Vangroenweghe, Daniel & Geldof, Tillo.
Pondera medicinalia. Apothekersgewichten/ Apothecaries' weights.
Brugge; 1989; Studiecentrum voor Apothekersgewichten; softcover; ills. with the text & section with 156 plates; tables; 163 (Dutch-language section) & 105 pp. (English-language section).
Slightly wrinkled copy.
[28839]Vansteenkiste, Eugeen. Twaalf teekeningen van de twaalf maanden met twaalf beschouwingen door Eugeen Vansteenkiste. Langemark; 1935; drukkerij V.V. Vonksteen; 12 z/w ills. p.form.; 27 z/w ills. tussen de tekst; goudgestempelde slappe kaft; 25,5x51 cm.; 28 p. Omslag vertoont vlekjes en verkleuring, aan de randen slijtage. Roestvlekken op schutblad, titelblad, snede en marge van p. Naam en datum in inkt op schutblad. Ills. en tekst in goede conditie. [18729]
Var. authors. Kalender der Natur. Stuttgart; 1856; Becher's Verlag; softcover; 8vo; contributions by Blasius, Bromme, Grube, Liebich, Neubert, Süskind, a.o.; wood engraved illustrations by J. Schnorr; Gothic script; 186 pp. Uncut copy. Bookblock loose in binding. Waterstain upper left corner cover and spine. Lacks first endpaper. [28329]
Var. authors.
16de Internationale Biënnale voor wooncreativiteit/ 16th International Biennial for creative interior design. Interieur 98.
Kortrijk; 1998; Stichting/ Foundation Interieur; softcover; ills. in colour; text in Dutch, English, German and French; isued on occasion of the 16th Biennial at Kortrijk, 16-25 October 1998; 407 pp.
[28150]Var. authors.
Annalen van den oudheidskundigen kring van het Land van Waas/ Annales du cercle archéologique du Pays de Waas. Deel 4/ Tome 4.
Saint-Nicolas; 1870; cloth; lithographed ills., i.a. a large lithographed plate depicting the monastery of Roosenberghe in Waasmunster in 1639 (68x72 cm.); text in Dutch and French; 437 pp.
Skilfully and nicely renewed binding.
[28976]Var. authors.
Annalen van den oudheidskundigen kring van het Land van Waas/ Annales du cercle archéologique du Pays de Waas. Deel 8/ Tome 8.
Saint-Nicolas; 1880; cloth; 5 illustrations, i.a. a lithographed view of Temse "Gezicht van Temsche en zijn kasteel"; text in Dutch and French; 361 pp.
Skilfully and nicely renewed binding.
[28974]Var. authors.
Annual report for the year 1954 and short papers.
Lund; 1955; Carl Bloms Boktryckeri; softcover; ills., figures, tables, diagrams; contents i.a. Mergansers as salmon and trout predators in the river Indalsälven, salmon stock fluctuations in the Baltic Sea, tagging of salmon smolts in the river Lagan, a.o.; issued by the Institute of Freshwater Research, Drottingholm, report no. 36, Fishery Board of Sweden; 262 pp.
Stamp on frontcover.
[28565]Var. authors.
Der Architekt im Zerreispunkt. Vorträge, Berichte und Diskussionsbeiträge der Sektion Architektur auf dem internationalen Kongress für Ingenieurausbildung (IKIA) in Darmstadt 1947.
Darmstadt; 1948; Eduard Roether Verlag; cardboard: 221 pp.
Cover discoloured abd spotted.
[38408]Var. authors.
Mémoires/ Abhandlungen/ Publications. Neuvième volume/ Neunter Band/ Ninth volume. 1949.
Zürich; 1949; Verlag Leemann; softcover; figures, tables, graphics; scientific and technical contributions by various authors about bridges; X, 494 pp.
Near fine copy. Some enclosures loosely inserted.
[30901]Var. authors.
Metro-Mozaïk.; n.d. (ca. 1946); cardboard; political cartoons in b&w and in colour, many by Marten Toonder; 48 pp.
'Een grillige Mozaïek van bonte brokken, werd dit boek, waarin allerlei bijdragen uit allerlei Metro-nummers van November 1944 tot October 1945 werden verzameld.' Spine somewhat damaged and discoloured. Corners of cover slightly worn.
[13474]Var. authors.
Nueva Geografía Universal. Los Países y las Razas. Orba presentada en forma enteramente nueva, compuesta por eminentes especialistas de Europa y América. Con arreglo á los más recientes trabajos é investigaciones de la ciencia. Edición ilustrada. Tomos I-IV (of 10). Vols. I-IV (of 10).
Barcelona; 1911-1913; Montaner y Simón, Editores; gilt printed halfleather; ca. 22x30 cm.; numerous ills. & plates in b&w and colour; text in Spanish; index; 1,007, 758, 736 & 895 pp.
Vols. I & II with wormholes lower blank margins.
[30495]Var. authors.
Printing in Oxford & Leiden/ Drukwerk in Leiden & Oxford. A joint project between members of the Oxford Guild of Printers in England, and Stichting Drukwerk in de Marge in Holland. Complete set of 17 publications.
Oxford, Leiden; 1990; set of 17 equally sized publications; in cardboard box; includes folding leaf with list of contributors; Alex Barbaix, Amsterdam, "Thibaut, l'Academie de l'Epees"; Claire Bolton, Alembic Press, Oxford, "The first Oxford-Leiden printing link"; Conant Brodribb, Demi-Griffin Press, Oxford, "Theodoric Rood, Oxford's first printer & his first book"; Jacques de Coo, Clipeus Pers, Leiden, "Leiden's first Town Hall Press"; Rob Cox, Veerpers, Amsterdam, "Descartes, discours de la methode"; Michael Daniel, Atlantis Press, Oxford, "Thomas Coombe"; Andrew Dolinski, Carpathian Press, Reading, "Thornton's of Oxford & Leiden"; Kenneth Hardacre, Kit-Cat Press, Moreton-in-Marsh, "The Holy Rood Press"; Piet Jacobs, Priegelpers, Haarlem, "Thomas Devechter, a Leiden Typefounder about 1600; Frans de Jong, Amsterdam, "The signboards of Leiden printers & booksellers"; Jan Keijser, Avalon Pers, Woubrugge, "Brill, Leiden"; Jos Kerkhof, Cobbenhagen Pers, Tilburg & Ex Officiana Gergoviana, Loon op Zand, "Francois Halma to Robert Taylor"; Bert Post, Nieuwkoop, "the Leiden Hofjes"; Andrew Schuller, Word Wynker Press, Oxford, "Christmas at Walton Street"; John Smith, Old Forge Press, Adderbury, "The evolution of the Nuffield Press"; Kees Thomassen, de Uitvreter, Leiden, "Two Leiden University booksellers"; Dick Wessels, Maastricht, "De Illegale Drukkerij van William Brewster in Leiden"; box made by Chris Hicks, Oxford; published in a limited edition of 150, occasionally numbered, copies; each publication ca. 10-15 pp.
Very fine set.
[25616]Veen, O.S. van der.
De Amsterdamsche Jongen of Het Buskruitverraad. Kinder-zangspel in 3 Bedrijven met Naspel.
Harlingen; 1909; A. Land Ezn.; muziek van L. Adr. van Tetterode; ills. in z/w.; half linnen; 15,5x20,5 cm.; 48 p.
Omslag en pagina's vlekkig. Stempel en sticker op omslag. Rug vernieuwd met linnen.