Neef Paul.
Kinderversjes en gedichtjes voor de lieve jeugd.. Uit het zakboekje van Neef Paul.
Amsterdam; zonder jaar (ca. 1870); G. Theod. Bom; linnen band met goudopdruk; 14x19 cm.; met 8 kleurenlitho's; 126 p.
Neef Paul is het pseudoniem van P.A. Allebrand. Band/ rug gerestaureerd. Goudopdruk wat verbleekt.
[37662]Nieuwen-Amstel, Marian van den.
Speel je ook mee?
Hoorn; 1946; uitgevers-maatschappij "West-Friesland"; halflinnen; platen in kleur; ongepagineerd.
De band met wat lichte gebruikssporen en wat roestvlekjes. Bladzijden met een enkel roestvlekje in de blanco marge. Hoekjes van de band sleets.
[36474]Nijhoff, Wouter, A.B. van Holkema, S.L. van Looy, et al (red.).
Catalogus der Nationale Tentoonstelling van het Boek. Algemeene afdeeling. In het Gemeente-Museum te Amsterdam, juni-augustus 1910.
Amsterdam; 1910; Gemeente-Museum/ Roeloffzen, Hübner & van Santen; gebonden in linnen band; met fraaie ill. en advertenties van de deelnemers en adverteerders; uitgave ter gelegenheid van het internationale uitgevers congres, 7de zitting; catalogus der inzendingen; gedrukt op handgeschept papier; 168 p.
Rug verkleurd. Bladzijde 85/86 gescheurd.
[37698]Nister, Ernest, Beatrix Potter & Walt Disney.
Special Days/ Samuel Whiskers. Beatrix Potter little hide-and-seek books. With sliding pictures/ Jemma Puddle-Duck. Beatrix Potter little hide-and-seek books. With sliding pictures/ The Wind in the Willows. The River Bank. A pop-up book/ Aladdin. Pop-up book. 5 pop-up books.
Set of 5 hardcover pop-up books; illustrated.
Fine copies.
[38392]No author.
Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. CXXVII- from January to June, 1929.
London; 1929; Office for Publication and Advertisements; halfcloth with marbled boards; 4o; with a wide range of articles and reviews; relating industrial developments and overlooking innovative projects, machinery, engines, tools, etc.; numerous ills., fig., plates, plans, diagrams, wood engravings; articles/ reviews in this volume i.a.: the building research station, Watford, with ills.; Kitson-Meyer locomotive for the Cundinamarca railway, Colombia (constructed by Messrs. Kitson and Company, engineers, Leeds), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; dry dock no. 3 at the Philadelphia navy yard, with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; works of Messrs. Glenfield and Kennedy, Limited, Kilmarnock, with ills.; the P. and O. turbo-electric liner "Viceroy of India" (constructed by Messrs. Alexander Stephen and Sons, engineers, Linthouse), with ills.; the Carl Zeiss optical works, Jena, with ills.; two-seater all-metal aeroplane (constructed by Messrs. Vickers, engineers, Weybridge), with ills.; reconstruction of the Wearmouth Bridge, Sunderland (Messrs. Mott, Hay and Anderson, consulting engineers, Westminster), with double page enclosure with plans and fig.; factory building for Messrs. Michelin tyre company, Stoke-on-Trent, with ills. and fig.; 4-6-0 passenger locomotive for the Great Western Railway (constructed to the designs of Mr. C.B. Collett, chief mechanical engineer), with fig.; extensive index; complete with one page and two page enclosures; XXIV, 838 pp.
Former library copy. Leaves dampstained at lower parts, double page enclosures occasionally stuck together a little at the lower side or Cover a trifle worn.
[26133]No author.
Hotel Excelsior Berlin 1919-1941.
Berlin; 1941; Hausdruckerei des Hotel Excelsior; softcover, stapled; oblong; ca. 17x12 cm.; ills. in colour; not paginated.
Pictorial views with accompanying text, i.a. rooms, lounge, dispatch, kitchen, bakery, bar, etc. Staples ruststained, cover slightly discoloured along extremities.
[30560]No author.
Plakboek (Scrapbook).
The Netherlands. Compiled between ca. 1850 and 1875. 70 Leaves mounted on both sides. Cut out lithographed or woodengraved views, handicrafts, animals, flowers, playing children, tools, skating, horse riding, Robinson Crusoë, Michiel de Ruyter, etc, etc. 4 Views handmade. Many prints hand coloured. Contemporary gilt printed cloth (Plakboek). Spine renewed.
Very attractive scrapbook, carefully compiled. 139 Surprising pages!
[23319]No author.
Rotterdam (10 fotogravures).
Rotterdam; 1906; de erven de wed. J. van Nelle; aangeboden t.g.v. het honderdjarig bestaan van de erven de wed. J. van Nelle; 10 losse fotogravures in linnen mapje; afbeeldingen van o.a. het Willemsplein, Leuvehaven, Molen Coolvest, de Maasbrug; afmeting van de foto's ca. 13,5x8,5 cm. op kaarten van ca. 25x17 cm.
Mapje iets versleten, belettering op voorzijde enigszins afgelbadderd. Achterkant mapje met 2 kleine vlekken.
[24345]No author.
Zomer- en herfstbloemen.
Alphen a.d. Rijn; z.j. (ca. 1978); N. Samsom; harde, linnen, kaft; geplastificeerd; leporello; chromolithografische platen, met daarop telkens 4 afb.
Ex-bibliotheek, met etiketje aan de rug. Eén plaat gerepareerd met transparant tape, overigens wat kleine imperfecties.
[25080]No Kabayaki, Nagi & Horodisch, Igor.
Erorial. Expressionistische poems and paintings.
S.l.; s.a.; softcover; 16x23 cm.; original painted illustrations and handwritten poems; no. 4 of 10 numbered copies.
Erorial: Poetry publication of the Kallenberg Kollektief. Poems are written down in a non-existing language. First pages loose.
[34570]Nourse Lattimore, Deborah.
I wonder what's under there? A brief history of underwear. A lift-the-flap book.
San Diego/ New York/ London; 1998; Browndeer Press/ Harcourt Brace & Company; hardcover; ills. in colour; paper engineering by David A. Carter; pop-up book; not paged.
Very fine copy.
[37882]Nylandt, Petrus.
De Nederlandtse herbarius, of kruydt-boeck, beschrijvende de geslachten / gedaente / plaetse / tijt / oeffening / aert / krachten / en medecinael gebruyck van alderhande boomen / heesteren /boom-gewassen / kruyden / en planten / die in de Nederlanden in 't wilde gevonden / en in de hoven onderhouden worden. Alsmede de uytlandtsen, of vreemde Droogens, die gemeelijck in de apothekers winckels gebruyckt worden. Etc.
Amsterdam; 1680; Michiel de groot, Boeckverkooper tusschen de twee Haerlemmer-sluysen. Second edition. Contemp. full vellum; 152 woodcuts of botanical illustrations; 820, (44) pp.
Frontispiece lacking; titlepage weak; otherwise in good condition. Rare!
[33711]O'Leary, John & Mark Burgess.
Een kat op reis/ De Mirakelse Machines van Professor Mol. Een fantastisch pop-up-boek over hoe dingen ècht werken! 2 stuks.
Amsterdam/ Zonder plaats; 2004/ s.a.; uitgeverij Sjaloom/ Kluitman; 2 hardcover boeken; ill. in kleur; met pop-ups en trek-labels; ongepagineerd.
Zeer goede staat.
[38164]Old England; English songs of long ago. Utrecht; z.j. (1917); W. de Haan; met muzikale bewerking door Alex de Jong; ill. van Rie Cramer. Fraai ex. [1613]
Olivotto, Jacopo.
Collection album with 50 leaves filled with 400 postcards, mainly from Italian cities between 1900 and 1935. However, the most interesting part of this album is the binding. This one is very fine executed in mediaeval style by Jacopo Olivotto, an Italian artist (1873-1955). The full vellum binding with leather ties has been decorated with gold heightened floral ornaments and title with nice capital and letters in mediaeval style. The binding has been signed by "I. Olivotto Firenze".
Most postcards are from italian cities like Firenze, Rome, Venice, Naples, Taormina, Palermo, some from Spain like Malaga and Granada and some others.