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Results 1489 - 1512 of 2606
Jones, E.B..

Jones, E.B..

Instrument technology, vol. I-III. !: Measurement of pressure, level, flow and temperature. II: On-line analysis instruments. III: Telemetering and automatic control.

London, Boston, etc.; resp. 1976, 1976, 1977; Newnes-Butterworths; resp. 3rd, 2nd, 1st ed.; fig., tables; cloth, with dust jackets; resp. [VI] and 402, [VI} and 282, [VIII] and 198 pp.


€ 30,00
Jolly, Rudolf.
Jolly, Rudolf.

Jolly, Rudolf.

Atlas zur Mikroskopischen Diagnostik der Gynäkologie nebst einer Anleitung und erläuterndem Text von Priv.-Doz. Dr. Rudolf Jolly.

Berlin/ Wien; 1910; Urban & Schwarzenberg; 52 tipped-in ills. in colour; 2 b&w ills. in text; half cloth; 17,5x25 cm.; 86 pp.

Titlepage shortened. Cover shows traces of wear, rubbed and stained. Tipped-in ills. are complete. Bookblock in good shape.


€ 30,00
Johne, Sven (ed.).

Johne, Sven (ed.).

Leben und Sterben in Ostdeutschland und anderswo/ Life and Death in East Germany and the Rest of the World.

Frankfurt am Main; 2008; Revolver; hardcover; 4o; published to accompany the exhibitions at the Nassauischer Kunstverein Wiesbaden, Dortmunder Kunstverein and the CoalMine Fotogalerie Winterthur; photography in colour and b&w; text in English and German; includes loosely inserted booklet "Magazin; Sven Johne"; 110 pp.

Very fine copy.


€ 85,00
Joanne, P..

Joanne, P..

Belgique. Collection des Guides-Joanne, Guides-Diamant.

Paris; 1883; Librairie Hachette et Cie.; gilt printed cloth; pocket sized copy; with 2 folding maps & 9 folding plans; 44 (advertising), LXIII, 311 pp., followed by 88 pp. with more advertising.

Cover a trifle worn.


€ 16,00
Jespersen, A. (ed.) a.o.

Jespersen, A. (ed.) a.o. Transactions of the 2. International Symposium on Molinology, Danmark may 1969. Danmark, 1971, Danske Mollers Venner, part 2, soft cover, illustrations and photographs, 590 pp. [15594]

€ 17,00
Jelsma, Simon.

Jelsma, Simon.

Liefde in opstand. 32 Gedichten van Simon Jelsma.

Z.pl.; z.j. (ca. 2000); gekartonneerd; de gedichten werden bezorgd en geselecteerd door Robert Adolfs; uitgegeven door vrienden en vriendinnen van Jelsma, naar aanleiding van zijn tachtigste verjaardag; gesigneerd met opdracht door Simon Jelsma; geen pagina-aanduiding.


€ 15,00
Javane, Faith & Bunker, Dusty.

Javane, Faith & Bunker, Dusty.

Numerology and the divine triangle.

Gloucester; 1980; Para Research; softcover; figures; 265 pp.

A trifle worn copy.


€ 12,00
Janus (ed.).

Janus (ed.).

Man Ray.

München; 1973; Praeger; numerous ills. in b&w and in colour; cloth with dustjacket in slip case; 26,5 x 32 cm.; 189 pp.

Good copy. Slip case slightly discoloured.


€ 24,00
Janssens, Gerard.

Janssens, Gerard.

Orientalia Gandensia VI; contribution to the verbal system in old Egyptian; a new approach to the reconstruction of the Hamito-Semitic verbal system.

Leuven; z.j. (ca. 1980); uitgeverij Peeters; zachte kaft; 55 p.

Goed exemplaar.


€ 30,00
Janse Bz., L..
Janse Bz., L..
Janse Bz., L..
Janse Bz., L..

Janse Bz., L..

Tafelen, bevattende 946 afstanden van 44 der voornaamste sterren, verbeterd voor aberratie, eigen beweging en refractie, ten gebruike bij het onderzoek naar de fouten van spiegel-instrumenten/ Korte beschouwing der spiegel-instrumenten en der methoden om hunne fouten te vinden. Twee titels in één band.

Amsterdam; 1867; Wed. G. Hulst van Keulen; halflinnen met gemarmerde platten; 8vo; tafels; (7) 195 en 56 p.

Band en schutbladen vernieuwd.


€ 85,00
James, T.G.H.

James, T.G.H. Hieroglyphic texts from Egyptian Stelae etc., part 9.

London; 1970; The Trustees of the British Museum; with numerous b&w plates; half cloth; VI, 71 pp. & plates.


€ 43,00
Jäger, Gustav [ed.].

Jäger, Gustav [ed.].

Handwörterbuch der Zoologie, Anthropologie und Ethnologie. Mit Holzschnitten. Erster Band:


Breslau; 1880; Verlag von Eduard Trewendt; Encyklopaedie der Naturwissenschaften, I. Abtheilung, III. Theil; original halfcloth; 17x25 cm; VI, 564 pp.

Former library copy with some stamps. Partly ruststained.


€ 75,00
Jacobsen, Walter, Inghelbrecht, Leon, Beauprez, Georges, e.a. (red.).

Jacobsen, Walter, Inghelbrecht, Leon, Beauprez, Georges, e.a. (red.).

50 Jaar beroepsvereniging van zee- en kustloodsen 1945-1995.

Oostende; 1995; Vlaamse zee- en kustloodsen; zachte kaft; ill. in zwart wit; 161 p.

Met o.a. een lijst van bestuursleden en loodsenlijst. Tevens een losse, uitslaande genealogische kaart (p. 75-76) waarop te zien is hoe de Belgische loodsenfamilies "versmolten" met elkaar.


€ 34,00
Jacks, Heinrich.

Jacks, Heinrich.

Zerstörter Feindwärts; Kriegsfahrten zwischen Eismeer und Biscaya.

Berlin; 1944; Verlag E.S. Mittler & Sohn; cardboard without dust jacket; 98 ills. and 6 map sketches; 198 pp.

Spine discoloured. Slight damage at head of spine. Name in ink on inside cover.


€ 40,00
J.P.S. (J.P. Schabaalje (1592 1656).
J.P.S. (J.P. Schabaalje (1592 1656).
J.P.S. (J.P. Schabaalje (1592 1656).

J.P.S. (J.P. Schabaalje (1592-1656).

Lusthof des gemoeds, inhoudende verscheide, geestelyke oeffeningen met noch drie collatien der wandelende ziele met Adam, Noach en Sym. Cleophas.

N. pl.; 1768; Abram Cornelis; vellum; various woodengravings; (11) 589 pp.

Some pages with slight tears/ chips. Copied title page, edges and pages discoloured, cover shows slight signs of use. Ex libris stamped at first endpaper.


€ 40,00

Invasie-geheimen ontsluierd; met Eisenhower achter de schermen.

N.pl.; n.d. (ca. 1946); "Vrijbuiter" uitgave; softcover, stapled; ills. in b&w; translated from the English and adapted by C.A.J. van Gorp; 31 pp.

Backcover slightly stained.


€ 14,00

International textile competition '87 Kyoto.

Kyoto; 1987; International Textile Fair '87; softcover; ills. in colour; text in English and Japanese; unpaginated.

Fine copy.


€ 40,00
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen.

Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen.


Stuttgart; 1980; Institut f. Auslandsbeziehungen; ill. in b&w and in colour; paperback ed.; 251 pp.

Catalogue of the exhibition in the Bouwcentrum Rotterdam 22.1.-15.3.1980. Text in English. Separate 2 enclosures, 1 with an explanation of the Bauhaus, 1 with 'Volledige teksten van de Bauhaus-expositie Bouwcentrum, Rotterdam 1980'.


€ 23,00

In een blauw geruite kiel....O.K.W.-mededelingen; weekblad van het Departement van Onderwijs, Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 21e jrg., nr. 12, 24 maart 1957. 's-Gravenhage; 1957; Staatsdrukkerij- en Uitgeverijbedrijf; 2e dr.; ill. Speciaal nr. t.g.v. de 350ste geboortedag van De Ruyter. [5725]

€ 15,00

Illustrirte Zeitung/ der Rhein.

Leipzig; 1908; softcover; with mounted plate in colour on frontcover; ills. in colour and b&w; 30x41 cm.; n.pp.

Illustrirte Zeitung no.3880, special issue on the river Rhine, its history and surroundings. Cover worn along extremities, frontcover slightly rubbed and small stain. Leaves with slight dogears.


€ 65,00

IJsselmonde. Ysselmonde. Staalgravure 1858. Herkomst: 'Het Koningrijk der Nederlanden' door J.L. Terwen. Afmeting ca. 19x12,5 cm. Geleverd in passe-partout. [21156]

€ 40,00


Headlines; IGS supertypes collection, I, II. + Bodytypes; IGS Bodytypes collection, I-III.

Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Eindhoven; c. 1988; Studio (foto)zetterij lithografie IGS; loose-leaf catalogues in 2, resp. 3 document files, together in 2 slipcases; bodytypes: reso.139, 1734 pp., consecutive numbering.


€ 80,00
Icks, Robert J..

Icks, Robert J..

Modern US armored support vehicles; tracked carriers, amphibians & self propelled artillery

Windsor; 1971; Profile Publications; cardboard; ills. and scale models, mainly in b&w; illustrations by T. Brittain, T. Hadler and D. Johnson; 52 pp.

Fine copy.


€ 18,00


Gdansk; n.d.; Reklama; numerous ills. in b&w and in colour; softcover; 20x28 cm.; unpaginated.

Cover slightly discoloured. Incl. enclosure.


€ 25,00