

Results 73 - 96 of 165

Harpe, J.F. de la. Abrégé de l'histoire Générale des voyages. Nouvelle édition, revue, corrigé et augmentée d'un extrait des voyages les plus récens par M. le Baron de Roujoux. Autour du monde. Vol. 1-3-4-6-7-8-9. Lyon M.P.; Rusand / Paris; Poussielgue-Rusand; 1832-1835. 7 Volumes; orig. half calf; gilt printed spine with marbled boards. [33422]

€ 200,00
Harpe, J.F. de la.
Harpe, J.F. de la.
Harpe, J.F. de la.

Harpe, J.F. de la. Abrégé de l'histoire Générale des voyages. Nouvelle édition, revue, corrigé et augmentée d'un extrait des voyages les plus récens par M. le Baron de Roujoux. Voyages en Asie. Tome I, III, IV, VI, VII,VIII et IX. Lyon / Paris; Rusand / Poussielgue-Rusand; 1832 / 1835. 7 Volumes; orig. half calf; gilt printed spine with marbled boards; 430, 428, 495, 426, 457 pp. [33608]

€ 240,00
Harpe, J.F. de la.
Harpe, J.F. de la.

Harpe, J.F. de la. Abrégé de l'histoire Générale des voyages. Nouvelle édition, revue, corrigé et augmentée d'un extrait des voyages les plus récens par M. le Baron de Roujoux. Voyages en Afrique Tome IV et V. Lyon / Paris; Rusand; 1830. 2 Volumes; orig. half calf; gilt printed spine with marbled boards. [33605]

€ 80,00
Harper, Ch.G..

Harper, Ch.G..

Motor runs round London. North of the Thames. A series of half-day, whole-day and week-end trips.

Cheltenham, London; c. 1920; Ed.J. Burrow & Co.; Burrow's 'R.A.C.'guides; softcover; ca. 12x18,5 cm.; folding map, ills., advertisements; XXX, 132 pp., followed by advertising.

A trifle finger-soiled copy. Frontcover slightly loosening.


€ 20,00
Harper, Ch.G..

Harper, Ch.G..

Motor runs round London; II: South of the Thames.

Cheltenham, London; c. 1920; Ed.J. Burrow & Co.; Burrow's 'R.A.C.'guides; folding map, ill., advertisements; XXI, 264 pp.

Back cover slightly grimy. Spine slightly damaged.


€ 14,00
Havard, Henry.

Havard, Henry. La Hollande a vol d'oiseau. Eaux-fortes et fusains par Maxime Lalanne. Paris; 1882; G. Decaux & A. Quantin; red half morocco; marbled boards and endpapers; raised bands; gilt top edge; ca. 22x31 cm.; 2nd edition; ills. with the text and engravings (heliographic) by Maxime Lalanne; II, 400 pp. In fine condition. [28284]

€ 150,00
Heetjans, W..

Heetjans, W..

Gids voor Epe op de Veluwe. Met prentversiering.

Epe; s.a. (ca. 1930); uitgave van N.V. Stoomdrukkerij v/h A. Hooiberg en Scholten's Boekhandel; zachte kaft; ill.; 80 p.

Band vernieuwd. Titelblad ontbreekt. Bladzijden hier en daar enigszins roestvlekkig in blanco marges.


€ 24,00
Henry, Oscar.

Henry, Oscar.

Le Guide du Touriste en Belgique 1925.

Bruxelles; 1925; Éditions Générales; softcover, plasticized; 13x18 cm.; ills. by Emile Lecomte; folding map of Belgium loosely inserted; index; 206 pp.

Cover with protective transparent wrapper. Bookblock a trifle loosened.


€ 20,00

Huguier, Françoise.

En route pour Behring

Paris; 1993; Maeght; softcover with flaps; ills. in colour; 151 pp.; notes of a voyage in Siberia;


€ 18,00


Genève, Paris, Munich; 1967; Les Éditions Nagel; Les guides Nagel; ed. by M.P. Wagret; maps (3 folding maps in colour), plans, 2 folding plans in colour; cloth, gilt stamped; 432 pp.

A few notes in ink. 1 plan torn.


€ 20,00
Ireland, Samuel.
Ireland, Samuel.
Ireland, Samuel.
Ireland, Samuel.
Ireland, Samuel.

Ireland, Samuel.

A Picturesque Tour through Holland, Brabant, and part of France, made in the autumn of 1789.

London; 1796; T. & I Eggerton. Two volumes. "The second edition, with additions; and an entire new set of copperplates in aqua-tinta from drawings made on the spot." Both title pages with aquatint vignettes; Vol I : 29 aquatint plates (The Netherlands); Vol.II: 16 aquatint plates and 2 etchings (Belgium, France and one plate of Dover.) Very attractive calf bindings with gilt ornaments on both sides of the boards; spines with raised bands and two gilt printed shields.

Five plates are a bit waterstained on one corner, only 2 touching a very small part of the plates.


€ 700,00
Keller, Gerard.
Keller, Gerard.

Keller, Gerard.

Amerika in beeld in geschrift; Canada.

Amsterdam; c. 1875; Uitgevers-Mij. Elsevier; 122 woodengravings acc. to original drawings; cloth, red, blind-, black- and gilt stamped; 192 pp.

First pp. slightly foxing.


€ 24,00
Keller, Gerard.
Keller, Gerard.

Keller, Gerard.

Zwitserland, naar schetsen van Woldemar Kaden.

Leiden; n.d. (ca. 1900); A.W. Sijthoff; gilt printed cloth; numerous wood engravings; 24x31 cm.; 389 (5) pp.

Vague waterstain throughout approx. half of the pages, mainly in margins and edges, and for that reason some leaves are slightly stuck to each other. Pages occasionally foxed and name, in pen, on first endpaper. Backcover with some stains and chafed spot, spine ends mended.


€ 14,00
Kieviet, C. Joh..

Kieviet, C. Joh..

Een vacantiereis langs den Rijn. In den dierentuin.

Utgave Keg's Theehandel ca. 1925 / Uitgave N.V. G. Hille & Zoon; 1925. Compleet met alle plaatjes.

Beide albums compleet en in goede staat.


€ 20,00
Koot, Ton & Piet Klaasse.
Koot, Ton & Piet Klaasse.

Koot, Ton & Piet Klaasse.

Met Tent en Rugzak! Het avontuurlijke verhaal van een troepje jongens, dat uit kamperen gaat.

Zonder plaats; zonder jaar; uitgave van de Coöperatieve Groothandelsvereniging De Handelskamer "HAKA" G.A. in samenwerking met de Koninklijke Nederlandsche Toeristenbond A.N.W.B.; halflinnen; oblong; 26x22 cm.; compleet met alle ingeplakte plaatjes in kleur; ill. door Piet Klaasse; 61 p.

Iets los in de band. Hoekjes van de band sleets. Naam op blanco schutblad. Overigens wat lichte gebruikssporen.


€ 12,00
Kosack, Hans Peter.

Kosack, Hans-Peter.

Die Antarktis. Eine Länderkunde. Mit 22 Karten, 24 Textfiguren, 16 Bildtafeln und einer Übersichtskarte 1:11500 000.

Heidelberg; 1955; Keysersche Verlagsbuchhandlung; Geographische Handbücher; with (loose, folded) maps, figures and b&w photos; gilt lettered cloth with dustjacket; 16x24 cm; 310 pp.

Personal documents added: photos of author with family and a letter. Edge dustjacket slightly damaged.


€ 25,00
Kutzer, Ernst & Lina Tervooren.
Kutzer, Ernst & Lina Tervooren.

Kutzer, Ernst & Lina Tervooren.

Wimpjes Wereldreizen naar China. Grappige Kinderboekjes van Ernst Kutzer.

Amsterdam; zonder jaar (1924); Scheltens & Giltay; gekartonneerd; oblong; 15x12 cm.; leporello; versjes door Lina Tervooren; ill. in kleur; ongepagineerd.

Wat hele lichte gebruikssporen.


€ 55,00
Kuyper, J..
Kuyper, J..

Kuyper, J..

Kaart van Noord-Brabant. Ontworpen en geteekend door J. Kuyper. Met alphabetisch register.

Zwolle; 1911; W.E.J. Tjeenk Willink; uitvouwbare kaart, 53x 42 cm.; in omslag; schaal: 1: 250.000 naar "Nederlandsche mijlen".

Titeletiketje met roestvlekjes.


€ 80,00
L'hermite, Jaques.
L'hermite, Jaques.
L'hermite, Jaques.
L'hermite, Jaques.

L'hermite, Jaques.

J van de Voyagie om den gantschen Aert-kloot, gedaen met elf schepen onder 't beleydt van den Admirael Jaques 'LHeremite, ende vice-admirael Gheen Huygen Schapenham, inde jaren 1623, 1624, 1625 en 1626. Noch is hier by gevoegt een beschrijvinge vande regeeringe van Peru, door Pedro de Madriga gekozen tot Lima. Als mede een verhael van Pedro Fernandez de Quir, aengaende de ontdeckinge van 't onbekent Australia, sijn grooten rijckdom ende vruchtbaerheyt.

Amstelredam; 1648; Joost Hartgertsz. Later leather binding; title page with woodcut with two ships; (2), 76 pp. Jaques l'Heremite traveled around the world with his fleet of 11 ships and 1600 men on board, with Peru as his detination. The goal was to conquer a Spanish treasure fleet, Peru, including the rich silver mines of Potosi (now Bolivia) and Portoviejo in ecuador. L'Hermite had to settle for a group of seven uninhabited islands, Hermite Islands, named after him.

A very rare edition. A rather poor copy with spots in the margins of most of the pages. One plate missing.


€ 500,00
Le Maire, H..
Le Maire, H..
Le Maire, H..

Le Maire, H..

Schoonheden, uit de voornaamste reistogten verzameld. Met twaalf koper-platen.

Amsterdam; 1842; Nayler & Co. Tweede druk. Met 12 kopergravures. Karton met gemarmerde platten; 250 p.

Over reizen Naar / in Afrika, Azië en Amerika.


€ 160,00
Liebig, Bernhard.
Liebig, Bernhard.
Liebig, Bernhard.

Liebig, Bernhard. Der Rhein von Mainz bis Köln. Original-Radierungen von Bernard Liebig. Frankfurt am Main; ca. 1900; Verlag M. Jacobs; softcover; bound with string; 18 original etchings by Bernhard Liebig; printed on handmade paper with protective, tissued sheets. Fine copy. [34098]

€ 125,00
Lugli, G..

Lugli, G..

In Italien auf den Römischen Konsularstrassen. Die Via Appia und di Terra di Lavoro (Routen N. 7 und 7bis: Km. 692.8). Die Via Casilina (Route N. 6: Km. 192.4). Im Automobil von Rom nach Brindisi.

S.l.; s.a.; Enit; softcover; oblong; 22x 12 cm.; roadmap; ills. in colour with captions in German; to be unfold like a leporello.

Fine copy.


€ 40,00
Macbrayne, David.
Macbrayne, David.

Macbrayne, David.

Summer tours in Scotland, Glasgow to the Highlands; "Royal route" (via Crinan and Caledonian Canals). With time tables and list of fares.

Glasgow; 1885; Royal Mail Steamers, "Columba", "Iona", & Co.; gilt printed cloth; 18 lithographs and a folding map; 111 (2) pp. + plates.

Folding map somewhat damaged, mended with tape. Spine discoloured and creased, cover occasionally rubbed. Owner's entry, in ink, on title page.


€ 45,00
Marmier, Xavier
Marmier, Xavier

Marmier, Xavier

Reis in Zwitserland. Pt. I, II. ( Translation of: Voyage en Suisse )

Utrecht; 1864; C. van der Post Jr.; naar het Fransch door S.J. van den Bergh; 26 steelengravings, handcoloured and in b&w, by the Rouargue brothers; half cloth; 528 pp, consecutive numbering.

Last three plates stained. Other engravings of very good quality. Spines renewed.


€ 115,00