Ewiges Volk. Schriftenreihe des Verbandes deutscher Sippenforscher in den Niederlanden. Vols. II, III, IV.
Soest-Holland; n.d. 1941-1943; Zonneveld / Wolfgang Ispert; ills. in b&w. and some in colour; softcover, boards illustrated; 21,5x27,5 cm.; vol. II entirely dedicated to Gustav Wilhelm von Imhoff; 42, 24, 24 pp.
Covers of volume II & III foxed. Vol. II with small imperfections.
Ewiges Volk. Schriftenreihe des Verbandes deutscher Sippenforscher in den Niederlanden. Vols. II, III, IV.
Soest-Holland; n.d. 1941-1943; Zonneveld / Wolfgang Ispert; ills. in b&w. and some in colour; softcover, boards illustrated; 21,5x27,5 cm.; vol. II entirely dedicated to Gustav Wilhelm von Imhoff; 42, 24, 24 pp.
Covers of volume II & III foxed. Vol. II with small imperfections.