Louro, S. and Helen Major (editors) a.o. Transactions of the 1st International Symposium of Molinology september 1965 Portugal.
Danmark, 1977; Danske Mollers Venner; part 1; soft cover, illustrations and photographs, 280 pp.
Made in association with The International Molinological Society (T.I.M.S.). [15593]Loveling, Virginia & Rosalia & Bizio Gradenigo, Leopoldo.
Versi di Virginia e Rosalia Loveling; tradotti dal Neerlandese.
Venezia; 1912; Ist. Veneto di Arti Grafiche; cardboard; ca. 11x18 cm.; Dutch text with Italian translations opposite, by Leopoldo Bizio Gradenigo; 91 pp.
Signed with dedication by Leopoldo Bizio Gradenigo. Spine renewed. Leaves irregularly cut.
[26736]Lutz, Alfred. Inter-Europäische Zusammenarbeit für bessere Lebensbedingungen. Poster, 55 x 75 cm. Litho ca. 1950. Printed in the Netherlands by Kühn en zoon, Rotterdam. Design by Alfred Lutz. Lutz was a participant at the International Competition to sell the Marshall plan (ca. 1949). [21907]
Lützow, C.F.A. von Meisterwerke, Die, der Kirchenbaukunst; eine Darstellung der Geschichte des christlichen Kirchenbaues durch ihre hauptsächlichen Denkmäler. Leipzig; 1862; V. von E.A. Seemann; ill.; in linnen, goudgestempeld; goud op snee; 423 p. De band enigszins los. Gotische letters. [4367]
Lyst der ondertrouwde, geborene en overledene personen, binnen de stad Middelburg en derzelver ambachten: benevens eene opgave der ziektens, waaraan de overledenen gestorven zyn. Alsmede een lyst der verkochte huizen, erven, hoven, landeryen, schepen en effecten; in het jaar 1819. Waar by gevoegd is: eene verzameling van zedelyke-, geestige-, schertsende-, zinryke-, dicht- en taalkundige mengelschriften.
Middelburg; 1819; vernieuwde band, harde kaft; 8vo; gedrukt bij C. Jongkindt; elk onderdeel is apart gepagineerd, per sectie ongeveer 15 p.
Enkele pagina's met vage vochtvlekken in de marges. Binnenwerk met hier en daar wat stempeltjes.
[21018]Macbrayne, David.
Summer tours in Scotland, Glasgow to the Highlands; "Royal route" (via Crinan and Caledonian Canals). With time tables and list of fares.
Glasgow; 1885; Royal Mail Steamers, "Columba", "Iona", & Co.; gilt printed cloth; 18 lithographs and a folding map; 111 (2) pp. + plates.
Folding map somewhat damaged, mended with tape. Spine discoloured and creased, cover occasionally rubbed. Owner's entry, in ink, on title page.
[22457]Major, K.& M. and M.& J. Watts (editors) a.o. The International Molinological Society (T.I.M.S.), Transactions of the 4th Symposium, England september 1977. London, 1978, The Wind and Watermill Section, The Society of Protection of Ancient Building, soft cover, illustrations and photographs, 419 pp. Typed by Ch. Hudson. [15596]
Malkom Khan
Les Comédies de Malkom Khan: Les mésaventures d'Achraf Khan; Zaman Khan ou le gouverneur modèle; Les tribulations de Châh Qoulî Mîrzâ.
Liège resp. Paris; 1933; Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres resp. Libr. E. Droz; Bibliothèque de la faculté de philosophie et lettres de l'un. de Liège, fasc. LIII; trad. du persan par A. Bricteux; softcover; 129 pp.
Uncut copy. Cover discoloured along extremities.