and b&w; publication issued on occasion of an exhibition in Vienna, 1992; text in German & Spanish; 54 pp.


€ 20,00
Hoynck van Papendrecht, A..

Hoynck van Papendrecht, A..

Houtsnijwerk; 56 platen bevattende 145 afbeeldingen.

Rotterdam 1928; Museum van Oudheden der Gemeente Rotterdam; introd. by A. Hoynck van Papendrecht; ill. in b&w; soft paper cover; 8 pp. + plates.

Cover discoloured.


€ 14,00

hugoKé. hugoKé. Made in Belgium. Biennale di Venezia 1980/ Venice Biennial. Brussel; 1980; Arte-Print; cardboard; folder, to be opened, showing a gallery depicting cartoon-style politicians popping out such like Brezjnjev, Khadaffi, Castro, Mugabe, Carter, and others; Belgian participation to the 39th Venice Biennial. hugoKé= Hugo de Kempeneer. [31688]

€ 20,00
Huizinga, J..

Huizinga, J..

Leven en werk van Jan Veth.

Haarlem; 1927; H.D. Tjeenk Willink & Zoon; linnen band met goudopdruk, met stofomslag; 240 p.

Voor- en achterplat met enige vochtschade aan de rand. Stofomslag achterzijde aan bovenzijde iets gescheurd.


€ 40,00
Hulst, Roger D', Baudouin, Frans, Aerts, Willem, a.o..

Hulst, Roger D', Baudouin, Frans, Aerts, Willem, a.o..

L'erection de la croix, Pierre Paul Rubens.

Bruxelles; 1992; Editions de Lassa; cloth with dust jacket; sewn binding; 4o; ills., mainly in colour; text in French; 197 pp.

Dust jacket slightly discoloured.


€ 13,00
Immerzeel, J. junior.
Immerzeel, J. junior.

Immerzeel, J. junior.

De levens en werken der Hollandsche en Vlaamsche kunstschilders, beeldhouwers, graveurs en bouwmeesters, van het begin der vijftiende eeuw tot heden. Eerste deel.

Amsterdam; 1842; J.C. van Kesteren; halfleer met gemarmerde platten; 8vo; 1 deel, van 3; ill. (portretten); 300 p.

Titelblad en frontispice roestvlekkig. Band met wat hele lichte slijtagesporen.


€ 25,00
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen.

Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen.


Stuttgart; 1980; Institut f. Auslandsbeziehungen; ill. in b&w and in colour; paperback ed.; 251 pp.

Catalogue of the exhibition in the Bouwcentrum Rotterdam 22.1.-15.3.1980. Text in English. Separate 2 enclosures, 1 with an explanation of the Bauhaus, 1 with 'Volledige teksten van de Bauhaus-expositie Bouwcentrum, Rotterdam 1980'.


€ 23,00
Ivanovic, Ljub..
Ivanovic, Ljub..

Ivanovic, Ljub..

La Serbie du Sud. Dessins.

S.l.; 1928; softcover; oblong; 35x25 cm.; 40 ills. in b&w; introduction followed by full page illustrations, recto only.

Cover frayed and slightly damaged along extremities.


€ 58,00