Arthur Schopenhauer's sämmtliche Werke. Band I-VI.
Leipzig; no year (ca. 1890); Druck und Verlag Philipp Reclam jun.; gilt printed, hardbound cloth; ca. 10x14 cm.; 677, 762, 655, 554, 696 & 450 pp.
Complete set in fine condition. Bookplates mounted to pastedown.
Arthur Schopenhauer's sämmtliche Werke. Band I-VI.
Leipzig; no year (ca. 1890); Druck und Verlag Philipp Reclam jun.; gilt printed, hardbound cloth; ca. 10x14 cm.; 677, 762, 655, 554, 696 & 450 pp.
Complete set in fine condition. Bookplates mounted to pastedown.