Tien-jaarige Scheeps-Togten en Heldhaftige Krygs-Bedryven te Water en te Land, door Nuno Da Cunha, als Gouverneur gedaan na en in Oost-Indien; in 't Jaar 1528 en vervolgens.
Vol. I.
Pieter Van Der Aa; Leyden; 1706. (4), 421, (19) pp. Illustrated title page, 3 folding maps and 6 folding plates (of which one substantial damaged). Contemporary vellum. First Dutch edition. History of the Portuguese and their expanding colonial empire. First published in Portugal in 1552.
There are more and different engravings than indicated in the list of plates; there are only mentioned 7 plates, no maps).
Tien-jaarige Scheeps-Togten en Heldhaftige Krygs-Bedryven te Water en te Land, door Nuno Da Cunha, als Gouverneur gedaan na en in Oost-Indien; in 't Jaar 1528 en vervolgens.
Vol. I.
Pieter Van Der Aa; Leyden; 1706. (4), 421, (19) pp. Illustrated title page, 3 folding maps and 6 folding plates (of which one substantial damaged). Contemporary vellum. First Dutch edition. History of the Portuguese and their expanding colonial empire. First published in Portugal in 1552.
There are more and different engravings than indicated in the list of plates; there are only mentioned 7 plates, no maps).