Die Judenpogrome in Russland, II. 'Einzeldarstellungen'.
Köln und Leipzig; 1910; Jüdischer Verlag; softcover; VII, 536 pp.
Rare! Upper left corner backcover chipped, frontcover with a few smaller chips. Spine rather damaged. Corners of leaves occasionally folded/ dogeared. Stamp and numbering in ink on frontcover and first endpaper.
Die Judenpogrome in Russland, II. 'Einzeldarstellungen'.
Köln und Leipzig; 1910; Jüdischer Verlag; softcover; VII, 536 pp.
Rare! Upper left corner backcover chipped, frontcover with a few smaller chips. Spine rather damaged. Corners of leaves occasionally folded/ dogeared. Stamp and numbering in ink on frontcover and first endpaper.