Missale Romanum ex decreto sacrosancti concilii Tridentini restitutum. Concilii Tridentini Restitutum, S. Pii V. jussu editum, Clementis VIII. Et Urbani Papae Octavi Auctoritate Recognitum etc..
Antverpiae;1765; Ex Architypographia Plantiniana. Folio 37 x 24 cm. Title with copperengraving; printed in red and black; (68), 624, CXXVIII, (4), 8, (24) pp. and 45 pp additions from the 19th century. With 8 full page copper engraved plates and numerous woodcut ornamental initials. Binding; contemporary full red morocco, both sides with gilt printed floral ornaments; spine with raised bands and gilt ornaments.; edges gilt, marbled endpapers. Bindind with 4 nice copper corner pieces with floral ornaments and two decorated copper clasps. Front and back side have both religious representations in copper.
Book / binding in very good condition.
Missale Romanum ex decreto sacrosancti concilii Tridentini restitutum. Concilii Tridentini Restitutum, S. Pii V. jussu editum, Clementis VIII. Et Urbani Papae Octavi Auctoritate Recognitum etc..
Antverpiae;1765; Ex Architypographia Plantiniana. Folio 37 x 24 cm. Title with copperengraving; printed in red and black; (68), 624, CXXVIII, (4), 8, (24) pp. and 45 pp additions from the 19th century. With 8 full page copper engraved plates and numerous woodcut ornamental initials. Binding; contemporary full red morocco, both sides with gilt printed floral ornaments; spine with raised bands and gilt ornaments.; edges gilt, marbled endpapers. Bindind with 4 nice copper corner pieces with floral ornaments and two decorated copper clasps. Front and back side have both religious representations in copper.
Book / binding in very good condition.